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Differentiated Instruction:

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1 Differentiated Instruction:
Strategies to Enhance Classroom Instruction and Improve Student Achievement First 3 October 23, 2012 Mary Scavo, Megan Smith, and Laura Ruble

2 At the conclusion of this today you will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:
Why differentiated instruction is important A basic understanding of the key components of a differentiated classroom The rationale for using flexible grouping Strategies to try out in your classroom !!!

3 Brainstorming Activity
1. What is differentiated instruction? 2. How do you differentiate in your classroom?

4 Differentiated Instruction…
Provides different avenues to acquiring content, to processing or making sense of ideas, and to developing products so that each student can learn. Tomlinson, 2001

5 Differentiated Instruction is…
“Shaking up” what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn. Tomlinson, 2001

6 Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Activity
Directions Within your table group, put the Bloom’s Revised Level cards in order (lowest to highest). Discuss small group and whole group. Within your table group, match the Bloom’s Revised Description with the correct Level. Discuss with a near by group for confirmation and then discuss as whole group. Within your table group, match, the Bloom’s Revised Action Verb with the correct Description and Level. Turn and talk to partner about one of the matches you made and why it was made.

7 Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Activity
Directions 4. Within your group, match the Bloom’s Revised Question with the correct Action Verb, Description and Level. Discuss as a whole group the reason for your choice. 5. Within your group, match the Bloom’s Revised Technology with the correct Question, Action Verb, Description and Level. 6. Review the completed Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy chart. Discuss and self-check with table group. What are 3 new things you learned?

8 Multiple Intelligences
On chart paper create a circle graph and list the Multiple Intelligence. List any facts about each Multiple Intelligence. 2 -3 minute activity. Book review – Matrix (pg.84-89)

9 Differentiated Classroom
Key Principles of a Differentiated Classroom Teachers make the difference Students differ in learning preferences and need multiple and varied avenues to learning All students can learn what is important for them to learn Instruction must be meaningful Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are inseparable Diversity should be valued and respected Differentiating and adapting is critical to the success of all learners Flexibility is the hallmark of a differentiated classroom

10 Differentiated Classroom
Key Principles of a Differentiated Classroom Differentiating instruction and adapting curriculum must become the rule rather than the exception Goals are maximum growth and continued success Collaborative planning is essential Students and teachers are collaborators in learning Curricular adaptation is neither prescriptive nor precise Adaptations should maximize student participation in typical curriculum and instruction Adaptations should maximize student involvement with school peer groups The teacher understands, appreciates, and builds upon student differences.

11 Teacher Roles in a Differentiated Classroom
Teachers must move away from the notion that they dispense information and knowledge and move towards seeing themselves as organizers of learning opportunities. While content knowledge is essential, teachers in differentiated classrooms focus less on “knowing the correct answers” and more on understanding their students abilities, learning style, and needs.

12 Differentiated Instruction
is a teacher’s response to learners’ needs guided by general principles of differentiation such as: ongoing assessment and adjustment respectful tasks flexible grouping clear learning goals positive learning environment Teachers can differentiate: Notes: Content Process Product Based on students’ Readiness Interests Learning Profile

13 Let's Explore Some Strategies!!!

14 Flexible Grouping Students are part of many different groups (and also work alone) based on the match of the task to student readiness, interest, or learning style. Teachers may create skills – based or interest – based groups that are heterogeneous or homogeneous in readiness level. Sometimes students select work groups, and sometimes teachers select them. Sometimes student group assignments are purposeful and sometimes random.

15 Flexible Grouping Initially use whole group for instruction
Divide group for practice or enrichment Not a permanent arrangement Use for hour, day, week, etc.

16 Planning for Grouping How does flexible grouping benefit students?
When does grouping facilitate instruction? How do you determine group membership? Which activities lend themselves to group work?

17 How does flexible grouping benefit students?
Gives students and teachers a voice in work arrangements. Allows students to work with a variety of peers. Keeps students from being “pegged” as advanced or struggling.

