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March Bell Ringer Prompts

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1 March Bell Ringer Prompts

2 You have 5 minutes to study for Vocab Quiz #6!!!
March 1st, 2016 You have 5 minutes to study for Vocab Quiz #6!!!

3 March 2nd, 2016 Read the passage “Train of Thought” and fill in the scantron with your grade cam id # (last 6 digits of your student id number) and your answers. Don’t forget to write your name on the scantron as well. Please do not write on copies of the questions or the copies of the passages. Raise your hand when you are done and I will come around and score your sheet. *This is just practice….not a formative assessment.

4 March 4th, 2016 Writer’s Notebook: Describe the perfect society. What rules would exist? Who would be in charge? How would society function (economy, justice system, politics, etc)? Do you think this kind of society is attainable? Why or why not? *Your response should be at least ½ a page.

5 March 7th, 2016 List #7 Part 1 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Acquiesce (verb)- to submit or comply silently without protest; agree; consent Sample Sentence: When the teacher asked the student to change his seat, he quickly acquiesced because he knew he would work more productively in the new location. Now write your own original sentence using the word acquiesce correctly (part of speech and context).

6 List #7 Part 1 Continued Gauche (adjective)- lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward, crude, tactless. Sample Sentence: His gauche way of responding to the critique of others made it difficult for him to keep a job. Now write your own original sentence using the word gauche correctly (part of speech and context).

7 List #7 Part 1 Continued Enervate (verb or adjective)- to deprive of force or strength; to weaken; Sample Sentence: The flu is sure to enervate even the most healthy among us. However, elderly flu sufferers are left enervate much more quickly than the young. Now write your own original sentence using the word enervate correctly (part of speech and context).

8 List #7 Part 1 Continued Precipitous(adjective)- extremely or impassably steep. Sample Sentence: Frodo dreaded his precipitous journey to Mount Doom. Now write your own original sentence using the word precipitous correctly (part of speech and context).

9 List #7 Part 1 Continued Capricious(adjective)- subject to unpredictable change; erratic. Sample Sentence: Spring time in Kentucky is miserably capricious. A foot of snow one week and 60 degree temps the next are normal. Now write your own original sentence using the word capricious correctly (part of speech and context).

10 March 8th, 2016 Directions: Write down the following sentences and then add the appropriate punctuation. For my mother’s birthday I baked cookies which were made with raisins muffins which were made with dates and a cake The dinner table laden with food looked inviting and the happy hungry family sat down eagerly to the birthday dinner Jane’s family had invited several neighbors--Mr. Jensen who lived next door Laura Wilson Jane’s friend and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Laura’s parents.

11 March 10th, 2016 Writer’s Notebook: It’s Therapeutic Thursday! Write about whatever is on your mind. Keep it school appropriate (PG) and make your response at least ½ a page long.

12 March 11th, 2016 Read the passage “Ads Everywhere” and fill in the scantron with your grade cam id # (last 6 digits of your student id number) and your answers. Don’t forget to write your name on the scantron as well. Please do not write on copies of the questions or the copies of the passages. Raise your hand when you are done and I will come around and score your sheet. *This is just practice….not a formative assessment.

13 March 11th, 2016 Writer’s Notebook:
In Animal Farm Orwell has chosen animals whose stereotypical qualities fit the personalities and actions of people involved in the Communist Revolution. What animal are you most like based on your personality and actions? What animal would your best friend be and why? *Make your response ½ a page please!

14 March 14th, 2016 List #7 Part 2 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. Bellicose(adjective)- eager to fight; aggressively hostile. Sample Sentence: Her reaction to the homework was characteristically bellicose, and the students rolled their eyes as she began to argue with the teacher yet again. Now write your own original sentence using the word bellicose correctly (part of speech and context).

15 List #7 Part 2 Continued... Insidious(adjective)- intending to trap or beguile; stealthily treacherous or deceitful; operating in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way with grave effect. Sample Sentence: The kidnapper had insidious intentions when he offered the small child candy at the park. Now write your own original sentence using the word insidious correctly (part of speech and context).

16 List #7 Part 2 Continued... Feign (verb)- to imitate deceptively; to invent as an excuse. Sample Sentence: When he asked her out, she feigned sickness because his evil laugh was disturbing and his obsession with sharp objects worrisome. Now write your own original sentence using the word feign correctly (part of speech and context).

17 List #7 Part 2 Continued... Importunate(adjective)- urgent or persistent in one’s demands or requests, sometimes annoyingly so; troublesome Sample Sentence: Because the poor widow was importunate over the course of a year, the judge, despite his reputation of being uncaring, granted the widow a settlement. Now write your own original sentence using the word importunate correctly (part of speech and context).

18 List #7 Part 2 Continued... Circumnavigate (verb)- to sail or fly around; to go or maneuver around. Sample Sentence: The toddler had not refined her abilities to circumnavigate obstacles in her path, so it was no surprise when she ran into stool and bumped her head. Now write your own original sentence using the word circumnavigate correctly (part of speech and context).

