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Integrated Waterbird Management & Monitoring (IWMM)

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Waterbird Management & Monitoring (IWMM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Waterbird Management & Monitoring (IWMM)
Documentation for IWMM Online Database – Part 1: IWMM Portal, Registration, Project Setup & Data Entry January 8, 2016 (Last update July, 2018)

2 Topics Covered Overview and Definitions
IWMM Portal and User Registration Project Setup Project Management Creating study areas and Assigning Sample Units Inputting spatial data Digitizing Uploading GIS files Managing sampling units Assigning Researchers and Project leaders Setting sharing levels Bird Survey Data Entry Vegetation Data Entry Management Actions Creation of Plan Reporting on Plan

3 Online Database: Overview
Online data portal developed by Point Blue A node of the Avian Knowledge Network Database Projects and users must register Data sharing governed by levels selected by Project Leaders Data entry Bird survey data – counts and site conditions Vegetation data – annual rapid assessment data Management Actions – plans and reporting on habitat management actions

4 Definitions Project – a collection of survey units that are administered as a single unit (e.g., a single NWR) Survey Unit – a single management unit where surveys will occur (a.k.a, Study Area) Sharing Levels – defined by AKN - then go to Data, Data Access Note IWMM Data Sharing Policy differs slightly from AKN policy and is available at Appropriate status to allow for data to appear in reports is Level 2, however, it is encouraged that all data be promoted to Level 5. Sharing status level descriptions can be viewed at

5 Definitions Database User Roles (Titles)
The user titles in the AKN/IWMM have no relation to an individual’s job title and duties. User roles correspond to the applications to which the user has access. Project Leader – Users assigned this role are able to create and manage sampling units, download and review field observations and all metadata about the project , grant other users access to the project under the role of Biologist or Project Leader, select the protocol(s) used, enter field observations, review/publish data, and set sharing levels Biologist – Users assigned this role are able to enter, edit, and proof data. Often the person collecting field data or transcribing field notes. Can download event and observation data.

6 IWMM Portal and User Registration

7 Requesting Access to Portal
Go to: Enter your address If your address isn’t found, you will get a message indicating that user account was not found. Verify with the Project Leader or Project Coordinator that your information does not exist in the database. Register by clicking on here Alternatively, you can register by going to ************* In order to be granted access to the IWMM portal you have to register, and in order to register, the Project(s) you are associated with must be already set up and in the system. All of the IWMM Projects participating in the pilot study phase are in the system so if you want access to one of these projects, you can register. Additionally, there are many other Projects where the IWMM protocols were not being used, but the Project was created for use with another protocol (e.g., landbird or marsh bird). However, if you want to register for a Project that has not yet been created, the Project must first be created for you to be able to register. You may be listed as a user in the database, even if your address is not recognized. Verify that your information is not in the database before you register.

8 Requesting Access to Portal
That will take you to the registration page Fill out information and click Register at the bottom of the page Follow link to: You may only register for one project at a time. To register for another project submit a request at: See slides 9 and 10 for additional registration details. Note: you have to prove you aren’t a “bot” trying to register by using the reCAPTCHA process. After clicking “register” an will be generated to the Project Leader or Database Administrator to approve your request.

9 Registration Detail: A note about Passwords
Passwords are not synced with DOI Active Directory (AD) system Best not use your DOI network password when registering for an account. If you use your network password when it changes your AKN password will not You would have to manually change it every time you update your DOI network password Does not have to meet DOI AD standards

10 Registration Detail: Steps 4 and 5
Step 4 – Select appropriate institution (e.g., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) Step 5 – You must request access to a specific Project, for which you must know the Project Code – see IWMM website ( if you can’t find your project listed see slide #14 for contacts You may only request access to one project when registering. Once approved you may gain access to others You need to know the Project Code (Step 5) you are registering for. This is the “shortname” for the project and can be obtained from the Project Leader. If you don’t know who the Project Leader is for your Project please contact the IWMM Project Coordinator. FWS users will see a list of projects made available within the registration form, at step 5, if they’ve provided a valid password.

