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Social Impact of Industrialization

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1 Social Impact of Industrialization
Adam Smith: Laissez-faire, Free market Thomas Malthus: Laissez-faire, poverty was unavoidable (population rises faster than food supply) Jeremy Bentham: Utilitarianism, goal of society should be “the greatest happiness for the greatest number” Robert Owen: Utopian socialism, people as whole own & operate means of production (farms, factories, railroads, etc). Karl Marx: Communism, classless society

2 Fewer children, but medical advances decreased the death rate

3 Second Industrial Revolution
First phase of IR was forged from iron, powered by steam engine, & driven by British textile industry Mid-1800’s, IR entered new phase

4 Henry Bessemer Steel

5 Henry Bessemer Steel: lighter, harder & more durable than iron

6 Brooklyn Bridge, 1883 Manhattan to Brooklyn 1,595.5 feet Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, 1998 Kobe to Iwaya in Japan 6532 ft

7 Home Insurance Building
Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world at 2,722 ft. since 2010 Home Insurance Building Chicago,

8 Steam power will be replaced by…
Alfred Nobel Swedish chemist Widely used in construction & to his dismay, warfare Steam power will be replaced by…

9 Electricity Thomas Edison, 1870s Nikola Tesla

10 Transportation

11 Transportation

12 Internal combustion engine
Transportation Orville & Wilbur Wright American bicycle makers 1903 Internal combustion engine

13 Communication Samuel F. B. Morse 1844 1865

14 Communication Alexander Graham Bell 1876 Guglielmo Marconi 1890's

15 Richest Americans of all time? (Adjusted for inflation)
Donald Trump: $4 Mark Zuckerberg: $35.7 Warren Buffet: $66.7 Bill Gates: $79.2 Cornelius Vanderbilt: $185 Andrew Carnegie: $309

16 Richest Americans of all time? (Adjusted for inflation)
Donald Trump: $4 Mark Zuckerberg: $35.7 Warren Buffet: $66.7 Bill Gates: $79.2 Cornelius Vanderbilt: $185 Andrew Carnegie: $309

17 J.D. Rockefeller $336 Billion

18 Big Business New technologies need investments
Stock Corporations: businesses owned by many investors who buy shares of stock

19 Corporations Investors will lose no more than what they invest
Had access to a lot of $ Great for risky business ventures Usually huge and impersonal Workers have little input Monopolies

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