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Environmental Factors and Exercise

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1 Environmental Factors and Exercise

2 Cardiovascular Exercise in the Heat
w Active ___________ and _____ compete for blood supply. w ___________ decreases. w ___________ gradually increases to compensate for lower ___________.

3 Metabolic Responses to Exercise in the Heat
w ___________ increases. w ___________ increases. w ___________ is hastened. w ___________ levels increase.

4 Body Fluid and Exercise in the Heat
w ___________ increases. w High volumes of ___________ cause – ___________ to decrease, – Loss of ___________, and – Release of ___________ and water reabsorption in ___________.

5 Key Points Heat Acclimatization
w Repeated exposure to heat stress during exercise improves ___________. w Sweating increases in well-exposed areas to ___________. w ___________ increases to aid in delivery of more blood to the muscles and skin. w ___________ use is reduced to delay onset of fatigue. w Amount of heat acclimatization depends on ___________ and duration of exposure and ___________.

6 Altitude Copyright © 1991 by Lea and Febiger. From:McArdle, W.D., Katch, F.I., and Katch, V.L.: Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance, 3rd edition, Philadelphia.

7 Respiratory Responses to Altitude
w ___________ increases. w ___________ does not change. w ___________ is slightly impaired. w ___________ is impaired. w As the PO2 decreases, ___________ decreases at a progressively greater rate. .


9 Cardiovascular Responses to Altitude
w Initial decrease in ___________ w Initial increase in ___________ during submaximal work to compensate for less O2 . w Decrease in ___________ during maximal work, which limits oxygen delivery and uptake. .

10 Metabolic Responses to Altitude
w Increase in ___________ w Increase in ___________ w Less ___________ production at maximal work rates at altitude than at sea level

11 Key Points Performance at Altitude .
w At altitude, endurance activity is affected the most due to reliance on ________________________________. w Endurance athletes can prepare for ___________ by performing high-intensity endurance training at any elevation to increase their VO2max. . w ___________ __________are the least affected by altitude. w The ___________ at altitude provides less aerodynamic resistance and less gravitational pull, thus potentially improving jumping and throwing events.

12 Acclimatization to Altitude
w w w w w w w .

13 Altitude Training for Sea-Level Performance
w Increases ___________ on return to sea level w Not proven that altitude training improves ___________ w Difficult to study since ___________ and ___________ are reduced at altitude w Live at ___________ and train at ___________

14 Alternate Exposure to Altitude
VO2 (ml/kg/min) 5 of the 6 runners achieved personal bests The runner who did not get a PR had the largest decrease in altitude VO2max From Daniels and Oldridge, Med Sci Sports, 2: , 1970

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