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STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 TO AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 2015/16 Presentation to the Select Committee on Social Services 28 April 2015
Outline of Presentation
Aim of Presentation Contributing to achieving the 14 Government Outcomes Commitments in the Medium Term Strategic Framework: 2015 to 2020 Service Channels: Footprint in all 9 Provinces Strategic Plan: Strategic Initiatives over MTSF, End State Vision of Home Affairs and Goals DHA Annual Performance Plan: April March 2016, MTEF & Audit Action Plan
Aim of the Presentation
To present the commitment the DHA has made to achieving national outcomes and plans. To present the vision of Home Affairs and the strategies it is implementing to achieve its goals. To present highlights of its Strategic Plan: – 2020. To present the Annual Performance Plan (APP) for 2015 – 2016.
Contributing to 14 Government 14 Outcomes
1.Quality basic education; 2. A long and healthy life for all; 3.All people in South Africa are and feel safe; 4. Decent employment through inclusive economic growth; 5.Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path; 6.An efficient competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network; 7. Vibrant equitable sustainable rural communities contributing to food security for all; 8. Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life; 9.Responsive accountable effective and efficient local government system; 10. Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources; 11.Create a better South Africa a better Africa and a better world; 12.An efficient effective and development oriented public service; 13.Social protection (New); 14. Nation building and social cohesion (New).
DHA commitments in the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2015 – 2020:
Outcome 3: All people in SA are and feel safe. Sub-outcome 3: South Africa's borders effectively defended, protected, secured and well managed Develop an over-arching strategy to defend, protect, secure and ensure well-managed borders Establish integrated Border Management Agency (BMA)
Sub-outcome 6: Identity of all persons in SA known and secured
Ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for SA to the new national identity system (NIS): By 2018/19, 90% of total births registered within 30 calendar days as prescribed by law Ensure that systems are in place to enable the capturing of biometric data of all travellers who enter or exit SA legally: All designated ports of entry equipped with biometric systems capable of processing 100% of travellers (for ports equipped with eMCS) by 2018/19
Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth
Sub-Outcome 3: Elimination of unnecessary regulatory burdens ….. Reduce regulatory burdens and reduce the time required for importing requisite skills for the economy and for investment, including by introducing a “one stop shop” at government level. Changes to subsidiary legislation on immigration to facilitate the importation of economically important skills and for investors as identified by economics and infrastructure departments, SOCs and producers Maximum period for approval to import required skills: 3 months approval from application …
Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service
Sub-Outcome 6: Increased responsiveness of public servants and accountability to citizens • Improved feedback opportunities for citizens and other service users ° Improvements in facilities, based on repeat monitoring and feedback
Service Delivery footprint in all 9 Provinces
407 Office locations
Office expansion since 2009/10
Financial Year Service points to be opened in terms of the Strategic Plan New service points opened Total number of service points 2009/10 15 372 2010/11 2 10 387 2011/12 5 397 2012/13 8 402 2013/14 1 404 2014/15 3 407 Province 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Eastern Cape 2 1 Free State Gauteng Kwa-Zulu Natal 5 3 Limpopo Mpumalanga 8 Northern Cape North West Western Cape TOTAL 15 10 Breakdown per province
Offices are categorised by type of office: Local office Large – serving about pop per annum Local office Medium – pop Local office Small – pop Province LOCAL OFFICE LARGE LOCAL OFFICE MEDIUM LOCAL OFFICE SMALL (PSP) LOCAL OFFICE SMALL (TSC) TOTAL EC 6 24 23 59 FS 3 9 11 7 30 GP 8 61 KZN 18 32 76 LP 5 19 21 12 57 MP 15 58 NC NW 13 2 4 22 WC 26 44 146 119 98 407
389 Current Online Health facility locations
Distribution of online Health Facilities per type
PROVINCE PRIVATE HOSPITALS PRIVATE CLINICS PUBLIC HOSPITALS PUBLIC CLINICS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRES GRAND TOTAL EC 8 46 1 55 FS 3 2 23 32 KZN 4 44 53 LP 38 MP 25 31 NC 18 10 28 NW 16 13 34 WC 5 6 21 7 40 GP 26 70 Grand Total 50 20 256 389
Strategic Plan : Goals, Strategic Initiatives, DHA End State Vision, Outcomes and Strategic Objectives
DHA Goals for 2015 – 2020 There are two overarching goals that informed the strategic planning of the DHA: Continue to deliver against the core mandate of the DHA, which is to secure identity and citizenship; to manage immigration securely; and to deliver services related to these critical functions of the state. Ensure that over the next five years the DHA puts in place the people, systems and infrastructure needed for it to play an effective role in support of national priorities and programmes.
