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AmeriCorps Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "AmeriCorps Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 AmeriCorps Orientation 2018-2019

2 In the chat box… Send your name, for attendance purposes
Your favorite ice cream flavor What you wanted to be when you grew up as a kid

3 Objectives By the end of this session, corps members will understand: 1 What AmeriCorps is 2 The benefits of being an AmeriCorps member 3 The expectations and responsibilities of being an AmeriCorps member 4 Where to find more information about AmeriCorps

4 What is AmeriCorps?

5 Understanding Service
What does service mean to you? 60 seconds reflection Type your response in chat box 3 people Share out

6 History of National Service, AmeriCorps, and TFA
1933 1961 1964 1990 1993 2009 Peace Corps established National and Community Service Act Points of Light Foundation Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act Civilian Conservation Corps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) Corporation for National & Community Service

7 Governance of AmeriCorps and CNCS
What is the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)? CNCS is an independent federal agency that improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Fun Fact: CNCS engages more than 5 million Americans in service each year.

8 AmeriCorps Members Get Things Done

9 Strengthening Community; Other AmeriCorps Programs
AmeriCorps is a major player in education, nationally. 75% of AmeriCorps investments are to education programs.

10 AmeriCorps Pledge I will get things done for America - to make our people safer, smarter, and healthier. I will bring Americans together to strengthen our communities. Faced with apathy, I will take action. Faced with conflict, I will seek common ground. Faced with adversity, I will persevere. I will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond. I am an AmeriCorps member, and I will get things done.

11 AmeriCorps Member Benefits & Responsibilities

12 Financial Benefits of AmeriCorps
Overview Requirement Benefit Overview Requirement Education Award $5,920 to pay back qualified past loans or applied toward current or future education (including teacher certification costs in most cases). Available upon completion of full service term, in good standing. Loan Forbearance Qualified student loans temporarily postponed during service; interest on loans placed in forbearance continues to accrue. Interest Accrual Upon completion of service, up to 100% of interest accrued that year will be paid by AmeriCorps.

13 TFA Corps Members Service Terms
In your two year commitment, you will serve two AmeriCorps service terms. Benefits follow terms. August: Service term starts School Year: Teaching! Loan Forbearance June 30: Service term ends July: Access to Segal Education Award; interest accrual payment available Summer: Gap in service (no loan forbearance)

14 Important Benefit Information
All benefits are subject to federal tax in the year each is used. The education award is considered taxable income regardless of whether it’s used for current educational expenses or to repay a qualified student loan. Explain that there is a gap between year 1 and year 2

15 AmeriCorps Service Term Requirements
Requirements are about equity and safety AmeriCorps is funded by OUR tax payer dollars – CNCS has a significant responsibility to ensure funds are use appropriately, legally, and fairly AmeriCorps requirements are federal law You can reference requirements anytime in your Member Service Agreement (MSA)

16 AmeriCorps Service Term Requirements
Be a US citizen, national, or legal permanent resident Clear all criminal history checks Not exceed AmeriCorps service term limits Teach full-time in your placement school through the last day of school Earn 1,700 hours of service Complete AmeriCorps paperwork and documentation by established deadlines Abide by all AmeriCorps and TFA policies outlined in the AmeriCorps Member Service Agreement

17 Service Term Requirements – Prohibited Activities
There are certain activities that AmeriCorps members and staff may not perform while on AmeriCorps time. Why? To prevent misuse of public funds. To ensure no appropriated funds (funding from the government) are used for particular activities, per federal law. AmeriCorps member benefits come from all of our tax dollars. You are allowed to participate in these activities on your personal time, as a private citizen. Members should not wear AmeriCorps/TFA gear or identify themselves as members while they do so.

