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Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

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1 Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

2 The Beginning March 4, 1801 Thomas Jefferson is the first President inaugurated in the new capital city of Washington D.C.

3 Review Hamilton vs. Jefferson

4 Thomas Jefferson My thesis: Thomas Jefferson adopted Federalist attitudes upon entering the presidency because they were more practical. “Out federalized the Federalists.” Yep!

5 How did he “Out federalize the Federalists?”
Barbary Wars w/out congressional approval Louisiana purchase Lewis & Clark Embargo Act of 1807

6 Madison & Monroe

7 James Madison 1809-1817 Bank issues Didn't like bank
Didn’t renew Bank’s charter Money problems during war

8 James Madison 1809-1817 Bank issues War of 1812 British Impressments
US attacks Canada See video…


10 Death of Federalist party
Embargo act…very unpopular in North War of 1812 ended legal trade w/ England Madison didn’t trust a few New England states to run their military, so he planned to run them. States refused; Madison refused to pay them. These states felt abandoned by government. Hartford Convention Federalists met to discuss secession After War of 1812 ended, Hartford Convention looked at with disfavor.

11 War of 1812 War of 1812 Brits defeat France, turn attention to US
British Impressments US attacks Canada Brits defeat France, turn attention to US Attack East Coast, then Washington – burns it Baltimore New Orleans

12 James Monroe 1817-1825 Florida (1819) Missouri Compromise (1820)
Monroe Doctrine (1823) Internal improvements

13 Era of Good Feelings? Era of Good Feelings (Monroe’s Presidency)
His Cabinet John C Calhoun as Secretary of War John Q. Adams as Secretary of State Tried to get Henry Clay too! Appointed many (ex)federalists to offices

14 Market revolution… (1815-1900)
Movement toward industry, specialization of labor & production, with capitalism as basis. Building of factories Eli Whitney’s interchangeable parts Farming more efficient John Deere’s steel plow View video (8 min or so)

15 Question: Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the “Era of Good Feelings”. Evaluate the accuracy of this label, considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.

16 And Now…. Jackson!

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