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ECEN “Mobile Wireless Networking”

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1 ECEN 621-600 “Mobile Wireless Networking”
Course Materials: Papers, Reference Texts: Bertsekas/Gallager, Stuber, Stallings, etc Grading (Tentative): HW: 20%, Projects: 40%, Exam-1:20%, Exam-II:20% Lecture notes and Paper Reading Lists: available on-line Class Website: Research Interests and Projects: URL: Instructor: Professor Xi Zhang Office: WERC 331

2 Characterizations and Modeling of the Wireless Channel
Lecture Notes 9.

3 Doppler spread effect and Doppler spread function
Both non-linear and time-varying system introduce new frequency components other than those existing in the input signal In wireless propagation environments, mobility of mobile users and/or surrounding scatterers, the channel is linear but time variant  introduce frequency shifts to transmitted signal This phenomenon of adding new frequency shift to transmitted signal is call Doppler Effect and introduced frequency shifts are called Doppler Shifts ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

4 ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks
Input/output model of Wireless Channel Linear time-variant (LTV) channel ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

5 Doppler frequency dispersion
Both non-linear and time-varying system introduce new frequency components other than those existing in the input signal In wireless propagation environments, mobility of mobile users and/or surrounding scatterers, the channel is linear but time variant  introduce frequency shifts to transmitted signal This phenomenon of adding new frequency shift to transmitted signal is call Doppler Effect and introduced frequency shifts are called Doppler Shits ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

6 Doppler-spread function
Both non-linear and time-varying system introduce new frequency components other than those existing in the input signal In wireless propagation environments, mobility of mobile users and/or surrounding scatterers, the channel is linear but time variant  introduce frequency shifts to transmitted signal This phenomenon of adding new frequency shift to transmitted signal is call Doppler Effect and introduced frequency shifts are called Doppler Shits ECEN 621, Mobile Wireless Networks

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