11 Now What? You’ve received a system saying you have been approved: Login & start using the database! Go to: Don’t see your project? Make sure it has a valid IWMM protocol assigned to it. Refer to AKN Quick Guide 4 for help assigning protocols: To request access to another project, contact a user who has been given the role of Project Leader for that project Or fill out a request form: If you are attempting to access a new project that was just created in the database

12 Project Setup

13 If your project is not setup:
Contacts Partners - Contact IWMM Coordinator: FWS Refuge staff – Contact NRPC: Or fill out the new project request form at A list of contacts for IWMM can also be found at

14 Management Unit (polygon) Study Area (Point Counts)
Project Hierarchy Project (cooperator) Study Area (IWMM) Management Unit (polygon) Study Area (Point Counts) Sample Unit (points) refuge/organization Container for independent studies This graphic illustrates how projects are organized within the database. In this framework, “study area” provides a folder for independent studies or protocols that are being utilized by a project.

15 Using and Navigating the Portal
After you register and log in, you will arrive at this screen. “Project Dashboard” is the starting point for entering or accessing your data. Use tabs across the top to navigate to various pages.

16 Project Management: Database User Title - Project Leader
Project Leaders can: Create and Manage Units Add – follow previous IWMM naming conventions If you filled out a new project request form units will be created for you based on the information you provided in the form Change spatial boundary Assign Researchers Links user to specific projects Provides access to your Project Revoke access to your Project Set Sharing Levels Determines extent to which others can: See your data in reports Have access to your raw data For assistance contact IWMM Program Coordinator

17 Project Management From Portal homepage, be sure you are working on the correct Project If you are assigned to multiple projects you, can select the Project you are working on here

18 Project Management: Create and Manage units
Select “Projects” from navigation menu and then “Manage Units”

19 Create a Study Area First step is to create a “Study Area” (but see Notes) Process is similar to creating a Sampling Unit 1) Select Project 2) Select “online form” Be sure you are working on the correct Project Note: If your Project participated in the IWMM pilot study, a Study Area has already been created so you can by-pass this step. Click on the top-level Project name to assign a Study Area. Note, if you are assigned to more than 1 Project be sure you are working on the correct Project! Click on “online form”

20 Creating a Study Area Select “Study Area” from list presented
Click on “enter” to continue 4) Click Enter 3) Click on Study Area (Area) 3) Click on Study Area (be sure the check box is checked) 4) Click on “enter”

21 Creating a Study Area Assign name – mostly likely a variant of Project Name (refuges MUST use refuge name e.g., Waterbird NWR) Short name should conform to IWMM standards – contact IWMM Coordinator to obtain a short name 5) Assign Study Area name 5) Assign Study Area name 6) Assign short name; this must conform to IWMM standards for a Project code. This is a 2 letter state code, 3 digit Project code. For example, Chincoteague NWR is VA-001 (this is the short name for this Project). 7) Description is optional but helpful to other users 8) Click “save” 7) Add description (optional) 6) Assign short name 8) Click “save”

22 Assign Sampling Units 1) Be sure to select correct Project
1) If you are assigned to multiple projects be sure that the Project you are modifying is selected. 2) Then you need to select the appropriate unit to modify in the lower left (gray shaded area). If you are assigning IWMM sampling units, then you need to select the appropriate Study Area (where IWMM protocols have been assigned). 3) IF you are assigning a new Sampling Unit then start by selecting the “online form” to get started. See next slide for more detail. 3) Select button depending on the action you are attempting (see text) 2) Select appropriate level

23 New Sampling Units Select “IWMM Management Unit (Area)
5) Click on Enter Then click on Enter

24 New Sampling Units Assign a name for the unit – use something meaningful to your staff Assign a “shortname” – this needs to conform to IWMM criteria – contact IWMM Coord. for the short name 6) Add descriptive name. This should be meaningful to staff conducting the surveys. We suggest using names that are routinely used at your site. 7) “Short name” must conform to IWMM standards. This follows the same format as the short name for study area, with one addition: This is a 2 letter state code, 3 digit Project code, followed by 1-2 letter unit code. For example, VA-001-A or VA-001-AB. Contact the IWMM Project Coordinator or Science Coordinator for help determining codes for your Project. 8) Click “save” to save your edits 6) Add name 7) Add short name 8) Click Save

25 Inputting Spatial Data
Requires Project Leader to provide spatial boundaries of sample units. Two options: Digitize over imagery Upload GIS files – kml, kmz or ArcGIS Shapefile Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)

26 Adding Spatial Information
9) Select unit for which to add spatial boundary 10) Edit feature to add spatial boundary

27 Digitizing Sampling Unit Boundaries
This will take you to a google map screen where you can zoom into your Project area and digitize your unit. Left click around boundary of unit to assign vertices. Make sure you are using an https pathway! Be as accurate as possible. Note controls on left side of screen. You can edit vertices after you complete outline if needed. If digitizing widget does not display properly, make sure you are using a https pathway

