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Here comes the sun Hackathon challenge by province of Noord-Brabant

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Presentation on theme: "Here comes the sun Hackathon challenge by province of Noord-Brabant"— Presentation transcript:

1 Here comes the sun Hackathon challenge by province of Noord-Brabant
March, Hackathon challenge by province of Noord-Brabant Allard Haarman & Etienne Budde

2 Content Context Overall goal Challenge Locations Components Criteria

3 Context

4 National climate agreement Netherlands

5 49% less CO2 in 2030 compared to 1990 National climate agreement
The National climate agreement has one central goal: 49% less CO2 in 2030 compared to 1990 Mobility is about 25% of all the CO2 emission

6 National climate agreement

7 Climate agreement for mobility in the province Noord-Brabant
Sustainable energy targets and local automotive industry Since 2011 active with developing charging infrastructure Goal is electric vehicles in Challenge: More local sustainable power More electric vehicles In relation to the net and the business cases

8 And, with respect to the capacity of the grid”
Overall goal “The goal is to combine the increasing number of local sustainable generation with the increasing number of electric vehicles. And, with respect to the capacity of the grid”

9 Challenge Toelichting geven: met toevoeging van de elektrische auto wordt de uitdaging alleen maar groter. Tegelijkertijd kan de elektrische auto een belangrijke rol spelen in het wegnemen van de pieken. Zowel de pieken in levering aan het net als de vraag aan het net.

10 Challenge

11 Location archetypes 1. Office 2. Household Multiple EV’s.
Present during sunny hours. Assume more energy production than office uses during the day. 2. Household One or two EV’s. Mostly away during sunny hours. Assume more energy production than household uses during the day.

12 High level components Energy market prices (optional)
Local sustainable energy Data aggregation (optional) Charge Point Operator (CPO) Charge Point(s) Identification and payment Car(s) User needs Network capacity & load

13 A hint of inspiration 2 hours 50 km

14 Criteria Overall: Impact on the problem. To what extend does the solution solve the problem? Criteria: Applicability Complexity Sustainability Usability Completeness Bonus: Quality of presentation / showcasing your solution Originality

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