DHA Strategic Initiatives aligned with the MTSF
Establishment of a Border Management Agency. The DHA is leading the establishment of a Border Management Agency by The aim is to achieve cooperation and operational integration across all departments and agencies active in the border environment. Interim measures will include upgrading and strengthening key ports of entry. Building a comprehensive National Identity System (NIS). The NIS will be pivotal to the functioning of the state and private sector and it will be the backbone of e-government. It must be protected and used to achieve national policy goals while safeguarding the rights of citizens. Consultation on Green and White Papers on immigration will follow the conclusion of a series of round table discussions and a colloquium. The holistic review must respond to changes in our society, national priorities and regional and global developments. DHA Strategic Initiatives aligned with the MTSF
DHA Strategic Initiatives aligned with the MTSF (continued)
Securing the Department. The value of DHA services depends on the security of its identity and immigration systems. These systems are essential to the security of the state and are constantly under threat from transnational syndicates, cyber crime, etc. Options are being considered for adequate protection of staff, systems, processes & infrastructure. Modernising the Department. The Modernisation Programme is aimed at replacing outdated systems by building an integrated, paperless, secure, digital platform for DHA systems and processes. A Technical Advisory Committee consisting of experts in IT will be appointed to advise the Minister on future technologies. Professionalising the Department. The Learning Academy is leading the transformation to a DHA of dedicated professionals and specialists. Improving the front line experience of the public. Uniform standards of service will be achieved at the 405 offices of the DHA through building leadership at all levels and improving back office systems and support.
A new sustainable model of Home Affairs must ensure that:
The management of the DHA has developed a vision for Home Affairs which they believe will transform the organisation in all its elements. This is a long term vision which will be achieved in a phased approach. A new sustainable model of Home Affairs must ensure that: The DHA can adequately protect the security and integrity of its people, systems, services and infrastructure. Every citizen and resident has an ID “smart” card with information that is accurate, reliable and protected by officials who are patriotic, professional and humane. Immigration is used strategically and securely to achieve national goals; and the documentation, entry and exit of legitimate visitors is facilitated rapidly. The status of asylum seekers is securely, humanely and efficiently determined; and genuine refugees are assisted in a coordinated way by the state and NGOs. DHA End State Vision
DHA End State Vision (Cont)
Home Affairs is at the heart of a secure identity and immigration system that is trusted, supported and used by all departments and other partners – including international partners. The DHA and the BMA is playing a decisive role in regional integration through driving the building of strong civil registration, immigration and border systems. The DHA has developed effective partnerships with communities and across all spheres of government to enhance security and effective service delivery. Technology embedded in the live capture of biometrics is used effectively to secure the identity and the status of every citizen; immigration processes; and render a world - class service that has very low levels of corruption. Home Affairs sets the standard for e-government and drives the cost effective and creative use of many different channels to provide all citizens and other clients with fast and secure access to services at much lower cost.
