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Cell structure and function

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1 Cell structure and function

2 Cell Organelles Organelles: small structures within cells that carry out various functions STRUCTURE DETERMINES FUNCTION Surface Area – greater surface area provides for more productivity FOLDS!!!

3 Organelles Nucleus: houses genetic material
Nuclear Membrane/Envelope: surrounds and protects genetic material Nuclear Pores: holes in the nuclear membrane Nucleolus: dense region; ribosomal subunits Chromatin: genetic material Ribosomes: make proteins using genetic information from the nucleus, 2 subunits

4 Organelles Endoplasmic Reticulum: folded membrane system surrounding nucleus; stores and transmits lipids and proteins throughout cell

5 Organelles Golgi Apparatus: modifies, prepares proteins and lipids to send out of cell

6 Organelles Mitochondria: site of cellular respiration; converts food energy (glucose) into cell energy (ATP) Very FOLDED inner-membrane: cristae!

7 Organelles Chloroplast: site of photosynthesis; converts light energy into glucose PLANTS!

8 Organelles Lysosomes: break down organic molecules and digest worn-out cell parts

9 Organelles Vacuole: Storage for water, organic molecules, salts, etc.
**Large in plants!

10 Cell Parts Cilia and Flagella:
Cilia: Short, numerous, hair-like projections from the plasma membrane of the cell. Often beat synchronously to produce motion. Flagella: Long projections that move in a whip-like motion to produce movement. The major method of locomotion in unicellular organisms. Found mainly in bacteria and Protists Sperm cells! Cytoskeleton: A network of proteins that help cell maintain shape. Microtubules: Thin, hollow cylinders of protein. Microfilaments: Thin, solid protein fibers.

11 Structures for Locomotion

12 Structures for Locomotion

13 Cytoplasm Fluid-filled space surrounding organelles

14 Surrounding the Cell Plasma Membrane/Cell Membrane:
phospholipid bilayer Fluid mosaic model membrane that surrounds ALL cells Regulates what enters and leaves; Semipermeable! Permeable to lipids, nonpolar and smaller substances Maintains solution concentrations! Contains Transport Proteins Embedded in membrane; help certain substances move into or out of cell

15 The Plasma Membrane Structure

16 Surrounding the Cell Cell Wall: made of cellulose, helps maintain structure PLANTS, Fungi, Prokaryotes, Algae

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