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Budget Analysis And Review Committee (BARC)

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Analysis And Review Committee (BARC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Analysis And Review Committee (BARC)
ALA CD #33.0 Midwinter Meeting Budget Analysis And Review Committee (BARC) report to ALA Council, Executive Board, Membership and The Planning and Budget Assembly Midwinter Meeting – Denver, CO Saturday - February 10, 2018 Sunday - February 11, 2018 Rhea Lawson – BARC Chair

2 BARC Report Topics Budget Update Other Activities
Fiscal Year 2018 final Budget BARC Discussed and Approved budgetary Ceiling Adjustments Fiscal Year 2018 Four month Results Three Months Ending Other Activities Discussion on Council Resolution submission process ALA Financial Learning Series reminder

3 Budget Orientation ALA’s Current Fiscal Year 2018
Started Sept 1, 2017 – Ends August 31, 2018 Midwinter Meeting Discussions on ALA finances cover 3 different fiscal years FY 2017 – year end closing FY 2018 – four month financial report (September - December) FY 2019 – planning & budget assumptions

4 Fiscal Year 20xx Total ALA Budgetary Ceiling
Net Assets (Unexpended balance remaining from fiscal year closing) + Revenue (Anticipated in upcoming fiscal year) = Budgetary Ceiling

5 FY2018 Total Budgetary Ceilings
AC Chicago Fall BARC ($) Change (%) Change General Fund $ 29,792,027 $ ,852,513 $ (939,514) (3.2%) Division Fund $ 28,875,232 $ ,425,594 $ ,362 1.9% Round Tables $ 2,206,967 $ ,209,469 $ ,502 0.1% Grants & Awards $ 4,551,555 $ ,055,953 $ ,504,398 33.1% Long-Term Investment $ 1,249,209 $ ,249,209 $ 0.0% Total ALA Budgetary Ceiling = $ 66,674,990 $ ,792,738 $ 1,117,748 1.7% Development Office grant proposals - $1,000,000 Public Programs grant proposal Kellogg Racial Healing GSC - $611,184 PLA grant proposals - $474,000 PLA grant proposal – NNLM U of I Healthy Communities - $180,833 PLA grant proposal – IMLS Inclusive Internships - $80,890

6 Fiscal Year 2018 Total ALA Budgetary Ceiling
$14,906,005 (Unexpended balance remaining from fiscal year closing) + $52,886,733 (Anticipated in upcoming fiscal year) = $67,792,739 Budgetary Ceiling

7 Current fiscal year results
Four Months Ending

8 FY 2018 Total ALA – Four Months Ending 12/31/17 -
ALA is still a financially sound and strong organization with net assets of $40.2 million Revenues were on budget at $14.1 million Expenses were under budget by $497,313 at $15.4 million Net operating (expenses) were $1.3 million and better than budget by $540,494

9 Total ALA Revenues/Expenses/Net Revenue - Four Months Ending 12/31/17 -
FY18 Actuals FY18 Budget Budget Variance FY17 Actuals Total Revenues $ 14,139,452 $ 14,096,271 $ ,181 $11,352,467 Total Expenses $ 15,449,856 $15,947,169 $ 497,313 $13,571,627 Net Revenue (Expenses) $ (1,310,404) $ (1,850,898) $ 540,494 $(2,219,161) Total ALA Revenues $14.1 million and over budget by $43,181 – on budget Revenue shortfall in General Fund ($283,938) Revenue shortfall in Divisions ($153,852) Revenue shortfall offset by gain in interest income from LTI ($517,770) Due to required year end mandated distribution for mutual fund holdings Total ALA Expenses $15.5 million and under budget by $497,313 (-3.1%) Expense savings in the Divisions ($239,003) Fairly equally spread over Overhead, Publications, Indirect, Travel Outside Services etc. Net Revenue (Expenses) ($1.3 million) better than budget by $540,494 (29.2%)

10 FY 2018 General Fund - Four Months Ending 12/31/17 -
All revenue categories, primarily Publishing Services, were under budget by $297,437 (-4.5%) at $6.3 million Expenses were slightly less than budget by $119,445 (-1.5%) at $7.8 million The result was net (expenses) of $1.4 million, which is more than the budgeted net expense of $1.3 million by $192,986 (-15.3%)