Annual Performance Plan (APP) of the Department of Home Affairs
The Structure of the APP
At a high level, the APP is organised around three DHA Outcomes, each of which is supported by a number of Strategic Objectives At the level of quarterly and annual targets that have to be achieved, the APP is organised around three budget programmes: Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Citizen Affairs Programme 3: Immigration Affairs
Number of Objectives and Targets per Programme
No. of Objectives No. of Targets 1. Administration 5 19 2. Services to Citizens 1 3. Immigration Services 3 12 9 36
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies
Secured South African citizenship and identity Strategic Objective 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Main Strategies Increase birth registration within 30 calendar days through: Improve stakeholder management, e.g. collaboration with Health Improve systems for birth registration in hospitals Roll out of smart ID card through alternative channels (e.g. banks) Improved records management (Electronic document management system)
Strategic Objective: All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Number of births registered within 30 calendar days Number of smart ID cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above 2.2 million 3 million 5 million % of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 90% % of IDs (Re-issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 95% % of machine readable passports (new live capture system) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies
Secured South African citizenship and identity Strategic Objective 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Main Strategies Professionalise and modernise in respect of people, systems and infrastructure Roll out of biometrics at ports of entry (phased approach)
Strategic Objective: An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 -Implementation of phase 2 of Enhanced Movement Control System (EMCS) in line with new Immigration Regulations (2015/16) -Development of biometric solution for EMCS finalised (2016/17) -Phased roll out of biometric solution (2017/18) Phase 2 of Enhanced Movement Control System (EMCS) implemented in line with new Immigration Regulations Biometric solution for EMCS developed Phased roll out of biometric solution -Procurement of hardware for Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) concluded (2015/16) -Implementation of new AFIS (2016/17) -Development of National Identity System (NIS) modules by IS branch (2016/17) -NIS operational (2017/18) Hardware for the development of new Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) procured in preparation for National Identity System (NIS) New AFIS implemented National Identity System modules developed by IS branch National Identity System developed (Migration of data and Testing) NIS operational
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies (Cont)
Secured and responsive immigration system Strategic Objective 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Main Strategies Improve security and efficiency in processes and systems Improve international cooperation regarding asylum seekers and refugees
Strategic Objective: Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently
Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Percentage (%) of refugee IDs (first issue) issued within 90 working days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until document is ready at office of application) 50% Percentage (%) of refugee travel documents issued within 90 working days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until travel document is ready at office of application) 80% Submission to Minister for approval of strategy for local integration, repatriation and resettlement of refugees (2015/16) Strategy implemented as per requirements (2016/17 to 2017/18) Strategy for local integration, repatriation and resettlement of refugees submitted to Minister for approval Strategy implemented
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies (Cont)
Secured and responsive immigration system Strategic Objective 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country managed according to a risk based approach Main Strategies Phased implementation of a risk methodology for managing immigration Establishing of the Border Management Agency Development and implementation of border management strategies Capacitation of the Inspectorate to support enforcement of legislation Review and implementation of immigration policy and refugee legislation Improve infrastructure at ports of entry and move against criminals
Strategic Objective: Movement of persons in and out of the country managed according to a risk based approach Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Number of ports of entry (PoE) to which Port Control Strategy & Operational Framework have been rolled out Rollout of Port Control Strategy and Operational Framework to 5 priority PoE Rollout of Port Control Strategy and Operational Framework to 8 priority PoE Rollout of Port Control Strategy and Operational Framework to remaining PoE -Promulgation of BMA legislation (2015/16) -Launch of BMA (2016/17) -BMA in operation as per guiding policies (2016/17) BMA legislation promulgated BMA launched BMA operational -Approval of over-arching strategy to defend, protect, secure and ensure well-managed borders by DHA (2015/16) -Phased implementation of over-arching and sub-strategies (2016/17 and 2017/18) Over-arching strategy developed and approved by DHA Over-arching strategy and sub-strategies implemented in phased approach Number of surveys of borderline communities conducted 1
