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Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project Why did the City install a Screen? September 13, 2006 David Brown Water/Irrigation Division Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project Why did the City install a Screen? September 13, 2006 David Brown Water/Irrigation Division Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project Why did the City install a Screen? September 13, 2006 David Brown Water/Irrigation Division Manager

2 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project Water Treatment Plant and Intake Structure built in 1969 – 1970 Moved to present location from Oak Flats Plant put on line in 1972 Idea was that water supply for the WTP would be from PP&Ls Wapatox Canal Town of Naches Waste Water Effluent would be bypassed Fish and debris screening done at Wapatox Canal diversion

3 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project As the issue of returning fish surfaced John Easterbrook was instrumental in the installation of upstream barriers

4 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project The Citys WTP diversion was not addressed during Phase 1 of the BPA Screening Wapatox had installed state of the art screens

5 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project Bureau of Reclamation and PP&L started conservations about shutting down the Wapatox Looked like the canal would be down during the winter months The City would need fish screens as water would no longer be screened by Wapatox

6 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project The City applied to BPA for funds BPA grant for partial funding The City applied to SRFB for funding SRFB made small grant Total Project cost $1,838,430 $1,124,000 from BPA $300,000 from SRFB $414,430 from City funds

7 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project Main Structure built by a contractor Chuck Lenberg and crew built and installed the screens and upstream barriers

8 Before

9 Screen



12 Upstream Migrant Barrier

13 Automatic Air Burst Backwash


15 Level Control

16 Issues Mud Behind Screens Long way to run vacuum truck, but doable Algal build up on screens in summer Thought we could hand clean twice a year. Before Wapatox turns on and after they shut down This year with the HOT we have had to hand clean about twice a month –Takes about an hour

17 Issues Slush Ice

18 Naches River Water Treatment Plant Screen Project Why did the City install a Screen? September 13, 2006 David Brown Water/Irrigation Division Manager Tour this afternoon Questions?

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