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Challenges in Long Range Shooting

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1 Challenges in Long Range Shooting
December 27, 2018 Challenges in Long Range Shooting Study of 338 Lapua Magnum 19,4 g OTM Scenar

2 Things that can have effect in shooting
December 27, 2018 Things that can have effect in shooting How the weapon is operating Optics mount repeatability Cartridge function Whole system operation, different positions Sighting failures (cross centered, gun sighted, tilt angle) Human failures (pull of trigger, heart beat, breathing) Sighting failures related to temperature ( heat waves distorting vision, air layers) Failures in estimating the circumstances (distance, angle, weather) Target speed vs bullet flight time How the bullet is following theoretic curve (twist, presession, nutation) External ballistics (wind, air pressure, temp, humidity) -> What is the realistic shooting distance? Overstabilized Not stabilized

3 Cartridge properties Cartridge function Variation in Vo: 5 – 15 m/s
December 27, 2018 Cartridge properties Cartridge function Variation in Vo: 5 – 15 m/s Powder temperature sensitivity: 0,5 – 1,0 m/s per centigrade, non linear Cartridge temperature (time in the hot gun, storaging) Extraction force variation Bullet form variation (tip) Loading length variation Focus of the study 338 Lapua Magnum 19,4 g Scenar OTM, Vo = 830 m/s Target distances: m, m, m Target is torso, app. 40 x 50 cm Demands from customers: 1,0 km normal demand; 1,5 km sometimes; 2,0 km dream

4 Estimating Distance and Wind
December 27, 2018 Estimating Distance and Wind Estimating Distance Target 1020 m, Estimated 1000 m, hitting point -31 cm Target 1520 m, Estimated 1500 m, hitting point -72 cm Target 2020 m, Estimated 2000 m, hitting point -1,42 m Estimating Wind 1 000 m: wind 1 m/s drift 39 cm 1 500 m: wind 1 m/s drift 1,0 m 2 000 m: wind 1 m/s drift 2,0 m 1 000 m: wind 5 m/s drift 1,9 m 1 500 m: wind 5 m/s drift 5,1 m 2 000 m: wind 5 m/s drift 10,0 m wind has a different speed and direction of the downrange wind has usually different speed and direction depending on the height Highest point of flying curve is 3,1 m in m shooting Highest point of flying curve is 9,8 m m shooting Highest point of flying curve is 25,0 m m shooting

5 Flight time and weather circumstances
December 27, 2018 Flight time and weather circumstances Flight time (pedestrian moving 1,6 m/s, car moving 60 km/h) Target 1000 m, Flight time 1,6 s, Pedestrian moving 2,6 m, Car 27 m during Flight time Target 1500 m, Flight time 2,8 s, Pedestrian moving 4,5 m, Car 47 m during Flight time Target 2000 m, Flight time 4,4 s, Pedestrian moving 7,0 m, Car 73 m during Flight time -> Even slow moving target is very challenging in longer distances Weather circumstances Pressure, > 1040 mbar hitting point 43,5 cm, 970 -> 1050 mbar 1,7 m Temperature, 0 -> 30 C (1000 mbar) +1, m 1 degree tilt angle to the side, takes hitting point 52 cm m and 1, m Cold shot vs. next shots – change in hitting point Coriolis- effect, Salla in Finland the hitting point to east is 15 cm higher than west in 1500 m distance.

6 December 27, 2018 Variation in Vo 10 m/s slover bullet hits m / m / -1, m Powder dV/dT e.g; Powder A Powder B

7 Record and its repeatability
December 27, 2018 Record and its repeatability Graig Harrison, sniper-record from the news (AI 338 Lapua Magnum, B408) Target 2475 m, Flight time 6,7 s, hitting speed 227 m/s, 418 J (rimfire 0 m = 150 J) Distance estimation 5 m failure -> hitting point 70 cm over/under 0,1 m/s sidewind, hitting point 39 cm side 3 m/s Vo change -> hitting point 1,2 m over/under How was the scope adjustment made? Sniper scope, 1 click is 1,0 cm / 100 m (0,1 mrad): 300 m -> 1,0 km = 80 clicks 300 m -> 1,5 km = 175 clicks 300 m -> 2,0 km = 320 clicks 300 m -> 2,475 km = 645 clicks (600 m -> 2,475 km = 615 clicks) Often, the first shot is the only shot Group diameter Estimating the circumstances Summing the failures Empiric estimation of success Decision to pull the trigger

8 How to improve the hitting propability
December 27, 2018 How to improve the hitting propability Flat trajectory Increase bullet speed Good ballistics (open tip match, boat tail -> without compromising accuracy) Estimaton failures effects will get smaller Optimize the weapon and cartridge hitting group, use only high quality components and accessories . Good knowledge of bullet aerodynamics and ballistics. Radar data usage as mathematic modeling. Minimizing failures is estimations Distance and weather devices Ballistic calculator with radar data Minimizinz human failures training, training, etc.

9 Quick Target Unlimited Lapua (PC) and Lapua Ballistics (Mobile phone) softwares => New version coming 2016

10 .338 Lapua Magnum Sniper Products
December 27, 2018 .338 Lapua Magnum Sniper Products

11 Family of Lapua .338 AP-I AP Solid 16,2 g FMJBT (LockBase)
16,2 g HPBT (Scenar) 19,4 g HPBT (Scenar) 16,1 g Armour Piercing (AP, Tungsten carbide core) 16,4 g Armour Piercing Incendiary (AP-I, Tungsten carbide core) 19,4 g Armour Piercing (AP, Tungsten carbide core) 15,0 g Solid (Naturalis) AP-I AP Solid

12 B408, 250gr Lock Base Ball B408 Penetration Performance:
Military Flak-jacket at 1000 m Military kevlar helmet at 1000 m Over 8 mm soft steel at 100 m

13 B557, 300gr Lock Base Supersonic up to 1500 m Over 1000J at 1500 m
Outperforms 250gr bullet after 800m in velocity

14 AP485 16.1 g AP Bullet Matched Trajectory to B408 Ball round
The AP485 produced by proven match-grade bullet manufacturing technology AP485 – world’s most accurate AP round AP485 Penetration Performance: 20 mm Armour Steel (HB400/HRC 43) 100 m 13 mm Armour Steel (HB400/HRC 43) 550 m CRISAT Target 1200 m Some APC 300 m

15 AP529 19.4 g AP Bullet Matched Trajectory to GB528 HPBT round
The AP529 produced by match-grade bullet manufacturing technology AP529 Penetration Performance: 22 mm Armour Steel (HB500/HRC51) 100 m 12 mm Armour Steel (HB500/HRC51) 600 m

16 API512 16.4 g API Bullet Matched Trajectory to B408 Ball round
Designed for spotting Used also against structures where penetration and incendiary performance needed API512 penetrates 10 mm Armour Steel (HB400/HRC43) 500 m IM Qualification Status

17 GB488 16.2 g SCENAR HPBT bullet Law Enforcement and Target Shooting
Some armies use (Special Forces)

18 GB528 19.4 g SCENAR HPBT bullet Gives extend range beyond 1500 m
Will deliver over 1MJ beyond 1700 m

19 Thank you for your attention
Juhani Mäkynen mob

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