Strategic Objective: Movement of persons in and out of the country managed according to a risk based approach Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 -Approval of report on feasibility study conducted at 3 foreign missions for installation of biometric system by DDG:IMS (2015/16) -Approval by EXCO of findings of feasibility study conducted in 3 missions (2016/17) -Roll out of approved findings to identified missions (2017/18) Feasibility study conducted at 3 foreign missions and report approved by DDG: IMS - Africa (Harare), Europe (Munich) and Asia (Colombo) EXCO approval of findings of feasibility study conducted in 3 missions Roll out of approved findings to identified missions -Submission of final draft of Green Paper on International Migration to Minister for approval (2015/16) -Submission of White Paper to Cabinet for approval (2016/17) -Approval of Immigration and Refugees Amendment Bills by Minister for submission to Parliament (2017/18) Final draft of Green Paper on International Migration submitted to Minister for approval White Paper on International Migration submitted to Cabinet for approval Immigration and Refugees Amendment Bills approved by Minister for submission to Parliament (subject to approval of White Paper)
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies (Cont)
Secured and responsive immigration system Strategic Objective 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely Main Strategies Fast track the importation of critical skills into the country required for economic growth Improve security and efficiency for permanent residence and temporary residence visas
Strategic Objective: Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely
Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Percentage (%) of permanent residence applications adjudicated within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application) (Above applications refer to: critical skills (s27b), general work (s26a) and business (s27c) only) 70% 85% 90% Percentage (%) of business and general work visas adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application) Percentage (%) of critical skills visas adjudicated within 4 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is received at the office of application) 65% 95%
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies (Cont)
Services to citizens and other clients that are accessible and efficient Strategic Objective 3.1 Secure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Main Strategies Improve leadership, management and supervisory capacity and capabilities Dedicated programmes for frontline officials to improve security and service delivery Implement improved channels for the monitoring of service delivery
Strategic Objective: Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Number of officials trained on DHA National Certificate: Home Affairs Services (skills programmes within the Certificate) to improve performance 350 Number of managers (junior, middle and senior) trained in leadership and management development programmes to improve performance 250 (125 junior, 105 middle and 20 senior managers) Number of officials in identified front offices and ports of entry trained on Client Relations Improvement and Professionalising Programme 200 1000 1500
Strategic Objective: Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 -Training of 80 Cadets on identified number of unit standards from the Nation Certificate: Home Affairs Services (2015/16 to 2017/18) -80 Cadets trained on remaining unit standards from the Nation Certificate: Home Affairs Services from previous financial year (2016/17 and 2017/18) 80 Cadets trained on 18 unit standards for the National Certificate: Home Affairs Services 80 Cadets trained on remaining unit standards for Cadets appointed in 2015/16 80 New Cadets trained on 18 unit standards for the National Certificate: Home Affairs Services 80 Cadets trained on remaining unit standards for Cadets appointed in 2016/17 -Implementation of Contact Centre solution in line with DHA modernization strategy (2015/16) -Phased optimisation of Contact Centre (2016/17 and 2017/18) DHA contact centre solution implemented as per project plan Optimization of DHA contact centre solution (Phase 1) Optimization of DHA contact centre solution (Phase 2)
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies (Cont)
Services to citizens and other clients that are accessible and efficient Strategic Objective 3.2 Good governance and administration Main Strategies Ensure financial and performance information systems are compliant with PFMA and other prescripts Develop and implement a business case for a sustainable model for civic and immigration services Review the operating model and structure of the DHA
Strategic Objective: Good governance and administration
Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Compliance with set deadline for submission of annual financial statements to the Auditor-General by 31 May annually Annual financial statements submitted to the Auditor-General by 31 May annually Compliance with set deadline for submission of In-year monitoring reports to National Treasury in respect of required format and accurate information In-Year monitoring reports submitted to National Treasury by the 15th of each month Vacancy rate maintained at a set percentage or lower Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below by 31 March 2016 Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below by 31 March 2017 Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below by 31 March 2018
