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SUMMIT The place where diverse ideas and people meet. By Delaney Lyman

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1 SUMMIT The place where diverse ideas and people meet. By Delaney Lyman
Hi I’m Delaney Lyman and this is my Capstone project, Summit, a new social media platform geared toward international demographics opinion and discussion. The place where diverse ideas and people meet.

2 The Problem There is no platform that brings questions directly to its intended audience and collects first-hand data. There continues to be a lack of first-hand communication between online communities, that fosters ignorance and hate. I started thinking about this during the election cycle last year, how people wanted first hand information, to ask question to a specific cohort and to receive valid information. Summit makes such communication not only possible but easy.

3 The Solution Summit creates a space that supports targeted questioning. Opens channels of communication between communities where the audience can easily provide feedback and be heard. When I say supports, I mean the platform is engineered in every way to make it simple to pose questions and even simpler for the question to find their target and have it answered. In my second point I mean that this application can create dialogue between communities and that my platform is designed to making answering questions easy, allowing the asker a better response and giving voice to those who might not participate if the action takes more than a click. In this platform the audience gets priority in the thread, allowing the intended audience to get their point across without large communities drowning them out or getting lost in the thread.

4 18,041,080 subscribers 24,201,619 people/month 62,171,200 visits/month
Market Validation r/AskReddit 18,041,080 subscribers 70,341 online Yahoo! Answers (US) 24,201,619 people/month 62,171, visits/month My application depends highly on my ability to create a large userbase, so we’ll now delve into some market validation and adoption strategy.

5 If I can adopt, even % of r/AskReddit’s user base, I will be on track with my projected financials.

6 Adoption Strategy Google output
Reddit’s r/AskReddit and other subreddits Social Media advertising Rewards for Early Adopters and Loyal Users If a person googles a question that has been asked on Summit, it will link to the platform site and the question thread, as well as promote the viewer to sign up for the platform. Heavy advertising on Reddit’s /askReddit Heavy advertising through social media, especially on platforms such as Vkontakte that are specialized for a community. The rewards for Early Adopters and Loyal/Constructive users will be experience points. Like on Steam users will be able to win experience points by participating and if they do so well there will be awards for things such as “top comment” or “hot post”.

7 User Acceptance Validation
Comes from the International Association of Public Participation Source: IAP2 International Federation 2014

8 Costs Development: $50,850 Database: $ 1,380 Hosting: $ 216
Deployment: $ Marketing: $15,000 Total: $67,596 This projection is at a rate of $450 per day as estimated by Oozou at Amazon Lambda and Amazon Redshift for Database and Hosting Pricing

9 Revenue Analytics: Data from Summit will be sold to interested parties (marketers, intelligence agencies, normal users, etc.). Advertising: Managed and self-serve ads. Summit Silver: A membership plan that allows users to pay for premium features. Amazon Lambda and Amazon Redshift for Database and Hosting Pricing 26k 3k 79k

10 Financials 67k 107k 40k Development Cost Estimated Revenue Estimated Profit Analytics: as stated previously, data from Summit will be sold in a clear format to interested parties (marketers, intelligence agencies, normal users, etc.). Advertising: There are two ways to advertise on the platform, either through managed or self-serve ads. Though pricing for Summit will surely be different to begin with, pricing for Reddit’s managed ads starts at $30,000, and for self-serve ads at $5.00 cost per thousand (CPM) depending on the target audience. Summit Something: This offering is a membership plan that allows users to pay for premium features. The premium features enhance the user’s experience in part by removing ads, allowing users to filter comments, allow for better comment management. Projected to break even Summit is projected to break even in it’s 11th month on the market.

11 Product ASK ● ANSWER ● UNITE

12 Business Canvas Age cohorts will include generation z and milllenials

13 Competition

14 Competitive Advantage
Intended Audience Answering Easy Answering Quantitative Results Benevolent Mission Statement

15 Team CEO/Partner Lead Developers Database and Hosting Managers
Marketing Managers User Testers

16 SUMMIT Thank you The place where diverse ideas and people meet.
-add adwords to financial projections in costs How many active users do I need to make this successful Flush out summit silver before I begin implements Think about if I really need the inbox Think about if people really want to end discourse How to stop flamethrowing Thank you Delaney Lyman

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