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#1 Do Now 1. Analyze visual using OPTIC. 2

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1 #1 Do Now 1. Analyze visual using OPTIC. 2
#1 Do Now 1. Analyze visual using OPTIC. 2. Hold up post-it when finished. Map of Chinese Empires O- P- T- I- C-

2 Confucianism & Daoism Mr. Wood World History 101
Confucius say… smart man is like fish: keep mouth shut and stay out of trouble. Mr. Wood World History 101

3 Essential Question and Standard
How were the philosophies of Confucianism and Daoism similar and different? C – Compare and contrast the fundamental principles of Confucian and Daoist philosophy.

4 Literacy Standards Notes Outline Thesis
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from complex text. Determine in which contexts it is fitting to use primary and/or secondary sources Create a system of organization to sequence ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions. Create a thesis that introduces a topic and claim. Notes Outline Thesis

5 Textbook letter artifact newspaper article autobiography biography
Primary Secondary first-hand testimony QUOTE Second-hand testimony PARAPHRASE Textbook letter artifact newspaper article autobiography biography

6 Agenda Do Now THIEVES notes
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.” Do Now THIEVES notes p

7 Filial Piety Respect your parents

8 #2 Do Now 1. Take out your THIEVES notes from p. 104-105. 2
#2 Do Now 1. Take out your THIEVES notes from p Complete OPTIC on post-it. Hold it up! O- P- T- I- C-

9 Do Now Who was Confucius? What did Confucius believe in?

10 Agenda Do Now Filial Piety Analects notes Yesterday Today
THIEVES notes p *org grade today during work time* Analects notes *hw tonight if not finished in class*


12 Ticket Out

13 #3 Do Now Use your THIEVES notes (p
#3 Do Now Use your THIEVES notes (p ) to fill in the LEFT SIDE of table. Confucianism Where? When? Who? What book? What did the philosophy value?   

14 Do Now Write down 2-3 details that are important in Confucianism?

15 Agenda Do Now THIEVES notes - Daoism Dao De Jing Yesterday Today
Analects notes *org grade today during work time* Daoism THIEVES Dao De Jing quotes *hw tonight if not finished in class*

16 “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”
THIEVES notes p 6 min.


18 Vocab: Word Definition Impartially
Without showing preference/favoritism Bellows Sage An extremely wise man Yield Produce/provide Unerring Always right Exhausted Completely used up Vocab:

19 DAO = “The Way” universal life force

20 Quotes Nature (model) “Nature is like a bellows
Empty, yet supplying all needs, The more it moves, the more it yields” Rulers (GP) “The best rulers are scarcely known by their subjects.” Tao (GP?) “The sage draws upon Tao in the same way And cannot be exhausted.”


22 #4 DO NOW Use your THIEVES (p ) notes to fill in the RIGHT SIDE of the table. Daoism Where? When? Who? What book? What did the philosophy value?   

23 Do Do Now Create a Venn diagram that answers our essential question: How were the philosophies of Confucianism & Daoism similar and different? Confucianism Daoism

24 Agenda Do Now Outline Typing prep Yesterday Today
Daoism THIEVES Dao De Jing quotes *org grade today during work time* Outline *hw tonight if not finished in class*

25 HMWRK = prep for next class’ Do Now
3.0 engagement = Logged-in to the computer. Username Password 2.0 engagement = unable to log-in to the computer Late Don’t know username/password 1.0 engagement = incomplete outline w/ Mr. Wood

26 1. Answer the following question in your notes.
Pass outlines. Christopher Gorey Greg High Which of the paintings demonstrates a more Daoist philosophy? Why?

27 primary & secondary sources
Ticket Out How do you use primary & secondary sources in writing?

28 #5 Do Now Get a computer from to COW & log on.
3.0 engagement = Logged-in to the computer. Username Password 2.0 engagement = unable to log-in to the computer Late Don’t know username/password 1.0 engagement = incomplete outline w/ Mr. Wood

29 *org grade today during work time*
Agenda Do Now Format essay – begin typing 3 paragraph essay Yesterday Today Outline *org grade today during work time* ESSAY DUE ___________________

30 Homework Essay due__________________ Rubric
Notes – THIEVES & Primary source Outline Typed essay

31 #6 Do Now Confucianism/Daoism M.C. quiz Google Post-survey

32 Do Now Look at your paper as it come back!!

33 Do Now Compare and Case your intro + Conclusions from your outlines

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