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Water Supply - Sector Overview
Drinking Water Security in Rural India Water Supply - Sector Overview Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation Ministry of Rural Development Government of India
National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP)
National Goal To provide every rural person with safe water for drinking, cooking and other domestic basic needs on a sustainable basis. This basic requirement should meet certain minimum water quality standards and be readily and conveniently accessible at all times and in all situations Outlay – Rs crore in Target to cover all uncovered, quality affected and other habitations and households, schools with safe and adequate drinking water supply
COMPONENTS OF NATIONAL RURAL DRINKING WATER PROGRAMME (NRDWP) COVERAGE for providing safe and adequate drinking water supply to unserved, partially served and slipped back habitations. – 45% Provide potable drinking water to water QUALITY affected habitations. – 20% SUSTAINABILITY to encourage States to achieve drinking water security at the local level – 20% OPERATION & MAINTENANCE (O&M) for expenditure on running, repair and replacement costs of drinking water supply projects – 10% and SUPPORT activities – 5%. Allocation for DESERT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (DDP) areas to tackle the extreme conditions of low rainfall and poor water availability Earmarked funds to Mitigate drinking water problems in rural areas in the wake of NATURAL CALAMITIES,
NRDWP Funds released to States as per allocation criteria of rural population, rural SC&ST population, areas under DDP, DPAP, HADP and special category Hill States, population managing their own drinking water projects State level Scheme Sanctioning Committee has powers to plan, approve and take up drinking water projects Piped water supply schemes increasingly being taken up by States
NRDWP-COVERAGE Habitations are classified under the following categories (with and without quality problems) 0% population coverage 0-25% 25-50% 50-75% % 100% population coverage Priority in taking up schemes in habitations. Priority for coverage of Minority dominated habitations and LWE affected districts. At least 35% of COVERAGE & QUALITY FUNDS shall be earmarked for providing safe drinking water in adequate quantity to SC/ST population. 65% of funds provided under NRDWP provided to States can be utilized for COVERAGE on 50:50 Centre to State funding pattern.
NRDWP-QUALITY Habitations are classified under the following water quality problems Arsenic Fluoride Salinity Iron Nitrate Tackling bacteriological contamination is mandatorily included into all water supply projects Dual water supply can be prioritized for supply of 10 lpcd of safe drinking water for cooking and drinking purposes and quality-affected water purposes can be used for washing (iron free water), bathing, ablution, etc.
SUSTAINABILITY funds shall be utilized for improving the source and system sustainability by augmenting drinking water resources. Ground water recharge through check dams, percolation tanks, etc., surface water impounding like ponds, Ooranies, etc., improvement of traditional water bodies, conversion of defunct bore wells into point source recharging systems can be taken up under this component. Convergence with MNREGS can be achieved by planning funds required for excavation from MNREGS with material component from NRDWP-Sustainability funds. Use of new and renewable energy sources can be promoted, wherever necessary Conjunctive use of ground-water, surface water and rainwater harvesting could bring in drinking water security Over-exploited, critical and semi-critical blocks identified by CGWB can be prioritized. 20% of funds provided under NRDWP provided to States for sustainability as 100% Central assistance.
Strengths and Weaknesses
86% of rural population have access to safe drinking water About lakh rural habitations are fully covered with safe and adequate drinking water Satisfactory funding Incentive for Sustainability, Decentralisation, Support Involvement of Panchayats, ownership of communities Good institutional structure of SWSM, RWS Dept., DWSM, GP, VWSC Involvement of scientific inst. And civil society Weaknesses Nearly 5.70 lakh habitations slipped back to partial coverage 1.44 lakh habitations having contaminated drinking water 85% dependence on Groundwater - Severe depletion Only about 35% habitations with piped water supply Only 12% (2005) households with tap connections Problem of weak O&M Inadequate attention to software activities, sustainability Neglect of traditional sources
Understanding Best Practices
Long term sustainability - Gujarat Roofwater harvesting – Mizoram Tackling water quality – West Bengal - Arsenic Revival of Traditional water bodies – Tamilnadu Community managed groundwater systems- Andhra Pradesh Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance – Madhya Pradesh Service delivery to STs – Orissa – Gram Vikas Capacity building – Change Management - Tamilnadu Sector wide reforms – Uttarakhand Public-private partnership – Punjab, Decentralisation – Kerala Regulation – Maharashtra Institutional Structures- Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra Metering and 24X7 water supply – Dakshina Kannada dt.,Karnataka
Fostering Innovations
20% of NRDWP funds for Sustainability on 100% grant basis 5% for Support activities 10% for innovative projects for States devolving management to PRIs Key Resource Centres for capacity building, documentation Block Resource Centre for awareness generation and capacity building National Drinking Water and Sanitation Council
Online IMIS Using Web for on-line monitoring
GP level data on targets and achievements Feedback and Queries invited from all Stakeholders Only database with habitation level data
NRDWP- SUPPORT NRDWP – SUPPORT funds (5% of NRDWP funds) shall be utilized for the following purposes : Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance which inter alia include Establishment of new district and sub-divisional laboratories Upgradation of existing laboratories Procurement of field test kits / refills Communication and Capacity Development ( shall cater for both NRDWP and TSC programmes) IEC (Awareness generation) HRD (training and capacity building) – TNA Workshops, Training Calendars Community involvement & mobilization (formation of VWSCs, etc.) Research & Development State Technical Agency (STA) – required for ensuring sustainability component in every water supply project which is put up for approval of SLSSC Monitoring & Evaluation Administrative expenses
ICT Solutions Grievance Redressal – Punjab, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh – toll free number HGM Maps with National Remote Sensing Centre E-procurement, GPS
Training and Communication Action Plans
Training through 19 KRCs – Annual Action Plans Communication and Capacity Development Units set up in all States Training Needs Assessment Workshops held in States States have prepared Training Calendars Community involvement activities plan IEC Plans – IEC Guidelines issued State Workshops being held by GoI officers for sensitizing and motivating district level officials Staffing pattern for DWSM includes IEC and HRD consultants Block Resource Centres with 2-4 Social mobilisers/motivators to be set up in all blocks
We believe users of water are the best managers of water…
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