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Lecture 11 LTRs Properties of Chromatin Telomeres.

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1 Lecture 11 LTRs Properties of Chromatin Telomeres

2 Human Genome is ‘over-inflated’

3 Two types of transposons

4 LTR retrotransposons constitute 8% of human DNA
443,000 endogenous retrovirus-related LTRs (LTR = long terminal repeats) Reverse transcriptase, Integrase, etc.

5 Very common LTR elements in yeast (Ty elements)

6 Retrotransposons without LTRs
Long interspersed elements (LINES), ~6 kb long, 21% of human DNA A lot of them are silent, but there are ~60 active. The event of transposition occurs once in every 8-10 individuals. Short interspersed elements (SINES), ~300 bp long, 6% of human DNA Both are particularly abundant in mammals Integrate into A-T rich regions, without using LTRs Alu elements are most common SINES (~300 pb) scattered throughout the genome (named after the restriction enzyme, for which they have a site) Processed pseudogenes are spliced mRNAs, back-transcribed into DNA and randomly inserted into the genome

7 Mobile DNA elements: role in evolution
Dispersed equal elements led to unequal crossover and gene duplication Exon shuffling via recombination between homologous interspersed Alu repeats

8 Integration of an exon into another gene via LINE transposition

9 Please read “Evolvability”


11 Extended “Beads-on-a-string” chromatin
(low-ionic strength buffer) Condensed Chromatin (0.15 M KCl buffer)








19 SEM picture of a chromosome and Giemsa-stained caryotype


21 Three functional elements are required for replication and stable inheritance of chromosomes
ARS (autonomously replicating sequences) CEN (centromeres) and TEL (telomeres)



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