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A High-Throughput Path Metric for Multi-Hop Wireless Routing

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1 A High-Throughput Path Metric for Multi-Hop Wireless Routing
Douglas Couto, Daniel Aguayo, John Bicket, Robert Morris MIT MOBICOM 03

2 Problem Min hop-count metric does not choose highest-throughput path available Assumes links either work or don’t work Maximize the loss ratio of each hop Arbitrarily chooses among same length paths Lossy links hidden by link-layer retransmission Thresholds to discard lossy links may disconnect network Question – Is there a “better” metric ?

3 Understanding min-hop metric Testbed
29 PCs with b radios (fixed transmit power) in ‘ad hoc’ mode 2nd floor 3rd floor 5th floor 4th floor 6th floor

4 Understanding min-hop metric Comparison against max-thruput path
better Single hop max thruput – 450 pkt/sec

5 Min-hop Isn’t The Best Throughput of Available Routes Between A Pair of Nodes (23 & 36) Shortest route isn’t the best Routes of the same # of hops provide very different throughput

6 Understanding min-hop metric Link delivery ratios at different powers
Forward direction Reverse direction Links with intermediate delivery ratio

7 Understanding min-hop metric Asymmetric links
At 1mW power, 28 out of 124 links have | delivery_fwd – delivery_rev | > 25% DATA + link-layer ACKs require both directions to work well Inter-hop interference Throughput = 1 Throughput = 1/2 Throughput = 1/3 Throughput > 1/4

8 ETX metric Design goals
Find high-throughput paths Account for lossy links Account for asymmetric links Account for inter-link interference Independent of network load (don’t incorporate congestion)

9 ETX metric Definition ETX – predicted # of data tx required to successfully send a packet over link/path ETX (link) = 1 / df x dr ETX (path) = ∑ ETX(link) ETX (link) measured by broadcasting periodic probe packets Reverse-delivery ratio piggybacked in forward probe packets

10 Alternate metrics (related papers) Goal – Working with lossy channel/links
Cut-off threshold Disconnected network Bottleneck link (highest-loss-ratio link) Losses accumulate Product of link delivery ratio along path Does not account for inter-hop interference End-to-end delay Depends on interface queue lengths

11 Alternate metrics (related papers) Goal - Load-balancing/congestion avoidance
Packet delay # of paths thru node (& its neighbors) # of packets in interface queue of node (& its neighbors)

12 ETX Evaluation Comparison with min-hop + best-route (DSDV)
better DSDV hop-count Best static route found experimentally DSDV ETX

13 ETX Evaluation Comparison with min-hop (higher power)
DSDV hop-count DSDV ETX

14 ETX Evaluation Comparison with min-hop+ best-route (DSR)
DSR hop-count Best static route found experimentally DSR ETX

15 ETX caveats “Broadcast” has lower priority Probe size ≠ Data/Ack size
Under-estimates data loss ratios, over-estimates ACK loss ratios For >= 4 hops, may choose a slower path with fewer hops ETX assumes all links run at one bit-rate Link-layer feedback already does a good job for DSR (& DSDV ?)

16 Conclusion / Thoughts Proposed new metric to accommodate lossy/asymmetric links Detailed experiments on real testbed Favors shorter paths! Inter-hop interference accounting problematic Congestion / Link loss separation ?

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