18 Can be determined by: Group Membership Readiness Interest
Reading Level Skill Level Background Knowledge Social Skills

19 How to determine group membership?

20 Activities to Use in Groups
Cooperative Learning Structures Structures are tools you can use in your classroom to build community, engage students, and make learning fun Some example structures are incorporated using: Timed Pair Share Rally Robin Round Robin Roundtable Shoulder and face partners

21 RAFT RAFT is an acronym that stands for
Role of the student. What is the student’s role: reporter, observer, eyewitness, object? Audience. Who will be addressed by this raft: the teacher, other students, a parent, people in the community, an editor, another object? Format. What is the best way to present this information: in a letter, an article, a report, a poem, a monologue, a picture, a song? Topic. Who or what is the subject of this writing: a famous mathematician, a prehistoric cave dweller, a reaction to a specific event?

22 RAFT Activities Role Audience Format Topic Semicolon Middle Schoolers
Diary entry I Wish You Really Understood Where I Belong N.Y.Times public Op Ed piece How our Language Defines Who We Are Huck Finn Tom Sawyer Note hidden in a tree knot A Few Things You Should Know Rain Drop Future Droplets Advice Column The Beauty of Cycles Lung Owner Owner’s Guide To Maximize Product Life Rain Forest John Q. Citizen Paste Up “Ransom” Note Before It’s Too Late Reporter Public Obituary Hitler is Dead Martin Luther King TV audience of 2010 Speech The Dream Revisited Thomas Jefferson Current Residents of Virginia Full page Newspaper Ad If I Could Talk to You Now Fractions Whole Numbers Petition To Be Considered A Part of the Family A word problem Students in your class Set of Directions How to Get to Know Me Language Arts & Literature Science History Math Format based on the work of Doug Buehl cited in Teaching Reading in the Content Areas: If Not Me Then Who? Billmeyer and Martin, 1998

23 Timed Pair Share Work with a single partner who is sitting next to you
The person with the most recent birthday will begin and will be “Person A” Person A will share for one minute while Person B listens respectfully. Person B cannot talk, but can ask a single question if he/she needs clarification. At the signal, reverse roles. Person B will speak for one minute while Person A listens respectfully.

24 to Differentiate Content
Ways to Differentiate Content Reading Partners / Reading Buddies Read/Summarize Read/Question/Answer Visual Organizer/Summarizer Parallel Reading with Teacher Prompt Choral Reading/Antiphonal Reading Flip Books Split Journals (Double Entry – Triple Entry) Books on Tape Highlights on Tape Digests/ “Cliff Notes” Notetaking Organizers Varied Texts Varied Supplementary Materials Highlighted Texts Think-Pair-Share/Preview-Midview-Postview Tomlinson – ‘00

WAYS TO DIFFERENTIATE PROCESS Fun & Games RAFTs Cubing, Think Dots Choices (Intelligences) Centers Tiered lessons Contracts

26 Input Strategies used to facilitate student learning.
Using highlighted text (Human Highlighter) Using graphic and advance organizers/guided notes Providing audiotapes of textbooks Using amplification Eye Cue/Lend me an Ear

27 Output The ways learners demonstrate understanding and knowledge.
Alternative ways to demonstrate mastery (Oral or dictated responses, pictures, role plays, semantic maps or webs, response cards, KWL, Venn diagrams, etc.) Using highlighted tape Unless testing reading comprehension, consider reading test items to students or allowing them to read aloud

28 A B C D Response Cards

29 True False Cause Effect

30 + - x

31 Difficulty The varied skill levels, conceptual levels and processes involved in learning. Tier the assignment so the outcome is the same but with varying degrees of concreteness and complexity (Think-Tack-Toe) Use alternative worksheets that require minimal writing Sequence steps in a task Break testing into smaller sections over more days

32 Think-Tack-Toe Complete a character analysis for the main character from the story Complete a character report card from the book Name and draw a person who is like one of the characters from the story Build a miniature stage setting from the book Draw a picture describing at least 3 settings from the story Make up a limerick or poem about the setting of the book Use a sequence chart or timeline to describe at least 7 events from the book Write a new beginning or ending to the story Make a board game about the story’s key events

33 Or they will not be successful for teachers or students!
But it is important to remember that any method of differentiating instruction must use the FSU principle F - Feasible S - Sustainable U - Useable Or they will not be successful for teachers or students!

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