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Plainville Pantry Project

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Presentation on theme: "Plainville Pantry Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plainville Pantry Project

2 Officer Wayne Cohen and Maura Crowley

3 Packing and getting organized at Wood School

4 6th grade lunch committee counting and packing at Wood School

5 Packing at Jackson School

6 Mrs Rieger checks our progress

7 Grocery Bags ready to go on Thursday for Friday pick up
Grocery Bags ready to go on Thursday for Friday pick up. Nurses office was pick up spot for families on Friday.

8 2 Bags of Produce with each family, purchased through YMCA/Stop and Shop grant

9 Variety of foods

10 More Foods

11 Grant provided tuna, spaghetti sauce, cereal and fresh produce
Grant provided tuna, spaghetti sauce, cereal and fresh produce. $400 spent


13 Jackson School Nurses office-ready to go!

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