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BIOLOGY Unit 9- Frog Notes

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1 BIOLOGY Unit 9- Frog Notes



4 Ears / Eustachian Tubes
Appearance: Thin membrane circles Function: Transfer sound waves from ear drum to ear canal for hearing. Location: Sides of head by eyes.

5 Vomerine Teeth Appearance: Small swollen bumps
Function: Help hold prey in mouth. Location: Roof of mouth by nose.

6 Maxillary Teeth Appearance: Sharper bumps
Function: Break apart food and capture prey. Location: Roof of mouth.

7 Heart Appearance: Hard, red-brown nugget Function: Circulate blood.
Location: Center of chest in between lungs, above liver.

8 Lungs Appearance: Brown-ish flaps
Function: Bring in oxygen gas, and release carbon dioxide gas. Location: Sides of heart within chest.

9 Stomach Appearance: Flesh-colored sack or tube
Function: Metabolize food. Location: Left side of frog (your right side), under liver.

10 Intestines Appearance: Flesh-colored tube
Function: Absorb food nutrients + excrete waste Location: Abdomen, connected to stomach.

11 Liver Appearance: Gray-ish colored lobes (large)
Function: Break down misfunctioning blood cells, metabolize toxins and fats. Location: Center of chest, under heart and lungs.

12 Cloaca Appearance: Hole
Function: Multipurpose Hole  Sperm/Eggs, Urine and Fecal Matter all come out of here. Location: In between legs.

13 (Do NOT have to identify)
Male Parts (Do NOT have to identify) Sperm Testes Cloaca

14 (Do NOT have to identify)
Female Parts (Do NOT have to identify) Eggs Ovaries Cloaca

15 Fat Bodies Appearance: Yellow-ish squiggly noodles
Function: Additional energy storage + body heat. Location: Sides of body (internal).


17 ---Dissection Notes---
Identify external structures. Carefully open mouth and identify types of teeth + tongue. Lay frog on back. Carefully cut into chest and abdomen: - Make a vertical incision from throat down to crotch. - Make 2 horizontal incisions (one below throat, and one above crotch). 5. Open + Identify organs.

18 External (Ventral):

19 External (Dorsal):

20 External (Lateral):

21 Mouth:

22 Mouth (Teeth):

23 Mouth (Teeth):

24 Eustachian Tubes:

25 Nostrils:

26 Through the Skin:

27 Through the Muscle:

28 More Internal:

29 Heart:

30 Liver & Gall Bladder:

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