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Generals, ladies and gentlemen, First of All thank you very much, to the SO-LIC organisation, for this great opportunity! The next 15 minutes I will brief you about the Netherlands Perspective on Coalition Special Operations and mainly from an Army point of view although we have also SF-elements within the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps! The maritime component. To have the right mind set I will brief you in a nutshell about the Korps Commandotroepen, the Dutch Army Special Forces Regiment. Something about the mission, tasks and organisation. If you know who we are, I will shift the focus to joint and combined operations. (Click) Coalition Special Operations “The Netherlands Perspective”

2 INTRODUCTION The Korps Commandotroepen (KCT) was established in 1942, based upon the idea of Sir Winston Churchill. The first Dutch commando’s were trained and prepared in Achnacarry, Scotland. Right from the start the Netherlands and particularly this commando’s were involved in Coalition (Special) Operations and many other Military Operations. Since then we use the motto NUNC AUT NUNQUAM, what means NOW OR NEVER! (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

3 MISSION KCT (1998) Conduct missions in the NATO spectrum of Special Operations. Conduct missions in support of two military operations with up to 4 teams each (sustainability 3 years). This is the current mission statement, which is based on the Vision of the CHOD in This mission and the tasks are unchanged. The level of ambition and the environment did change! The Netherlands run Special Operations along NATO doctrine and procedures, with a certain flexibility to adept to other coalitions and military organisations. The principle to insert SOF in two missions only with the possibility to sustain this for up to three years is no longer applicable. SOF will only be used when necessary, based on a well executed mission analysis with a clear mission, intent and end-state. Once we meet the criteria for success, SOF will withdraw and prepare for other operations! (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

4 MISSION KCT Provide service and administrative support and internal communications. Act as Policy and Planning branch for Special Operations, with a close link to the Defence Staff. Provide internal training for Special Operations. The regiment is completely self-supporting, running two separate operations simultaneously. Using a FMB of a Framework Nation or a National POD. The communication system is flexible with (certain) possibilities to create the necessary architecture for coalition operations. The Policy and Planning branch is completely involved in the development of Standard Operating Procedures, Joint Training and Equipment Programmes. With a extensive training wing the regiment is able to conduct their own selection courses and the majority of the SOF specialised training. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

5 TASKS KCT Primary Mission Tasks Special Reconnaissance (SR)
Direct Action (DA) Military Assistance (MA) Collateral Activities This are the primary mission tasks, which are in line with the NATO Special Operations Policy (MC-437). Some of US mission tasks, such as “Countering Terrorism, are included in this three principal tasks. Some missions (JCO, FLT and CSAR) we see this as collateral activities. The KCT is not involved in Psychological Operations or Civil Affairs, although specialised Staff-officers can be attached. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

6 ... pre-selected high value targets ...
Special Operations will be controlled by the highest appropriate level within the Netherlands (CHOD) or within the Coalition Operations (CJSOTF). This Command level will select the appropriate high value targets for SOF. NL SOF elements will be used for early deployments or initial entry operations. The (reconnaissance) results will be used in the Political-Military Decision Process. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

7 .... small scale offensive actions ....
This small scale actions can vary from platoon up to company level operations like raids and ambushes. This direct actions could also include Hostage Rescue Operations or Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations. They are conducted as national operation. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

8 ... terminal guidance of precision-guided munitions ...
Joint (SOF) operations making use of the available air-power are more common. Laser Target Designators and Markers are available for the Special Operators. Satcom Radio’s (PRC 117F) to provide the right communication, are in a certain stage of procurement. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

9 … Provide training, advise or assistance to friendly or allied forces in peacetime, crisis or conflict ... This form of military assistance might include training for own, friendly or allied forces. Examples involve: the preparation of conventional forces for operations in the Balkans, the training of a RECCE platoon of ANA and personnel of the ICDC. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

