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Revitalizing DPA.

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Presentation on theme: "Revitalizing DPA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revitalizing DPA

2 “5 Extra Years” “5 Extra Years”
2 Videos as suggestions - please choose one to show “5 Extra Years” What would you do with five extra years? Video links the impacts of kids being physically active to life longevity (1:45 min) “Run, Jump, Learn! How Exercise can Transform our Schools: John J. Ratey, MD at TEDxManhattenBeach “5 Extra Years”

3 Video - (11 min)
Dr Ratey digs deeper into physical literacy and the connections to mental, physical, social, well-being “The most exciting thing in neuroscience today is the effect of exercise on the brain”. He also comments on his to research done in Northern Ontario and the impacts of 20 min of vigorous activity to improvement in math outcomes and behaviour. -Conversation with Dr. John Ratey, 2010- “Run, Jump, Learn! How Exercise can Transform our Schools: John J. Ratey, MD at TEDxManhattenBeach”

4 Revitalization Messaging
Minimum of 20 minutes daily of DPA is mandated (PPM 138) and is an HPE curriculum expectation (A 2.1) DPA can occur in a single allotment of time, or broken into smaller chunks as “Brain Breaks” All activities must be accessible and ensure all students can participate, including students with special education needs It is the responsibility of the Administrator and other education professionals to ensure that students receive at least 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity

5 Why DPA? The Why DPA is important - we have included quite a few slides/images following, you may wish to pick and choose a few to discuss, or print off and have a four corners activity - which one speaks to each staff member and why…. Source: Natural News (2016), the world’s top news source on natural health

6 Source: Dr. D. Kreilaars, LTAD 2014.
Bone Density Inactive Bone density largely developed before puberty. Here we see what happens to bone when we do not move. What are the implications as these students get older? Active Source: Dr. D. Kreilaars, LTAD 2014.

7 Top 10 Causes of Premature Death
The top 10 causes of premature death are largely preventable through proper exercise and diet Source: Stats Canada

8 What can 150 minutes of Moderate to Vigorous
Physical Activity do for your health? Reduces the incidence of diabetes by 25% Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 33% Reduces the incidence of high blood pressure by 33% Can reduce the risk of developing of Alzheimer’s disease by 40% Can decrease depression as effectively as Prozac or behavioral therapy Reduces the risk of premature death by 31% Can extend your life by 4 years Can extend independent living by 10 years Bring the audience’s attention to the specific health benefits of physical activity on some of society’s most common chronic disease conditions.

9 After Prolonged Sitting
After a 20 minute walk After Prolonged Sitting What happens to our brain when we sit and when we move - this slide links to next slide/image - what this increase in brain activity actually generates in the brain.

10 Serotonin is released improving mood & mental health
Endorphines: Euphoric sensation, dulls pain, reduces anxiety & depression Serotonin is released improving mood & mental health Norepinephrine: Improves attention, perception & Motivation BDNF: Repairs, protects & helps new neurons growth Blood flow & capillary density increase Our Brains love it when we move, it’s reactions and outputs Hippocampus responsible for memory & learning grows Dopamine: Improving motivation, focus & learning

11 A DPA Example

12 Warm-Up Work through usually the warm-up is 3-5 minutes Warm-up
Quick game to demonstrate ”resetting attention” but also how we can “gamify” a squat to help develop confidence and competence

13 Let’s Play Select an activity from the following two slides and try it. Or play both! 10-15 minutes of activity Source: KFL&A Public Health

14 Source: KFL&A Public Health

15 Cool-Down 3-5 minutes for a cool down Source: KFL&A Public Health

16 How can we revitalize DPA in our classrooms?
The How How can we revitalize DPA in our classrooms? Make a commitment to provide all students with 20 minutes of DPA on a daily basis. Use DPA as “Body Breaks”. Can be broken into smaller chunks and intermingled into instructional time. Use available resources (OPHEA DPA, #DPAEveryDay, OPHEA First Nations Inspired DPA, KFL&A DPA Cards) Try new activities, take risks, experiment. Ask for, and use, student input. Once students are familiar with an activity, this activity can be called on again later.

17 What is your Commitment?
What’s your next step moving forward with DPA? Discuss your commitment and/or plan with an elbow partner. Discuss with your teaching team, division or individually and come up with an action plan on ensuring your students are receiving 20 minutes of DPA each day. Think about when would be the best time to incorporate this during your instructional day.

18 Resources Ophea:
Ophea First Nations Inspired DPA ( Twitter: #DPAeveryday - Lots of ideas! KFL&A DPA Cards KFL&A DPA Cards are attached to

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