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War in the Pacific Ch. 26 Sec. 5 Pp. 777-780.

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Presentation on theme: "War in the Pacific Ch. 26 Sec. 5 Pp. 777-780."— Presentation transcript:

1 War in the Pacific Ch. 26 Sec. 5 Pp

2 The Pacific Front 12/7/41 – Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, Wake Island, and Guam Invaded Thailand, Malaya, and Hong Kong

3 Bataan Death March After months of fighting, Allies surrender
Prisoners forced to march 60 miles to Bataan 76,000 started, 54,000 survived

4 Island Hopping 4/16/42 – Doolittle raid on Tokyo
Battle of Coral Sea halts Japanese advance Battle of Midway is a decisive Japanese defeat (they lost 4 aircraft carriers)

5 Island Hopping U.S. attacked and captured key islands, then leapfrogged to others 1943 – Guadalcanal captured 1944 – Guam captured

6 Island Hopping 1945 – U.S. seizes first Japanese islands, Iwo Jima and Okinawa Thousands of U.S. soldiers die or are wounded Kamikazes, suicide planes, first appear

7 The Atomic Bomb Manhattan Project – U.S. scientists work in secret on atomic bomb Potsdam Declaration – Allies warned Japan to surrender or face “prompt and utter destruction” 8/6/45 – bomb dropped on Hiroshima, three days later on Nagasaki

8 The War Ends 8/15/45 – V-J Day, Japanese surrender
Top Nazi and Japanese leaders were put on trial 40 million died in WWII (half of them were Russian) U.S. – 322,000 dead and 800,000 injured

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