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Presentation on theme: "Slanting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slanting

2 Johnson vs Goldwater ad

3 A. Labeling / Loaded Language
That wacky-old-coot is Belle’s father and his sanity’s only so-so Use of highly connotative words Euphemisms: pre-owned vehicles (instead of used cars) Heavy vs fat Passed away vs died Eccentric vs crazy Dysphemisms: loony bin (instead of mental hospital) Anti-choice vs pro-life Cancer stick vs cigarette Snail mail vs postal mail

4 B: Rhetorical Analogy Figurative comparison / use of metaphor
or simile to make the subject appear in a good or bad light Governor Mike Huckabee tweeted: “Trump may be a car wreck, but at least his car is pointed in the right direction. Hillary is a drunk-driver going the wrong way on the freeway.” Joe Scarborough reacted to Trump winning: “A complete earthquake” Scar in The Lion King is compared to Hitler


6 C: Rhetorical Definition
Emotionally charged language used to describe or define Capital punishment: government sanctioned murder! Abortion: baby killing! Disney: the happiest place on earth

7 D: Rhetorical Explanation
Opinion stated as fact Hillary Clinton famously described half of Trump supporters as “a basket of deplorables” The entire “Gaston” song from Beauty and the Beast or “Kill the Beast”

8 E: Innuendo Suggestion to read between the lines
Make a point without actually stating it I’ve found a way to get some “extra help” on the test. Jokes in Shrek


10 F: Downplayers Words used to make someone appear less important or significant Mere, only, scarequotes She got her “degree” from Kaplan. That so-called “expert” says … Scar about Simba: “I was first in line until that little ‘hairball’ was born” Referring to a woman as a “girl” or “female” “Madame Gaston, can’t you just see it? Madame Gaston, his little wife!”

11 G: Hyperbole Overstatement, exaggeration
The entire “Prince Ali” song in Aladdin

12 H: Truth Surrogates Hinting that proof exists without actually providing it Studies show According to an insider There’s no reason / every reason to believe Jafar: Just where did you say you’re from? Aladdin: Oh, much farther than you’ve traveled, I’m sure. Jafar: Try me.

13 I:Ridicule / Sarcasm Language to suggest the object is worthy
of scorning or mocking Lion King, Zazu about Scar: “He’d make a very handsome throw rug, you know.”

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