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Hogeschool Utrecht Utrecht University of Applied Sciences

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Presentation on theme: "Hogeschool Utrecht Utrecht University of Applied Sciences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hogeschool Utrecht Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
Organizing content for the study of technology Arien Bekker Hermien Vossebeld Gerald van Dijk

2 Tel Aviv is the place to be.
Centre of expertise for teacher education in science and technology Aim: Dissemination of expertise from the academic world to the schools, via teacher education. The Netherlands is a tiny country; our academic counterpart is rather small. Ecent has a nation wide responsibility. Tel Aviv is the place to be.

3 Utrecht, The Netherlands

4 What we are going to do right now
We will tell you how we trained D&T teachers in Utrecht up to today. We will tell you why we are not entirely happy with that. We will show you our plans for the future. We will ask you for your opinion

5 The Past Start with Todd, Todd, McCrory in 1989 Elements Activities

6 The Past Activities: Construction Transporting Production

7 What happened We lost track of the international developments
Due to demands of students and developments in the field, we developed a unit about design We were allocated less teaching time for content matter. We merged with physics and chemistry (people and management) D&T partly integrated in science at secondary schools (2003) We designed a new curriculum without a clear rationale for content matter

8 USA: the universals of technology

9 International developments
1996 Todd, Todd & McCrory

10 Todd, Todd & McCrory design & technology
designing, documenting and drawing models and model-building the resources of technology elements + time, space, capital and management the systems of technology physical, bio-related, communication, control technology the impact of technology investigating, developing and improving consequences and decisions

11 New Zealand curriculum 2007
THREE STRANDS the nature of technology designing, planning, developing and evaluating technological practice characteristics of technology technological knowledge models, products and systems

12 Curriculum Constructs New Zealand
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12/27/2018 Curriculum Constructs New Zealand Technological Practice Nature of Technology Technological Knowledge Brief Development Technology as Activity Characteristics of Technology Technology as Volition Technological Modeling Technology as Knowledge Planning for Practice Characteristics of Technological Outcomes Technology as Artefact Technological Products Outcome Development and Evaluation Technological Systems Useful to give an overview of how the new NZ technology curriculum constructs relate to views of technology as discussed by Mitcham. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

13 Knowledge/ skill from other disciplines
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12/27/2018 Knowledge/ skill from other disciplines Knowledge/ skill from other disciplines Context Specific Technological Knowledge/skills Technological Practice Technological Knowledge Technological Literacy Context Specific Technological Knowledge/skills Context Specific Technological Knowledge/skills Nature of Technology Context Specific Technological Knowledge/skills Useful to show how everything works together to support the overall development of student technological litertacy. Knowledge/skill from other disciplines Knowledge/skill from other disciplines Vicky Compton New Zealand PATT18 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

14 What we want A structure for content A clear rationale
Design as a leading theme Introduction of new content: The nature of science and Technology (in year 1) Vocational contexts Sustainability Entrepreneurship







21 What do you think? (individually)
Which characteristics of your own curriculum are you proud of? This question could be answered with regard to the content of certain courses, but it could also be answered at the level of the structure of the content as a whole. To what extent are these characteristics present in the Dutch proposal? You receive a grant worth of 400 hours, to design improvements on your own curriculum. What would be the focus of your proposals?

22 To be answered as a group
You receive a grant worth of 200 hours to help the Dutch team to improve on their current proposals. What would be the focus of your work?

23 There will be a randomly chosen spokesperson (of course)
Toda raba We like to keep in touch

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