28 Digitizing Sampling Unit Boundaries
Once complete, click “keep it” to save edits!

29 Note: you can also choose “digitize location” when you are adding a new unit before saving and exiting that screen.

30 Uploading boundaries via files
Upload GIS files – kml, kmz or ArcGIS Shapefile 2) Select appropriate file type Select sampling unit – the unit you want to upload a file for must be highlighted in yellow Select appropriate file type from options: KML (Google Earth), SHP file (ArcGIS) 1) Select Sampling Unit

31 Uploading boundaries via files
Can add single or multiple Sampling Units Browse to local file 3) Browse to local file 4) Add prefix and suffix for each Sampling Units long name. This generates a sample unit “template” for each polygon that is found in the uploaded file. So if I type “Chincoteague” for Prefix and “IWMM” for suffix and upload a file with 3 units identified, the polygons would be named: Chincoteague_001_IWMM, Chincoteague_002_IWMM and Chincoteague_003_IWMM 5) Click on “next” 3) Browse to local file 4) Add prefix and suffix for long names 5) Click “next”

32 Uploading boundaries via files
Select unit(s) from imported file 6) Select one or more units from the file you just uploaded 6) Select one or more units from the file you just uploaded 7) Click on “process” 7) Click on “process”

33 Uploading boundaries via files
Confirm your unit(s) uploaded 8) Confirm that the Sampling Unit(s) were processed by the system 8) Confirm that the unit(s) you uploaded were processed by the system. You should see each polygon listed under your study area; in this example we just uploaded one Sampling Unit

34 Project Management: Manage Sampling Units Over Time
Add new Sampling Unit Once Sampling Units are created and spatial boundaries uploaded, Project Leaders can use this page to manage Sampling Units over time. You can: Add new sampling units to a project Edit/replace existing polygon boundary for a single or multiple sampling units Organize sampling units by moving them in the hierarchy or delete (i.e., won’t be able to enter new data but not removed) sampling units Edit Sampling Unit polygon Organize/Delete Sampling Unit

35 Project Management: Assign Researchers
Add “Researchers” so they can: Enter data from surveys Help manage the Project (new Project Leader)

36 Project Management: Assign Researchers
Search for and select your Project from this dialogue

37 Project Management: Assign Researchers
Click on “add one” to add a new user for your Project

38 Project Management: Assign Researchers
Select new user for your Project from list. Determine if user will be given the role of Project Leader or Biologist. 1) Select user 2) Will they be a Project Leader? 3) Will they be responsible for approving additional Researchers?

39 Project Management: Set Sharing Levels
Determines whether others have access to your data Determines how your data are included in reports Recommend sharing ‘Level 5’ (‘Level 2’ at a minimum).

40 Project Management: Set Sharing Levels
Allows to bulk set Sharing Levels to all your Project Data List of all data entered for your Project; note this list may extend across multiple pages

41 Project Management: Set Sharing Levels
2) Select Sharing Level – here I’ve selected Level 3 3) Click on “Set” 4) Click “Save” Must click save after any change in order for changes to be retained in database! 1) Select visits for which you want to set the Sharing Level for; note you can use date ranges

42 Project Management: Set Sharing Levels
Note change in Sharing Level for visits highlighted Click Save! Note: If you don’t click on “Save” your changes to the sharing levels will be lost!

43 Data Entry

44 Where not to Enter Data Do not enter data into AKN’s Biologists App
The AKN is one database; this includes the IWMM Portal. There are 3 main applications within the AKN: Biologists, Project Leader, Analyst. The IWMM Portal is named as such because it is a ‘portal’ into the AKN Database. IWMM portal is customized to the official IWMM protocol and is the only entry point that will allow you to properly enter, DOWNLOAD, and analyze your IWMM data with the necessary reporting tools. As with most applications there are multiple ways to complete a specific task. For those that are already using the AKN to enter data you will be familiar with the Biologist App. Be careful about trying to enter IWMM data via this application. We have built in error checking and help tips that won’t be available through this approach. Also you will encounter errors trying to enter the environmental data from each bird survey visit!

45 Just in case…. Just in case you end up in the Biologists App., look for the link to the IWMM Portal Please click the link for the IWMM Portal for entering data. This will enable the integrated error checking in our data entry screens that don’t exist within the Biologists Application.

