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Aim: Was President Thomas Jefferson correct to have made the Louisiana Purchase? Do Now: Make a prediction about the video we are going to watch based.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Was President Thomas Jefferson correct to have made the Louisiana Purchase? Do Now: Make a prediction about the video we are going to watch based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Was President Thomas Jefferson correct to have made the Louisiana Purchase?
Do Now: Make a prediction about the video we are going to watch based on its title: “The historical audacity of the Louisiana Purchase.” Audacity means bold, brave, gutsy. (An audacious person is someone who is bold or daring.)

2 In pairs, answer the following questions:
What does the word implied mean? What, then, is meant by the phrase “implied powers’’ of the Constitution? Why was it ironic that Jefferson took this bold, powerful act? Write one question you still have about the Louisiana Purchase after seeing the video.

3 In 1790, Thomas Jefferson opposed the creation of the National Bank because
It was not expressly authorized by the Constitution It failed to benefit his home state of Virginia Treasury Secretary Hamilton refused to put Washington’s face on the $1 bill It symbolized small government

4 When Thomas Jefferson was elected president in 1800, he pledged to
Purchase the Louisiana Territory Enlarge the size of the National Bank Reduce the size and scope of the federal government Fight Napoleon for the Louisiana Territory

5 The Louisiana Territory was initially transferred by ______________ to _______________.
France – Spain Spain – France France – Italy Italy - Spain

6 Thomas Jefferson ultimately justified the Louisiana Purchase as being implied in the Constitution’s
Judicial power General welfare clause Commerce clause Treaty-making power

7 The approximate price per acre for the Louisiana Territory was ______________.
1 cent 3 cents 5 cents 7 cents

8 How did it become a part of the US?
Who owned territory west of the Miss. River?


10 The Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Violated Jefferson’s belief in limited gov’t. Bought from France for $15 million. It doubled the size of the U.S. Gave U.S. control of New Orleans. U.S. gained control of Mississippi River. Important for transportation and trade. Led to Manifest Destiny. The idea that God wanted the U.S. to take over all the territory in North America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.


12 Questions for Reflection
Do you believe the Louisiana Purchase was a positive development for the US? Why or Why not? “Strict Constructionist” Was Jefferson correct in making the Louisiana purchase?

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