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The United States Gears Up Good Bad

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1 The United States Gears Up Good Bad

2 Effects of the Great Depression are still present in 1941.
America beings mobilizing for war. Factories run 24/7 Mass production of war materials. Factories can produce a 441 ft ship in just 4 days.

3 Unemployment falls to 1 percent!!!!
War Production Board (WPB) oversees factories. Farming picks up as Allies need food. Women begin to work in factories

4 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940.
First peacetime draft in U.S. history. Ages 21-35 War Bonds Rationing Gasoline Rubber Shoes Foods

5 Black workers received lower pay than did white workers
A. Philip Randolph – African American leader began a march in Washington D.C. for equality Tuskegee Airmen were African American pilots who flew thousands of successful combat missions

6 Faced discrimination Zoot suit riots – group of sailors attacked Mexican Americans

7 Not all war efforts were positive.
Executive Order 9066 Containment of Japanese Americans out of fear and suspicion. 115,000 placed in camps. Many were American born.





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