46 Data Entry Consistent navigation as you complete tasks

47 Consistent Navigation
Able to return to Home screen from anywhere in app by clicking on “Integrated Waterbird Management and Monitoring” Project Leader & Biologists applications and tools are “framed” within IWMM application

48 Navigation Hierarchy Data Entry Downloads Reports Projects
Bird Survey Vegetation Survey Management Actions Downloads Project Data Report Data Reports Projects Depends on your assigned role User menu - logout

49 Project Selection Be sure you are working on the correct Project if you are assigned to multiple projects

50 Data Entry Bird Survey

51 Bird Survey Data Entry Select appropriate
Observational protocol: area search, aerial, etc. Environmental site conditions: there’s only 1 IWMM specific protocol Site conditions (Protocol name: IWMM_SurveySiteConditions) Weather Water Habitat Interspersion Height Bird counts Species encountered Save without encounters

52 Bird Survey – Data Entry
Select Sampling Unit that you want to enter data for After selecting Bird Survey from the main page tab……….select the observation protocol being used and click start to create a new bird survey record.

53 Bird Survey – Data Entry
Once you select a site you end up here: Note: Sampling Unit identification Create new survey sample visits here Edit environmental conditions After selecting Bird Survey from the main page tab, you will see a screen that will either let you create a new bird survey record or edit a previously entered one. To create a new record, select the observation protocol being used (under create a new visit) and click start to create a new bird survey record. Edit/review survey sample visits here

54 Bird Survey – Data Entry
Creating new sample unit visit: 1) Select IWMM protocol being used to count birds Select protocol appropriate for how you counted birds: IWMM Aerial Survey IWMM Flush Count IWMM Ground and Aerial Survey IWMM Ground-based Survey Confirm site condition protocol is specific to IWMM; currently there is only 1 protocol 2) Select site condition protocol – currently only 1 available 3) Click Start

55 Bird Survey – Data Entry
Entering new data: Data entry screen - Divided into sections Environmental conditions Bird counts b) Error checking done when saved

56 Bird Survey – Data Entry
Environmental data: Visibility is % of unit visible during survey Note help tip on every field Water Depth & Habitat Cover: must each sum to 100% Some fields allow you to select multiple items and will stay open until you click on the next field

57 Bird Survey – Data Entry
Data entry errors will show up here, you must correct in order to save visit Automatic validation rules are applied when you try to save a visit, please review listed fields with errors, correct and then resave to continue. All fields must have something entered!

58 Bird Survey – Data Entry
1) Enter species observations 3) Enter number of individuals 2) Species are entered via 4-letter ABA /AOU codes Notes: Type ahead feature only works after species has been entered successfully. See next slide for how to search for codes

59 Bird Survey – Data Entry
1) Click on “Search the species database” 2) Type in name of species Note: Clicking on “Search the species database” will open a new browser window 3) Find species of interest

60 Bird Survey – Data Entry
After you are finished entering all your bird observation data click “Save All” Note: It is very important to click either “Save All” or “Save – No Species Detected”, if you don’t then the site conditions will not be saved! If no species were observed, be sure to click “Save – No Species Detected”

61 Review Data Entry (QA/QC)
Biologist Reviews data entry against field sheets Marks data as “Clean” indicating data has been proofed Project Leader Ensures data has been reviewed Sets appropriate sharing level – IWMM recommends minimum of Level 2. Level 5 is encouraged by AKN if possible.

62 Bird Survey – Review/Edit
Editing/reviewing sample unit visit: To edit previously entered visit, click on date of the visit you wish to edit Click on date of the visit you want to edit/review Status column will tell you which visits have been reviewed

63 Bird Survey – Review/Edit
Quick navigation links to separate sections of page After reviewing all data don’t forget to click here! Changes status from RAW to CLEAN Anywhere you see the blue vertical bar (|) those fields double-click to edit values

64 Bird Survey – Review/Edit
To delete a bird observation click the “x” To add bird observations click “Add more”

65 Setting Sharing Levels
Responsibility of Project Leader Ensures data has been reviewed This is important step in QA/QC Ensures integrity of database Sets appropriate sharing level – IWMM recommends minimum of Level 2 (see IWMM Data Sharing Policy, slide #66)

66 IWMM Data Sharing Policy
IWMM specific data sharing policy – Outlines data owner rights Outlines use of your data by the IWMM Program By contributing data to this database you are agreeing to the IWMM Data Sharing Policy