18 Service Term Requirements – Prohibited Activities
Attempting to influence legislation Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes Engaging in partisan political activities or activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to public office Participating in or endorsing activities that include advocacy for or against political parties, platforms, or candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials Conducting registration drives Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing Impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements Engaging in religious instruction, worship, or functions including any form of religious proselytization Providing a direct benefit to a business organized for profit, a labor union, a partisan political organization, an organization engaged in the religious activities described above Providing abortion services or referrals Writing grant applications for AmeriCorps or other federal funds

19 Service Term Requirements – Prohibited Activities
8. Refrain from engaging in prohibited activities (cont.) Not Allowed Prohibited Activity Corps member writes to elected official asking them to support a new law ADVOCACY/LOBBYING Allowed Why it’s OK Corps member writes to elected official to share his/her personal experience as a teacher/corps member Providing information vs. lobbying or advocating for a specific outcome Not Allowed Prohibited Activity Corps member joins other teachers in walking out of classroom during school day protesting gun laws. PROTESTING Allowed Why it’s OK Corps member allows students to walk out of classroom in protest Students may exercise their individual rights, CM did not require or encourage students to protest

20 Prohibited Activities & Social Media
Social/Political Activism on Social Media Is posting on social media about political beliefs (or any topics covered in prohibited activities) prohibited? Tips for worry free posting: Do not post political beliefs, etc. during AmeriCorps service hours (the school day, TFA PD, etc.). Do put disclaimers on your accounts (i.e.. Twitter, blogs, etc.) that the ideas and content expressed are solely your own. Do not post pictures from rallies, protests, or other political activities if you are wearing TFA/AmeriCorps gear. Do keep perception front of mind – would someone think that you are posting content during AC service?

21 Prohibited Activities & Social/Political Activism
Strikes, Rallies, Walk-Outs, Protests, and more… On AmeriCorps time, AmeriCorps members cannot engage in protests, boycotts, or strikes. AmeriCorps members also cannot engage in partisan political activities, or activities designed to influence the outcome of an election. Important things to keep in mind: You can always engage in a protest, strike, etc. as a private citizen, on your own time. If you do attend an event like this on your personal time, do not wear any TFA/AmeriCorps gear, or post any online content from the event that associates you with TFA/AmeriCorps. Remember - perception matters. Could it be perceived that you are engaging in these activities while on AmeriCorps time? If your school (students, teachers, administration, etc.) is planning a strike, walk-out, protest, etc. get in touch with your regional AmeriCorps manager ASAP. They can help you navigate these tricky situations so that you can remain in good standing with AmeriCorps, and do not loose your AmeriCorps benefits.

22 Additional Resources

23 2018-2019 AmeriCorps Checklist
Timeline  Onboarding & Enrollment Requirements   1. Complete criminal history check requirements  May–August 2. Complete required documents in your enrollment packet August  3. Participate in AmeriCorps orientation June–August 4. Set up or confirm your login for a My AmeriCorps account  August–September  5. If applicable, complete the partial award acknowledgement in My AmeriCorps  September  6. Request loan forbearance via My AmeriCorps (optional)  Upon enrollment  Service requirements   1. Serve as the full-time teacher of record  Ongoing  2. Teach through the last day of the school year  3. Do not engage in any AmeriCorps prohibited activities during AmeriCorps time 4. Additional regional requirements, as communicated by your region at the start of the year Ongoing  Exiting Requirements  1. Complete the AmeriCorps exit form  June 2018  2. Request interest accrual payment via My AmeriCorps (optional)  Upon exit in July 2018  3. Request education award disbursement via My AmeriCorps (optional)

24 Additional Resources AmeriCorps Regional Contact: Each region has an AmeriCorps manager, who will serve as your AmeriCorps point of contact throughout your term of service. Your regional contact can answer questions about your regional AmeriCorps requirements. AmeriCorps National team support: For questions about National AmeriCorps requirements that your region is unable to answer, the National AmeriCorps team. AmeriCorps official websites: and These have information about AmeriCorps, the history of national service, and AmeriCorps benefits. AmeriCorps Help Desk: Call this number with any additional questions about your AmeriCorps award, and for technical assistance with your MyAmeriCorps account.

25 Day 1 Printing Resources
Printing at the TFA office: Sunday, 12:00-4:30pm (aim to arrive before 4pm to get on the list) Bring your own paper Bring a hard copy or save as PDF on a flash drive to print Kinkos Discount Code: 2-4 min

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