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Unit 3: Civil War 10.26.17.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3: Civil War 10.26.17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3: Civil War

2 The South You have 20 minutes to finish up the South packet
Anything you don’t finish in that time is homework – Due MONDAY We are moving on at 1:20

3 Please take out a highlighter

4 12 Years A Slave First published in 1854 Memoir by Solomon Northup
Free black man from New York 1841: Invited to play his fiddle in DC Drugged, kidnapped, sold as a slave & shipped to New Orleans 1853 a Canadian helped get word to NY, Governor steps in & Northup is freed Slave trader acquitted

5 12 Years A Slave Published 1854, 1 year after Northup was freed
Came out after Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin Northup’s story used by abolitionist groups as part of the fight against slavery

6 Book Club 12 Years A Slave book club Purpose of a book club:
6 selections You read 1 & be prepared to share In small groups, everyone will share their reading & then discuss the book as a whole Purpose of a book club: Promote discussion and analysis of a book Promote active, rather than passive, reading To enjoy reading

7 Directions Read your selection
Highlight pieces you want to share with others Key question: What does Northup’s story tell us about slavery?

8 Unit 3: Civil War

9 Please find a seat as close to your normal seat as possible.
Happy Friday! Please find a seat as close to your normal seat as possible.

10 Directions Select a discussion moderator for the group

11 Directions Start with Selection 1:
What happened in your selection? What did you think about this selection? Why do you think I chose this for you to read? What does this piece tell us about slavery? Then whole group discusses the question for section 1. Repeat for the selections 2-6.

12 Directions After all selections have been shared, discuss the essential question as a group.

13 Discussion Why describe the brutalities of slavery in such detail?
We know how blacks were affected by slavery, were whites also affected? “It’s not the fault of the slaveholder that he is cruel…” What does Solomon Northup’s story tell us about the institution of slavery? In other words, what can we learn from his experience? All

14 Reminder The North & The South packets are due on Monday (if you haven’t turned them in already).

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