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Bellwork: September 7, 2017 Review:

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1 Bellwork: September 7, 2017 Review:
The Roman Emperor Constantine decided to move the capital of the empire from Rome to a new place. Where? He changed the name of that place. What did he re-name the city? Preview: 3.What do you think of when you think of the Dark Ages?

2 Remember Rome? Deteriorating after 1,000 years
Corrupt Government High taxes, inflation, unemployment, disease Deteriorating after 1,000 years Invasions led to a new capitol Military Decline Invasions by barbarian tribes Constantinople Why did he move the capital?? More space; New city!! Easy to defend Located on a trade route (Silk Road)!! Lots of opportunities!! Became an advanced city (Better technology) More cultural exposure – Roman culture mixed with Greek and Arabic culture Mediterranean Sea Became VERY RICH CITY

3 Empire Divides After Constantine
West East

4 Western Empire falls in 476 A.D.
The Dark Ages begin (The Middle Ages) War Feudalism Disease Ignorance

5 Western Empire falls in 476 A.D.
The Dark Ages begin (The Middle Ages) But in the East… War Feudalism Disease Ignorance

6 Eastern Empire becomes
And lasts for 1,000 years Trade routes Center of Learning Trade Philosophy Medicine Architecture Law Code

7 Capital: Constantinople
Byzantium Reasons for Survival Location Culture Government Military Army Reasons for Decline Emperor Justinian Restoring the Empire Code of Laws Hagia Sophia A New Christianity Eastern vs. Western Patriarch Icons The Schism Capital: Constantinople Surrounded by water on 3 sides Thick walls surrounded city Center of trade Traders came on land and water from various regions of the world (Europe, Africa, and Asia)

8 Constantinople in A.D. 550 MAP SKILLS
What might prevent or slow an invasion into Constantinople from the west? What are the benefits of conquering Constantinople?

9 Why the Byzantine Empire Survived Constantinople’s Location
Byzantium Reasons for Survival Location Culture Government Large Army Reasons for Decline Emperor Justinian Restoring the Empire Code of Laws Hagia Sophia A New Christianity Eastern vs. Western Patriarch Icons The Schism Large Army Merchants and common people were taxed to provide for an army Cultures Byzantium blended Roman, Greek, Middle Eastern, and Christian cultures. Why the Byzantine Empire Survived Constantinople’s Location Favorable location for trade and defense; between Europe and Asia; brought great wealth. Strong Government Strong laws helped emperors rule with absolute power. They controlled the State and the Church.

10 Classroom Re-enactment
Characters Needed: Merchants / Traders Jenga puller Vikings / invaders

11 The Great Roman Empire (during Pax Romana)
Very prosperous / Trade with many places / Roads connected all of empire Military protected / Education was important Traders - “trade” goods to all of “Rome” Romans -“ooh” and “aahh” over foreign goods

12 The Roman Empire The Fall of Rome:
The fall of Rome had many reasons. They were: Jenga Puller – Pull blocks as we progress through Rome’s decline and eventual fall

13 Political Causes Oppressive government, loss of popular support
Increased government corruption Division of empire – Too large to control Internal power struggles – Lack of organized system of succession

14 Economic Causes Increase in taxes to support army and bureaucracy
Reliance on slave labor Indenture of farmers to wealthy landowners Unemployment Welfare system

15 Social Causes Population decline caused by war and disease
Decline in patriotism, discipline, and devotion to duty Spread of Christianity Devotion of upper classes to luxury and self-interest

16 Military Causes Poorly trained armies Army deteriorates
Little loyalty among hired soldiers Threat of the Huns Series of Germanic invasions beginning in 3rd century

17 External Forces Germanic tribes from northern Europe crossed the Roman frontier and invaded Greece, Italy, Spain, and coastal areas of Asia Minor. Invaders: Ride through Rome taking the foreign goods Constantine: Rise, and move to the Eastern corner of “empire” The warmer climate, rich farmlands, and wealth of the Roman lands attracted the Germanic tribes. By the 5th century, the Roman Empire was overrun by barbarians.

18 Empire Divides After Constantine
Romans – Open your cards. It will say “East” or “West” West East

19 Western Empire falls in 476 A.D.
The Dark Ages begin (The Middle Ages) War Feudalism Disease Ignorance

20 Western Empire falls in 476 A.D.
Catholic Church becomes unifying force in Western Europe. Western Empire falls in 476 A.D. Left side of room circle into smaller regions. Right side of Room says “Yah!!” “Constantinople is our Capital city!” No Trading (no access to foreign goods) Remove books from desks…very little education Feudalism for protection We are rich!! Lots of merchants enter our city to trade nice, expensive goods! The Dark Ages begin (The Middle Ages) But in the East… War Feudalism Disease Ignorance Latin Language is gradually no longer used. Becomes 5 different languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian

21 Eastern Empire becomes
And lasts for 1,000 years Center of Learning Trade Philosophy Medicine Architecture Law Code

22 Comp Book page 15 Title: Consequences (results) of Rome’s Fall
Consequences for Western Europe: Trading stopped No unifying force to protect from invaders Feudalism for protection (castles, knights, etc..) Dark Ages (education drastically declines) Use of Latin dies out Christianity stays major religion Consequences for Eastern Empire (Byzantine Empire) Great location of capital!! Trade with Africa, Middle East, Arabia, and China brings in $$$ Well defended Very multicultural (blended Roman, Greek, Middle Eastern cultures) Christianity major religion

23 Assignment Your assignment is to communicate the consequences of Constantine’s move from Rome to Constantinople. Led to a divided empire Western Empire was conquered and Dark Ages began (Middle Ages) Eastern Empire became Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire grew to be a wealthy and powerful empire!

24 Assignment Create a poem. Must be at least 4 stanzas.
Must completely discuss the consequences. Must be neat. Must be neatly written or typed on a full sheet of paper. Provide at least three small illustrations to accompany the poem (must be colored and neat!!) Your assignment is to communicate the consequences of Constantine’s move from Rome to Constantinople. Led to a divided empire Western Empire was conquered and Dark Ages began (Middle Ages) Eastern Empire became Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire grew to be a wealthy and powerful empire!

25 Assignment option 2 Create a song.
Must have a chorus Must have at least 3 verses Must completely discuss the consequences. Prefer it to be to a familiar tune. (if you create a tune, you’ll need to sing it to the class or to Mr. Deal) Your assignment is to communicate the consequences of Constantine’s move from Rome to Constantinople. Led to a divided empire Western Empire was conquered and Dark Ages began (Middle Ages) Eastern Empire became Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire grew to be a wealthy and powerful empire!

26 Assignment option 3 Create an illustration
Must clearly represent the consequences. Must be neat and colored. Needs to show effort and creativity. Your assignment is to communicate the consequences of Constantine’s move from Rome to Constantinople. Led to a divided empire Western Empire was conquered and Dark Ages began (Middle Ages) Eastern Empire became Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire grew to be a wealthy and powerful empire!

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