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S1 Science Biological Sciences

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1 S1 Science Biological Sciences
Microscopes S1 Science Biological Sciences

2 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Know the main features of a microscope. You can label a diagram of a microscope to show the: eyepiece lens stage mirror focus knobs You can describe the function of each part. Understand how to prepare a slide of non-living material which can be viewed under the microscope. Describe how to prepare a slide of non-living material. Be able to use a microscope safely. Set up a microscope so that it can be used to view a sample clearly. Adjust the magnification of a microscope so that a sample becomes bigger and can be viewed clearly.


4 Students label the above, using the photo on the previous slide.

5 Part Function Eyepiece lens Stage Mirror Focus knobs
Where you put the slide and hold it in place. Stage Reflects light upwards to help view the slide. Mirror Allow you to adjust the microscope to see a clear image. Focus knobs Where you look through and magnifies the image. Redraw the table, showing the correct function with the correct part.

6 1 Mount the object on a slide 2 Place the slide beneath the stage clips 3 Place the low power OBJECTIVE LENS in position 4 Open the diaphragm for maximum light 5 Adjust the position of the mirror until you can clearly see light through the eye piece 6 Focus by moving the low power objective lens away from the slide until the object is clear 7 Close the diaphragm down a little if too much light is coming through the specimen 8 Adjust the specimen so that it is in the centre of your field of view

7 Storyboard Preparing a slide and viewing under a microscope. 1 2 3 4

8 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Know the main features of a microscope. You can label a diagram of a microscope to show the: eyepiece lens stage mirror focus knobs You can describe the function of each part. Understand how to prepare a slide of non-living material which can be viewed under the microscope. Describe how to prepare a slide of non-living material. Be able to use a microscope safely. Set up a microscope so that it can be used to view a sample clearly. Adjust the magnification of a microscope so that a sample becomes bigger and can be viewed clearly.

9 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand how to prepare a slide of living material which can be viewed under the microscope. Describe how to prepare a slide of living material. Explain the need for use of a stain.

10 Storyboard Preparing a slide and viewing under a microscope. 1 2 3 4

11 Learning outcomes Success criteria
Understand how to prepare a slide of living material which can be viewed under the microscope. Describe how to prepare a slide of living material. Explain the need for use of a stain.

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