11 General Fund Revenues/Expenses/Net Revenue - Four Months Ending 12/31/17 -
FY18 Actuals FY18 Budget Budget Variance FY17 Actuals Total Revenues $ 6,361,136 $ 6,645,074 $ (283,938) $ 5,902,785 Total Expenses $ 7,817,196 $ 7,908,148 $ 90,952 $ 7,793,647 Net Revenue (Expenses) $(1,456,060) $( 1,263,074) $(192,986) $(1,890,662) General Fund Revenues $6.4 million and under budget by $283,938 (-4.3%) Publishing Services were under budget by $204,819 (-4.9%) related to the timing of recognition of AASL standards joint project and other titles - Primarily in ALA Editions by $126,653 (-9.7%) at $1.2 million – lower sale of books ($110,514) - Edition revenues are ahead of last year ($845,868) On track to meet full year revenue budget AASL Standards on track to exceed budget 17 new titles published. On track to publish 60 for the year Improved marketing results due to reorganized staff & marketing plans Secondarily in ALA E-Learning by 75,289 (-23.6%) at $243,625 related to lower online sales Publishing units are implementing their FY18 – FY20 strategic plans Publishing looking to meet projected revenues and controlling costs General Fund Expenses $7.8 million and less than budget by $90,952 (-1.2%) Overhead recovered was under budget by $334,035 (21.0%) due to lower gross revenue and division revenue Net Revenue (expense) – As a result net expenses more than ($1.5M), better than last year

12 FY 2018 Divisions - Four Months Ending 12/31/17 -
Division revenue of $4.9 million was less than budget by $153,852 primarily from lower registration fees related to the AASL conference ($182,388) and lower overall dues ($93,876) Division expenses of $5.2 million were less than budget by $239,033 evenly spread across all categories Net expenses were less (better) than budget at ($433,667) by $85,181

13 FY18 Actuals FY18 Budget Budget Variance FY16 Actuals*
Divisions Revenues/Expenses/Net Revenue - Four Months Ending 12/31/17 - FY18 Actuals FY18 Budget Budget Variance FY16 Actuals* Total Revenues $ 4,845,210 $ 4,999,062 $ (153,852) $ 4,540,859 Total Expenses $ 5,193,696 $ 5,432,729 $ 239,033 $ 4,976,504 Net Revenue (Expenses) $( 348,486) $( 433,667) $ 85,181 $( 435,645) Total Revenues were - $4.8 million and less than budget by $153,852 (-3.1%) Primarily in PLA ($170,000) i.e. dues - timing, sales of training via Project Outcome which should meet budget. A positive not was that $25,000 in revenue was not realized in the Dynamic Planning Institute as PLA provided the program to the Rural and Small libraries at a reduced cost, which was viewed as an investment AASL introduced the AASL Standards at their national conference. Anticipated revenues from the sales were not recognized in December. Another positive note was that ALSC reported revenue that was better than budget by $187,407 primarily due to Seal sales. Total Expenses were - $5.2 million and better than budget by $239,033 (4.4%) primarily in travel and outside services Net Expenses of ($348,486) were better than budget and significantly better than the same time last year. *FY16 actuals used to compare like years with two national division conferences being held.

14 FY 2018 Round Tables - Four Months Ending 12/31/17 -
Revenues were less than budget by 1.2% at $133,172 Expenses were less than budget across the board by $111,332 at $16,023 primarily in EMIERT ($57,253) Net revenue was $117,149

15 FY18 Actuals Budget Variance
Round Tables Revenues/Expenses/Net Revenue - Four Months Ending 12/31/17 - FY18 Actuals FY18 Budget Budget Variance FY17Actuals Total Revenues $ ,172 $ 134,764 ($ 1,592) $ ,474 Total Expenses $ ,023 $127,355 $111,332 $ ,056 Net Revenue $ ,149 $ 7,409 $109,740 $ ,418 Total Revenues - At $133,172 RT revenues are on budget - GODORT was less than budget by $5,994 - Shortfall offset by GLBTRT being over budget by $8,032 Total Expenses - Virutally all RT’s underspent their budgets during the period - Primarily in EMIERT ($58,300) and LIRT ($11,428) - Typical for this time of year and represents more of an allocation issue Net Revenue - Was significantly over budget by $109,740

16 Review - The Council Referral Process
Referrals from Council to BARC are vitally important to the workings of the body The process should be as straight forward and inclusive as possible BARC discussed the current process at its fall meeting and assigned a number of committee members with the task of reviewing the process A preliminary process was reviewed at this meeting and additional refinements will be made The Chair will report back to Council on its findings and any suggested recommendations. BARC and F&A had a very in depth discuss to understand the current process The committees recognized that the current process had a number of weak points that needed to be addressed A small working group put forward a recommendation to strengthen the process After it was throughouly discussed it was determined that additional work was needed to refine the recommendation This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

17 ALA Financial Learning Series
Topics of Webcasts Budget Planning for a Pre-Conference or a One Time Event Organizational Structure Budget Cycle and Process The Operating Agreement The Long-Term Investment Fund Round Tables Financial Orientation

18 Online ALA Financial Information
Treasurer’s Page Offers Reports, Resources and Links to the Six Webcasts ALA Online Learning Offerings by Unit Brief Descriptions of Units’ Learning Programs ALA Online Learning Webcasts links to the page for the six webcasts ALA YouTube Channel - Financial Learning Series Playlist

19 Thank you for your support

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