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ARMA models 2012 International Finance CYCU

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1 ARMA models 2012 International Finance CYCU
Lecture 2 ARMA models 2012 International Finance CYCU

2 White noise? About color? About sounds?
Remember the statistical definition!

3 White noise Def: {t} is a white-noise process if each value in the series: zero mean constant variance no autocorrelation In statistical sense: E(t) = 0, for all t var(t) = 2 , for all t cov(t t-k ) = cov(t-j t-k-j ) = 0, for all j, k, jk

4 White noise w.n. ~ iid (0, 2 ) iid: independently identical distribution white noise is a statistical “random” variable in time series

5 The AR(1) model (with w.n.)
yt = a0 + a1 yt-1 + t Solution by iterations yt-1 = a0 + a1 yt-2 + t-1 yt-2 = a0 + a1 yt-3 + t-2  y1 = a0 + a1 y0 + 1

6 General form of AR(1) Taking E(.) for both sides of the eq.

7 Compare AR(1) models Math. AR(1) “true” AR(1) in time series

8 Infinite population {yt}
If yt is an infinite DGP, E(yt) implies Why? If |a1| < 1

9 Stationarity in TS In strong form In weak form
f(y|t) is a distribution function in time t f(.) is strongly stationary if f(y|t) = f(y|t-j) for all j In weak form constant mean constant variance constant autocorrelation

10 Weakly Stationarity in TS
Also called “Covariance-stationarity” Three key features constant mean constant variance constant autocorrelation In statistical sense: if {yt} is weakly stationary, E(yt) = a constant, for all t var(yt) = 2 (a constant), for all t cov(yt yt-k ) = cov(yt-j yt-k-j ) =a constant, for all j, k, jk

11 AR(p) models For example: AR(2) EX. please write down the AR(5) model
where t ~ w. n. For example: AR(2) yt = a0 + a1 yt-1 + a2 yt-2 + t EX. please write down the AR(5) model

12 The AR(5) model yt=a0 +a1 yt-1+a2 yt-2+a3 yt-3+a4 yt-4+a5 yt-5+ t

13 Stationarity Restrictions for ARMA(p,q)
Enders, p Sufficient condition Necessary condition

14 MA(q) models MA: moving average the general form where t ~ w. n.

15 MA(q) models MA(1) Ex. Write down the MA(2) model...

16 The MA(2) model Make sure you can write down MA(2) as...
Ex. Write down the MA(5) model...

17 The MA(5) model yt=a0+a1yt-1+a2yt-2+a3yt-3+a4 yt-4 + a5 yt-5 + t

18 ARMA(p,q) models ARMA=AR+MA, i.e. ARMA=AR+MA, i.e. general form

19 Ex. ARMA(1,2) & ARMA(1,2) ARMA(1,2) Please write donw: ARMA(1,2) !

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