19 1st Block Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4
Cora Heather Madison M. Autumn Clay Gavin Sabrina Caleb Caden Dawson Jayden Michael Leslie Heath Group Group Group Group 8 Madison T. Wes Josh Olivia Jacob Bri Christy Caylor Katie Cole Amy Luke Alexis Branden Lily

20 2nd Block Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4
1.Clay 1. Brianna Alyssa 1. Makala 2. Mark 2. Madi Dana 2. Kenzie 3. Ezra 3. Abby Ashley 3. Christina 4. Jake Katrina Group Group 6 Kyra 1. Kayleigh Kayla 2. Kennedy Mindi 3. Alexis

21 3rd Block Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4
1.Chris 1. Grace 1.Leann 1. Andy 2. Leah G 2. Steavon 2. Lea W. 2. Sumo 3. Savannah B. 3. Tyler 3. Kayla 3. Sydney Group Group Group Group 8 1. Quintin 1. Bryce 1. Taylor 1. Kali 2.Zander 2. Andrew 2. Ebony 2. Brandon 3.Amanda 3. Phileena 3. Josh W Abby 4. Seth 4. Macy 4. Madison M. 4. Savanah T.

22 4th Block Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4
1. Charissa 1. Grace 1. Caitlin 1. Rowan 2. Delaney 2. Patten 2. Bogdana 2. Hope 3. Billie-Jean 3. Isabel P. 3. Shin Won 3. Jacob Group Group Group Group 8 1. Megan 1. Maddie Rachel 1. Ethan 2. Jayda Cheyenne 2. Kayla 2. Isabelle A. 3. Kelsey Lydia Evan M. 3. Evan C.

23 6th Block Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4
1. JC Cameron 1. Katelyn Christina 2. Malaya 2. Sean 2. Neif Chase 3. Franky 3. Corey 3. John Hayden 3. Zion Group Group Group Group 8 Trey C. Karley Kayla Abby Troy Olivia Gage Becca Jacob Morgan Seth Cody Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Trey Ian Sean Hunter Alaysha Jarred Dalton Ashley Avery

24 March 17th, 2016 Writer’s Notebook: It’s Therapeutic Thursday! Write about whatever is on your mind. Keep it school appropriate (PG) and make your response at least ½ a page long.

25 March 18th, 2016 Write down the following sentences and add the appropriate punctuation. You asked for forgiveness he granted it to you. 2. We ask therefore that you keep this matter confidential. 3. Before she walked out the door Jessie said I don’t want to be late again.

26 March 24th, 2016 Find your seat! As soon as I take attendance, we will be going to the Library to check out books!

27 March 28thth, 2016 List #8 Part 1 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. Archetype (noun)- an original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or are based on; pattern of thought present universally in individual psyches; prototype. Sample Sentence: Most Disney movies follow the basic archetype for a hero. The hero or heroine goes on some type of quest, filled with challenging obstacles, which leads to some ultimate reward. Now write your own original sentence using the word archetype correctly (part of speech and context).

28 List #8 Part 1 Paradigm (noun)-  a cognitive framework shared by members of any discipline  or group; a pattern or model Sample Sentence: Using cell phones in class as part of instruction requires a paradigm shift for many teachers who are accustomed to seeing cell phones as a distraction from and not an aid to learning. Now write your own original sentence using the word paradigm correctly (part of speech and context).

29 List #8 Part 1 Imperious (adjective)- domineering in a haughty manner; overbearing; dictatorial; urgent Sample Sentence: Some people might see it as imperious for a teacher to ask permission to leave your seat, but really it is a procedure used to teach courtesy and respect. Now write your own original sentence using the word imperious correctly (part of speech and context).

30 List #8 Part 1 Penitent(adjective)- feeling or expressing sorrow for sin or wrongdoing. Sample Sentence: After the breaking her curfew, the teenager showed that she was not penitent by breaking it again the next weekend. Now write your own original sentence using the word penitent correctly (part of speech and context).

31 List #8 Part 1 Wry(adjective)- lopsided facial features; twisted or crooked; perverted or distorted; bitterly amusing or ironic. Sample Sentence: After his underhanded compliment, she gave him a wry smile out of politeness though she felt insulted. Now write your own original sentence using the word wry correctly (part of speech and context).

32 March 29th, 2016 Get out a sheet of paper for taking summary notes. We will begin reading the last part of Animal Farm as soon as attendance is taken . *On the top of your summary notes page make a 1 sentence prediction: How do you think this book will end?

33 March 24th , List #8 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Disparaging(adjective)-tending to belittle or bring reproach upon. Sample Sentence: His disparaging remark that of course she wouldn’t understand left her feeling wounded. Now write your own original sentence using the word disparaging correctly (part of speech and context).

34 March 25th , List #8 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Sardonic(adjective)- bitter or scornful; mocking; sneering; cynical. Sample Sentence: When she saw the reckless driver in front of her get pulled over, she couldn’t help the sardonic grin that creeped onto her face. Superfluous(adjective)-excessive; more than is required; unnecessary. Sample Sentence: Having more than one pair of shoes was considered superfluous in the Amish culture. Now write your own original sentence using the word sardonic & superfluous correctly (part of speech and context).

35 April 6th, 2015 List #8 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Patronizing(adjective)- displaying an offensively condescending (sickeningly sweet) manner. Sample Sentence: I asked my sister to pass the milk and she became so patronizing, asking if she could tie my shoes for me or pour my cereal for me. Ambivalent(adjective)-having mixed feelings about someone or something; being unable to choose between two courses of action Sample Sentence: She was really ambivalent about which Harry Potter character was her favorite because both Ron and Neville experience so much character development over the course of the series. Now write your own original sentence using the word patronizing& ambivalent correctly (part of speech and context).

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