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August 2017 – Adv. Math 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 16

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Presentation on theme: "August 2017 – Adv. Math 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 16"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 2017 – Adv. Math 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 16
Class: Welcome /Get acquatinted to each other and class Hmwk: Read Syllabus and Student Profile 17 Class: Back to school Groups Hmwk: Student Profile due tomorrow 18 21 Hmwk: Go online and find book 22 Class: Pre-Course Test Hmwk: 4 – 4s for answers 1-20 23 Class: Pre- Course Test Hmwk: Go online and find Math Book – Do Page 1 24 Hmwk: Integer addition and subtraction review worksheet (both sides) 25 Class: Groups to review Integer rules – Convincer and Skeptic 28 Groups to review Integer rules – Convincer and Skeptic Focus: Subtracting a negative Hmwk: Course 2 Book Pg. 18, #1-7 all, #8-32 evens Show all work 29 Cornell Notes on Integer rules for multiplication Focus: Multiplying 2 negative numbers Hmwk: Course 2 Book Pg 26, #1-7 all, #8-38 evens 30 Combine Like Terms Cornell Notes on Combining Like Terms Hmwk: Combining Like Terms Art Work 31 Combining Like Terms Cont’d Homework: Combining Like Terms Worksheet (both sides) Sept 1 Applied Math Lesson “About Time” Hmwk: Finish Act 1

2 September 2017 – Adv. Math 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
4 – No School Labor Day Holiday 5 Applied Math Lesson “About Time” – Act 2 Hmwk: Finish Act 2 Assignment Due Tomorrow Watch Video on Introduction to Solving 2-step equations – Link available on website 6 Lesson: Unit 1 – Lesson 1 Solving Simple Equations Hmwk: Online Assignment – Homework 1.1 7 Lesson: Unit 1 – Lesson 2 Solving Multi-Step Equations Hmwk: Online Assignment – Homework 1.2 8 Lesson 1.2 – cont’d 11 Study Help for quiz on lessons 1.1/1.2 Quiz MB pg 16-17 12 Quiz on Lesson 1.1, 1.2 Homework: Read Ahead on Lesson Write out Cornel notes for key terms. Try to solve a couple equations with variables on both sides. The steps are still the same 13 Lesson: Unit 1 – Lesson 3 Solving Equations with Variables on both sides Hmwk: MB pgs # odds 14 Lesson: 1.3 15 Learning Station Review Finish Study Guide 18 Pass it on Equations Game MB pg 25 # odds 19 Lesson 1.4 Finish equations with variables on both sides MB pg 28 #106 and pg 31 # 20 Lesson 1.4 Rewriting Formulas MB pg 30, # 5- 10; 31 # And Test Corrections if below 71% on Quiz 21 Review Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides Homework: Worksheet both sides 22 Lesson 1.4 Taking Math Deeper (Word Problems) Homework: Look over lesson 1 notes Homework: finish classwork MB pg 25 Equation Maze Homework Study Guide MB pg 36 #1-19 odds (We did the evens in class) 26 Grudge Ball Test Review 27 – Unit 1 Test Homework: Watch Kahn Academy Video on Exponents Take notes on the properties of exponents Lesson 10.1 Online Assignment 10.1 Lesson 10.2 Classwork will become homework if not finished in class

3 October 2017 – Adv. Math 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2
Lesson 10.2 Hmwk MB pg #3-27 odd (Online Assignment) 3 Lesson 10.3 Hmwk MB pg #3-27 odd (Online assignment) 4 Lesson 10.3 (cont’d) Homework MB pg 426 #1,2 Pg 427 #29-32 (Online assignment) 5 Lesson 10.4 Homework MB pg 432, #5-27 odd (Online assignment) 6 Study Help MB pg 434 Quiz Review MB pg 435 # 1-18 all Quiz on Lessons on Monday 9 Continue Lesson 10.4 Cornell Notes on lesson WB pg 218 MB pg 432 # odd 10 Make Study Guide for quiz – MB pg 434 Homework: MB pg 435 #1-18 all 11 Extra day to complete Tuesday’s homework and prepare for the quiz Do Online Practice Quiz” 12 Quiz on Lessons Homework WB activities pg 13 Lesson 10-5 Class Notes WB Pg 222 16 Lesson 10.5 (cont’d) 17 Lesson 10.6 18 Lesson 10.7 19 Review 20 Test 23 24 25 26 27 30 31

4 November 2017 – Adv. Math 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1
3 6 7 8 9 10 - Veteran’s Day No School 13 14 15 16 17 20 Thanksgiving Break 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 Dec 1

5 December 2017 – Adv. Math 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4
5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 End Semester Winter Break begins tomorrow – Happy Holidays!! 25 No School 26 27 28 29

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