10 ORGANIZATION The regiment is subordinated for operations to the Defence Operation Center of the CHOD. The Operational Command is responsible for training, exercises and the overall management! The NL SF regiment (current organisation) consist of a (joint) staff, three identical SF companies and a Support and Instruction company. There will be a fourth company as of 2008. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

11 ORGANIZATION The three commando companies are the same and they consist of a Staff-element and 8 teams of 8 operators. The teams are mobility trained and they can operate with helicopters, boats and parachutes! Insertion techniques (Moutain, Water and HAHO- HALO) are divided amongst the companies. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

12 INDIVIDUAL SKILLS A team can split up for certain missions (mainly SR), so the individual skills are double within the team. Explanation of the individual skills The Team leader and the Team sergeant are most of the time the communication specialists. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

13 JOINT OPERATIONS Special Forces of the Army and the Marine Corps have a good and close relationship. There is a Joint Training Programme and therefore the units have a extensive exchange. LNO teams are incorporated in both units. Mission Analysis and mainly the necessary capability will decide about joint operations. The Spec Ops Branch of the CHOD is “joint” and in case of real world operations this SOF branch can be boosted up to a complete Special Operations Staff. A separate standing headquarters is not an issue right now, but for sure an issue for future development! (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

14 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Directives and co-ordination from SOF Branch of the CHOD. Integration with “Special Forces” of the Royal (NL) Marine Corps. Integration with “designated” Royal (NL) Air Force elements. Programmes which are currently running are shown on this slides. The main focus is on the integration of Air Force elements. The availability of “designated” assets is the maximum we can reach at the moment. The assets which are available consist of strategic and tactical lift, rotary and fixed wing aircraft. Standard Operating Procedures for Joint Spec Ops are developed, Joint Training Programmes are running and the Procurement of Assets is planned! (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

Crisis Response Operations Joint Commision Observers PIFWC Operations (National Issue) I will show you some of the recent operations in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq. Short explanation. The Balkans are a Coalition Effort. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

Military Assistance to ANA Short explanation. Afghanistan will remain a Coalition Operation. The Netherlands were involved with SOF. (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

17 COMBINED OPERATIONS IRAQ National SF Operations in AOR
Military Assistance to ICDC Field Liaison Teams (FLT) TALLIL Short explanation. The Netherlands are still involved in the Coalition Effort. SOF executed mainly national operations with in the Netherlands AOR. SOF did not participate in Coalition Special Operations, but I do not have to tell you that this is a political issue! (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

18 Emphasis at team level
COMBINED TRAINING Emphasis at team level NATO exercises. Training with other SF units. Emphasis at unit level NATO Staff training & exercises. NATO & international courses. This is the way how we prepare for “combined operations. Because SOF should ready, when they are called upon to do something for which they and only they have the capabilities, the skills and had the necessary training! (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

19 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Increased level of ambition for joint operations!
Employment in Coalition SOF operations (intent NL government)! Increase national and international interoperability! Form a (bi-national) framework for CJFSOCC operations by 2007! There is Study Special Forces (December 2004), written by the CHOD, were clear directives are given for this joint approach. Within the scope of this increased level of ambition, there is also the intent of the Dutch Government to change from Burden Sharing into Risk Sharing. This means also the participation in coalition special operations in the (near) future! From that perspective we should be ready for this kind of operations and increase our international (main focus) interoperability. A milestone in that direction could be the creation of a framework for CJFSOCC operations (force-proposal)! (Click) 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium

20 CONCLUSION United We Conquer
This was in a short briefing the Netherlands (Army) Perspective about SOF Coalition Special Operations. The motto (United we Conquer) is still on the commando monument, were (Scotland) it all started. This motto is -from my point of view- still valid! Thank you very much for your attention, later on I am happy to take some questions. The Dutch delegation will be available throughout the entire SO-LIC symposium. End of Show! 03 February 2005 NDIA SO-LIC Symposium


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