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Making local meaning from national assessment data

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1 Making local meaning from national assessment data

2 Helen Wildy Dean, Faculty of Education The University of Western Australia

3 Outline Background Scales Demonstration Using NuLit and NAPNuLit data

4 1. Background Data Club funded by DEST, DET, from Edith Cowan University; Louden and Wildy NuLit CEOWA, from Murdoch University; Wildy, Mercer and Sheridan NuLit AISWA, from Murdoch University; Wildy, Mercer and Sheridan 2009 NAPNuLit CEOWA, AISWA from UWA; Wildy, Mercer and Sheridan

5 Uptake Data Club 510 primary DET schools NuLit CEOWA all 159 schools
NuLit AISWA nearly all 158 schools NAPNuLit all CEOWA and all AISWA schools

6 Project brief Data Club: to assist principals, teachers and parents to interpret and use national benchmark data NuLit, NAPNuLit: to assist school leaders to interpret and use national benchmark data

7 Project design Access WALNA data for all CEOWA schools and registered AISWA schools Develop software to show a range of comparative and value added displays Workshop individual school’s data; no PD no disc basis

8 2. Scales WALNA data WAMSE scale 0 to 800, then -300 to 900
Years 3, 5, 7, 9 performance on single scale (each for Reading, Writing, Spelling, Numeracy) NAPLAN data NSS 0 to 1000

9 3. Demonstration NuLit NAPNuLit

10 Reporting in Bands Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Exempt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year 5 Year 7 Year 9 Below minimum standard At minimum standard At or above minimum standard

11 Bands

12 Bands: partition

13 Box plot

14 Box plot: Partition

15 Student scores: Box plot

16 4. Using NuLit and NAPNuLit data
Student level: EARS, NuLit, NAPNuLit Whole school level: NuLit, NAPNuLit Education system level: reports

17 School improvement process
Focus and actions for the past 3 years Evidence of the effectiveness of those actions Evidence of emerging trends Planning for the future

18 The future? Evaluation of impact
Review of uses by teachers, schools, systems Evidence of improvement in student literacy and numeracy performance

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