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Machine Intelligence Design Laboratory

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Presentation on theme: "Machine Intelligence Design Laboratory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Machine Intelligence Design Laboratory
The Centipede Designer Jamie Rutledge Machine Intelligence Design Laboratory

2 The Centipede The Centipede is an all terrain autonomous mobile agent. It is a segmented robot designed to climb over objects in its path. The direction is controlled though two servos mounted between each segment.

3 Behaviors Variable Wall Following Semi obstacle avoidance Squiggle

4 The Centipede Spring Loaded Hinge Flexible and Rigid Direction Servo
Epoxies, Stability

5 Sensor Array

6 Tilt System Two Glass Mercury Switches Sigma = 55 degrees
theta = 145 degrees If shorted Evasive maneuvers will be made pending which sensor is shorted Connected to PE0

7 Variable Following System
Simple Voltage Divider V1 is measured by PE2 V is the 5V supply Analog values range from 2.5V = 91 and 3.3V = 127

8 Demonstration Time Any questions about the system
Watch the system run over what is in its path. Centi “Here Little TJ, TJ!!! I just want to play!!” (CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH)

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