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Agenda: 9/6-7 Review/Notes of Maps Create a Map of your country

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1 Agenda: 9/6-7 Review/Notes of Maps Create a Map of your country
Introduce 5 Themes of Geography Research Project

2 Types of Maps: BrainPop video

3 Maps Review Compass Rose
A compass rose is a model of a compass. It tells the cardinal directions, which are north, south, east, and west. Scale The scale on a map tells you the relative distance on the map to the real world. For example, a map’s scale may tell you that one inch on the map equals one mile in the real world.

4 Maps Review continued Key
The key, or legend, on a map explains what the symbols on a map represent, such as triangles representing trees. Grids Some maps use a grid of parallels and meridians. On a map of a small area, letters and numbers are often used to help you find your location.

5 Construct a Map of your Country

6 Physical Map

7 Map Directions Students create a physical map for your country that you have been researching. What is a physical map? Students name their country and write it in BLACK at the top of your map. Students must include and label at least five different land forms on their map. What are landforms? Valleys, Rivers, Oceans, Mountains, Lakes, etc

8 Map Directions continued
Students must incorporate a compass rose on their map (use a straight edge, e.i. ruler, book,etc). Students need to include at least five major cities (including a capital designated by a star) in their country. The cities will be designated by a large black dot and they ALL cities MUST be labeled. Students must neatly color their maps. Students MUST include a scale AND a key/legend

9 5 Themes of Geography Research Project DUE: Tues/Wed 9/13-14

10 Project Directions Create a Google Presentation that analyzes the 5 Themes of Geography in your country you have been researching For each theme of geography include at LEAST two slides For EACH theme of geography include: A title (What theme you are covering) 4-5 bullet point description of how your nation is impacted by each theme (use your research notes) YOU MAY NEED TO DO MORE RESEARCH! Labeled visuals that support your examples in text. Pictures should be large enough to see easily

11 Project Directions continued
After you finish your slides for each theme, research one major news event (occurring in the last month) in your chosen country Analyze it through the lens of the 5 Themes of Geography and create a slide on the major news event Include: Location Place (describe) Region Movement Human-Environment Interaction Use the websites I listed on your sheet Once you are finished with ALL your slides and visuals SHARE it with Ms. Kiesel via Google Docs

12 5 Themes of Geography Research Project DUE: Tues/Wed 9/13-14

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