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Presentation on theme: "Writer/Thinker/Maker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writer/Thinker/Maker
English 131 Textbook

2 Organization Part 1 (Chapters 1-4): Outcome 1
Defines rhetoric and rhetorical situations Offers variety of tools for analyzing rhetorical situation Resources for understanding and adapting writing for different audiences Supports genre awareness and provides tools for genre analysis Part 2 (Chapters 5-9): Outcome 2 Focuses on reading and research skills that help students generate their own writing Offers strategies for reading and conducting rhetorical analyses Tools for reading and composing multimodal texts Strategies for finding, evaluating, and documenting sources Offers tools for putting ideas and sources in conversation with each other and then joining the conversation

3 Organization, cont. Part 3 (Chapters 10-14): Outcome 3
Introduces skills in argumentation, making claims, conducting research, and supporting inquiries Covers different forms of argument Strategies for formulating, developing, and supporting lines of inquiry and argument Creating complex claims Resources for analyzing arguments Part 4 (Chapters 15-16): Outcome 4 Suggests flexible strategies for planning, drafting, revising writing at various stages of production Offers suggestions for style and grammar

4 Organization, cont. Part 5 (Ch. 17): The Portfolio
Provides rationale behind EWP portfolio Offers guidelines and resources for creating the portfolio Part 6 (Ch. 18): The Reader Includes materials carefully selected for a range of audience, genre, audience, context, and type of argument

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