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Test Automation For Web-Based Applications

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1 Test Automation For Web-Based Applications
Portnov Computer School WebDriver Training Test Automation For Web-Based Applications Presenter: Ellie Skobel

2 Day 1 Selenium 3 (WebDriver)

3 WebDriver Basics Installation is Complete!
Install selenium webdriver client: In PyCharm select Settings > Python Interpreter Click on the plus (+) icon to add an additional python package Search for 'selenium', select and click Install Installation is Complete! To use basic webdriver commands: In you python TestCase import webdriver from selenium import webdriver Create a webdriver browser instance self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() Use the object instance to find elements and perform actions self.driver.find_element_by_id("Submit").click()

4 Implementations of webdriver
Firefox Opera Chrome IE Safari PantomJS Android ** iOS ** ** = via Appium

5 Basic WebDriver Commands
Definition get opens a specified URL title returns the page title find_element_by_* returns first found matching element. Options include: id, tag_name, class_name, link_text, partial_link_text, css_selector, xpath and name find_elements_by_* returns ALL found matching elements. Options include: id, tag_name, class_name, link_text, partial_link_text, css_selector, xpath and name quit quits the browser session Webdriver API Documentation: here

6 Basic WebElement Commands
Description text returns element's visible text click performs a single click submit submits a form (similar to pressing enter/return on the keyboard) clear clears all content from a field send_keys Simulates entering text into a field

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