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Ren. Doc 2 Petrarch A,B,C.

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1 Ren. Doc 2 Petrarch A,B,C

2 How relate Humanism to religion?
A. Francisco Petrarch (excerpts from Petrarch’s letter to friend and fellow humanist, Boccaccio) How relate Humanism to religion? The smart people we want to copy, devoted lives to pursuit of knowledge Their (religious icons) secular learning was NOT a bad thing Uneducated people can be pious, yes of course Secular learning does not hinder one path to religious knowledge Ignorance of knowledge is creating laziness The goal of people (I assume to get to heaven) is the same but the means are important (glorious) Raise me an uneducated holy saint/person, I will better it with an educated more holy person—Boom.

3 Humanism advantages? Facilitate life, diminishes death, excites virtue Study will enliven a healthy mind/intellect People that we admire did this Uneducated will only partially achieve goals

4 B. Petrarch, An excerpt from a “A letter to posterity
Why the letter? Believes he will be important that he should be someone the future/you studies You may not know me (but you probably will, AND you will want to know about me). Trying to make sure you do know him—fame important— Individuality!!!

5 Very confident/conceited Wants you to know:
Personality? Very confident/conceited Wants you to know: He is a humanist scholar, more lit than poetry Antiquity—where it is at Humanism “own age “repelled him” Historical consciousness!!! Wants to live in the past History great as he looks at many sides of an argument and arrives at own judgement, individuality, or accepts the wisdom of the past great writers, Humanism

6 C. Petrarch, Excerpt: Laura Love Sonnets
Humanism Focusing on now— Secularism Focus on love— Materialism Using education to create something new— humanism/individuality This in not about Laura– “I, me, my” 6 times; you/your 2 times

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