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The Floodplain Management Challenge

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1 The Floodplain Management Challenge
September 5, 2013

2 Agenda Introductory and “Big Picture” Remarks - Bob and Larry
Quick Overview of Changes to National Flood Insurance Program and Timeline for Rollout – David W. Update on League of Cities, Florida Association of Counties, and other local government actions and activities - Carl Adoption of a New Floodplain Management Ordinance - Liz Discuss the need for a County Floodplain Administrator with responsibility for the County’s Floodplain Management Program - Rahim Background and Discussion on Municipal Collaboration Expectations and Opportunities – What is the County’s Role? - Gordon Public Communication Needs - Larry and Tim Establishing a Floodplain Management Work Group to Create a Comprehensive (immediate and longer term) Roadmap for Moving Forward - Larry and Rahim

3 Introduction The National Flood Insurance Program changes:
Responds to an unsustainable financial situation An unsustainable level of risk associated with development in areas that are likely to become increasingly vulnerable PCG must respond to public expectations and needs. We must: Re-assess policies and regulations Look at how we manage floodplains and areas of coastal risk through: The full-spectrum of sustainability Building in resiliency for the future Figuring out how to protect economic viability, including the tax base. The approach must be broad and diverse; likely will touch almost every department; and will be complex and resource intensive. This meeting is about how PCG will move forward to address this highly complex challenge.

4 Background: Key Challenges
The Big Picture is one of floodplain management within the context of sustainability. Must view floodplains and floodplain resources as: Part of a larger connected system – influenced by conditions around them Integral parts of the natural system The natural flood storage system of Pinellas County The traditional approach to floodplain management focused on: Development, fill, elevation, etc. Compliance with NFIP regulations Participation in the federal flood insurance program Minimizing flood claims and risk But a changing climate and conditions are impacting floodplains Traditional assumptions must change Experiencing more extreme weather Changing sea levels bring gradual increases in the number, duration and cost of flood risk Need shift to an ethic of stewardship instead of regulatory compliance based on insurance risk.

5 PCG Impacts PCG Flood Plain Management responses will impact insurance ratings and eligibility for mitigation and adaptation grants Land use decisions in floodplains must consider future risk, the cost to protect and mitigate Watershed Planning and Surface Water Initiative will be impacted Capital Improvement Projects must incorporate mitigation and adaptation strategies Technical Information about flood plains and elevations must be precise and reliable Economic Development efforts are impacted

6 Agenda Introductory and “Big Picture” Remarks - Bob and Larry
Quick Overview of Changes to National Flood Insurance Program and Timeline for Rollout – David W. Update on League of Cities, Florida Association of Counties, and other local government actions and activities - Carl Adoption of a New Floodplain Management Ordinance - Liz Discuss the need for a County Floodplain Administrator with responsibility for the County’s Floodplain Management Program - Rahim Background and Discussion on Municipal Collaboration Expectations and Opportunities – What is the County’s Role? - Gordon Public Communication Needs - Larry and Tim Establishing a Floodplain Management Work Group to Create a Comprehensive (immediate and longer term) Roadmap for Moving Forward - Larry and Rahim

Executive Sponsors: Larry Arrington and David Scott Team Leads: Gordon Beardslee (Planning) and Rahim Harji (DEI) Team Members Planning (Liz Freeman and David Walker); Building (James McKillen and Heather Doherty); Economic Development (Mike Meidel or designee); County Extension (Mary Campbell); DEI (David Talhouk, Paul Berlage & Utilities rep.); County Attorney’s Office (David Sadowsky)

8 Work Group Assignments
Immediate Actions to be addressed include:   Complete Ordinance, request FEMA approval and bring forward for Board Action Develop a Floodplain Program outline with a “road map” Assess functional relationships and roles towards recommending assignment of Floodplain Administrator role to a specific position/division/department Assess existing floodplain management and compliance gaps and make “fast action” recommendations to ensure compliance with the minimum requirements of the NFIP. Documentation Data management

9 Work Group Assignments
Immediate Actions (Continued): Identify appropriate method and responsibility for managing the identification and assessment of mitigation and adaptation strategies Identify the impacts that the Biggert Waters Act will have on our residents and develop a plan to assist in reducing these impacts. Review current FEMA maps and draft revisions to the maps and identify County properties that will be impacted by the Biggert Waters Act. Determine immediate need to contest map changes. Identify resource needs and develop a scope of work for consultant assistance as needed

10 Work Group Assignments—Longer Term
Longer Term actions include: Develop a proactive Floodplain Management Program with milestones for accomplishments. Proactively be involved in any map modifications from FEMA and other state and local agencies and proactively update the maps to reflect local conditions on a proactive basis. Incorporate removal of properties out of designated floodplains as part of the CIP process. Proactively improve on our CRS in an effort to increase the discount our residents get on their flood insurance rates. Identify conflicts that may arise with other County objectives and ensure consistency with the Quality Pinellas Community Plan. Ensure that we have a plan for addressing climate change and sea level rise with a focus on properties within current and future floodplains.

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