Strategic Objective: Good governance and administration
Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Compliance with set deadline for tabling of Annual Report in Parliament as per PFMA Annual Report tabled in Parliament by 30 September annually Quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter 3 DHA 2015/16 and 1 DHA 2014/15 quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter 3 DHA 2016/17 and 1 DHA 2015/16 quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter
Strategic Objective: Good governance and administration
Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Phased implementation of business case: Ministerial approved Cabinet Memorandum on the repositioning of DHA as a security department (in-principle decision) First phase of business case implemented: Cabinet memorandum on the repositioning of DHA as a security department prepared and approved by Minister 2nd phase of business case implemented depending on outcome 3rd phase of business case implemented depending on outcome
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies (Cont)
Services to citizens and other clients that are accessible and efficient Strategic Objective 3.3 Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime fraud and corruption Main Strategies Continue with roll out of the Counter Corruption Strategy through initiatives such as the ethics management programme, review of key business processes, vetting and investigations Efficient implementation of discipline management
Strategic Objective: Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption
Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Number of awareness initiatives on ethics, fraud prevention and counter corruption conducted 20 Percentage of reported fraud and corruption cases finalised within 90 working days 62% 64% 66% Number of reviews on processes conducted to identify possible vulnerabilities in business processes and reports signed off by DG 2 Number of Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information- (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS) 80 Number of vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA) 980
DHA Outcomes, Strategic Objectives and Main Strategies (Cont)
Services to citizens and other clients that are accessible and efficient Strategic Objective 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives Main Strategies Implement the DHA internal and external communication strategy through corporate communication, media relation interventions and public awareness and engagement Making optimal use of stakeholder forums to assist with key service delivery initiatives Roll out of campaigns and outreaches Ongoing partnerships and joint operations with law enforcement agencies, foreign governments, etc. on combatting corruption
Strategic Objective: Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives Indicator Annual Target 15/16 16/17 17/18 Implementation of communication strategy and action plan in respect of corporate communication services, media relations interventions and public awareness activities and engagement Communication strategy and action plan implemented with a focus on: -Corporate Communication services -Media relations interventions -Public Awareness activities and engagement
Medium Term Expenditure Framework 2015 to 2018
PROVINCES BUDGET 2014/15 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2015/16 R'000 PROVINCES 13 157,161 EASTERN CAPE 13 24,571 FREE STATE 13 9,479 GAUTENG 13 25,069 KWAZULU-NATAL 13 22,434 LIMPOPO 13 21,486 MPUMALANGA 13 15,979 NORTH WEST 13 14,364 NORTHERN CAPE 13 10,157 WESTERN CAPE 13 13,622
MTEF ALLOCATIONS: 2015/ /18 VOTE 4: HOME AFFAIRS 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R' 000 Departmental baseline 6,560,792 7,406,470 7,231,511 Additional Allocation to the Baseline 46,000 47,000 55,000 Electronic Document Management System 10,000 Employment of immigration inspectors 36,000 37,000 45,000 Baseline Cuts (155,970) (257,282) (236,909) Non-core goods and services (48,051) (132,116) (144,008) Electoral Commission (24,495) (36,743) - Payments for capital assets (501) (1,105) (1,217) Transfer of Film and Publication Board to the Department of Communications (82,923) (87,318) (91,684) 6,450,822 7,196,188 7,049,602 Earmarked amounts 1,517,104 1,586,561 1,119,912 Representative Political Party Fund 127,712 134,480 141,204 Border Post Infrastructure 70,000 73,500 Information Systems Modernisation (Who Am I Online) 125,000 436,925 518,915
2014/ /18 MTEF ALLOCATIONS Film and Publication Board has been transferred from the Department Home Affairs to the Department of Communications from 2015/16 financial year ( refer to slide 6).
Audit Action Plan
Revenue Regulations amended – no longer collecting fines Government Gazette issued – repatriations forfeited with effect from 28 February 2015 Baseline transfer to DIRCO approved Finalising MOU and revenue collection with DIRCO Assets Interns appointed Final assets verification in progress Source documents supporting values on non-ringfenced assets – register with required information submitted to Archives unit for retrieval of required documents Disposals underway Immovable assets – opening balance being corrected
SOPs aligning the process on compilation of Accruals developed
Commitments Audit of Forex contracts performed Extensions of contracts reported at BAC, delegations currently being amended to accommodate this process Leave management Ongoing monitoring of monthly leave verification process in place Performance agreements amended Monthly checklists compiled Top 1000 meetings
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