67 AKN Sharing Levels Those outlined most relevant for IWMM Raw – un-reviewed, unedited data; default state of data entered (Project only) Clean – data edited by biologist, ready for expert review (Project only) Restricted – data not discoverable, not available to visualizations or third parties Available Level 1 – discoverable, only general information about the dataset available; dataset not available Available Level 2 – parts of the data (what, where, when) can used in visualization and summary tools that hide specifics; dataset not available Available Level 3 – parts of the data (what, where, when) visible in visualizations; full dataset available upon direct request to owner Available Level 4 – open sharing of what, where, when for other bioinformatics services (GBIF, BISON, Available Level 5 – full dataset available through an AKN node Relevant sharing levels for IWMM are ‘Raw’ ‘Clean’ ‘Level 2’ and ‘Level 5’

68 Data Entry Vegetation Survey

69 Vegetation Survey Annual vegetation survey
Conducted after end of growing season Rapid assessment See Monitoring Manual for specific SOPs Recorded training video on protocols

70 Vegetation Survey Existing vegetation surveys at this sample unit
To add new survey click here

71 Vegetation Survey – Data Entry
General visit information Be sure to estimate % of unit near tall edge; value should = value reported in bird surveys

72 Vegetation Survey – Data Entry
Search plant species database (will open in new window) Enter species using scientific names 1 Notes All fields are required except for the “Notes” field Default 20 records for individual species; to add more click on “Add an Observation” in bottom left corner Click “Save Vegetation Survey” to save your data 2 3

73 Vegetation Survey – Species Lookup
As you type scientific names matches are displayed below

74 Vegetation Survey – Review/Edit Data
Click on date you wish to review/edit

75 Vegetation Survey – Review/Edit Data
Click here to delete an entire visit After reviewing, click here to set status to “Clean”

76 Data Entry Management Actions

77 Management Actions Create management action plans
Proposed management action(s) for a sampling unit Requires: Selection of proposed habitat manipulations Targeted dates of action Targeted percentage (%) of sampling unit to receive treatment Reporting on management action plans Tracks your accomplishments Report actual dates conducted Report actual % of area affected

78 Management Action Plans
User selects proposed action or actions from pre-defined list NWRS staff and other land managers worked to develop comprehensive list of actions Chemical Mechanical Prescribed fire Agricultural Etc Plans are year specific! Can re-use combinations of habitat manipulations as necessary

79 Management Action Plans
Definitions Management Actions – typical habitat manipulation techniques (e.g., prescribed burn, natural draw-down, mow, etc.) End users cannot modify this list If you find a common technique missing please contact IWMM Staff for help Prescription – single or combinations of Management Actions used to manipulate a management unit Management Action Plan – a defined plan that identifies sample units, Prescriptions and information on targeted application dates and percentage of units to be treated

80 Management Action Plans

81 Management Action Plans – Creating a Plan
1) Enter year when actions will occur 2) Select sampling units which will receive this treatment Notes: Year will always be current or future. Do not create plan for previous year. If you need to report on prescriptions that happened earlier please report without plan Sampling units are restricted to current Project Prescriptions are specific to current Project (i.e., they are not shared among projects) 3) Select existing prescription or create new prescription

82 Management Action Plan – Creating a Prescription
1) Enter a descriptive name 2) Optional but useful when re-using management prescriptions in the future 3) Click here in order to add actions to prescription

83 Management Action Plan – Creating a Prescription
1) Select Action to add 2) Add expected Start and End dates 3) Add expected percentage of sampling unit to be affected To add more than one action click here 4) Finally click here

84 Management Action Plan – Creating a Prescription
You are returned to this screen where you can: Add sampling units to this Plan Report on this Plan (not usually the case when you create a Plan) Review all Plans that have been created

85 Reviewing Management Plans
Edit or report on existing Plans Create new Plan Edit existing Prescription Create new Prescription

86 Reporting on Management Action Plans
A management implementation page allows you to enter management actions by management unit as needed.

87 Reporting on Management Action Plans
Report on existing Plans

88 Reporting on Management Action Plans
Provide Actuals for: 1) Start Date 2) End Date 3) % of Area Affected Notes a – Reporting without a Plan means you can only report on individual Management Actions, not Prescriptions! You can report on Actions without a Plan a

89 Reporting on Management Actions without a Plan
2) Select Management Action, Start/End Dates & % Area actually affected 1) Select Unit 3) Click Add Existing Reports

90 For more information contact:
IWMM Coordinator or IWMM Regional Contacts (see    for contact info)

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