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Continuing Vocational Training Survey 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Continuing Vocational Training Survey 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuing Vocational Training Survey 2015
9th November 2016

2 Introduction – Data Management Unit
Role of Data Management Unit Interviewers’ pack: Non-contact forms, payment agreement form, oath of secrecy, interviewers list Copies of questionnaire + electronic copy (already sent) Copy of presentation template (to be provided to interviewers) in case of contact via Use of personal is prohibited. New interviewers should have account credentials

3 Continuing Vocational Training Survey
Data collection method: Contact enterprise by telephone (or face-to-face) Always have your NSO ID clearly visible. Send questionnaire to the enterprise in electronic format. Filled in questionnaire should be checked, any missing or incorrect information should be rechecked with enterprise. Forward (soft or hard copy) to NSO on Only completed and validated questionnaires should reach NSO. If enterprises send their questionnaires directly to NSO, interviewers will be expected to check the questionnaire all the same.

4 Continuing Vocational Training Survey
Received questionnaires Hard copies : Should be signed by interviewers to confirm that these have been checked. Soft copies : Questionnaires forwarded by to this office by the interviewers will be taken as checked.

5 Continuing Vocational Training Survey
The Aim of this survey is to study the enterprise involvement in Continuing Vocational Training (CVT). This survey is being conducted in accordance with provisions of European Regulation EC No. 1552/2005 A random sample of 1395 enterprises was selected to take part in the CVT Survey. All enterprises should employ at least 10 employees.

6 Continuing Vocational Training Survey
Enterprises have already been contacted via post and via , and have already been requested to submit the Continuing Vocational Training Survey. It is your job as interviewers to reassure enterprises that what you are doing is legitimate and all information collected is confidential. Please note that enterprises with 250+ employees are especially important for this study, please do every effort to collect such enterprises.

7 Continuing Vocational Training Survey
IMP: While conducting the survey beware of filter questions and/or notes pertaining to that question. Before starting your work, take the time to familiarize yourself with the questionnaire. This will make your job easier in the long run. Your work will be audited by the unit.

8 Continuing Vocational Training Survey
PDF questionnaires can be filled in electronically by clicking on: Comment Add text comment

9 Section A : Enterprise Background
A2: This question MUST ALWAYS be filled in. Only enterprises with 10 or more employees are in scope. Indicate breakdown of all persons employed with the enterprise as at A4: TOTAL number of hours worked by all employees in 2015. Vacation leave, sick leave, maternity leave and other time spent away from work should be excluded from this figure A5: TOTAL labour costs should be included. All costs the enterprise incurred to employ its employees . Including: Salaries, bonuses, allowances, ect.

10 Section A : Enterprise Background
Criteria required for an activity to be considered as CVT The training must be planned in advanced. The training must be organised or supported with the specific goal of learning. The training must be financed fully or at least partly by the enterprise.

11 Section A : Continuing Vocational Training Strategies
A12: Tick a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 options. A14: Does the enterprise have an annual training budget for CVT courses. A15: Does the enterprise’s collective agreements have any clause regulating the provision of CVT courses? A16a: Are staff representatives/committees involved in the management process of CVT. eg. Does a staff representative have a say in any aspect of CVT provisions

12 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B1a: Internal CVT courses Courses are designed and planned by the enterprise Enterprises are responsible for all the content and management of the course The venue where the course takes place is irrelevant, course can be held within or outside the enterprise

13 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B1b: External CVT courses Courses are designed and planned by 3rd party organizations Enterprises ARE NOT responsible for the content and management of the course The venue where the course takes place is irrelevant, course can be held within or outside the enterprise eg. First aid courses

14 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B2: Other forms of CVT These are activities connected to the active workplace Activities are coordinated by the actual learners The following types of other forms of CVT are identified Planned training through guided-on-the-job training Planned training through job rotation, exchanges, secondments or study visits Planned training through participation (instruction received) in conferences, workshops, trade fairs and lectures Planned training through participation in learning or quality circles Planned training through self-directed learning/e-learning.

15 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B2a – B2e: Other forms of CVT Other forms of CVT are only applicable if they have been planned in advance All questions B2a – B2e must be asked. Questions B2a(i) – B2e(i) should only be asked if their previous questions was marked as YES

16 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B2a : Guided-on-the-job training These are planned periods of training, instruction or practical experience undertaken in the work place, either at the immediate place of work or in a work situation. Question B2a(i) must be answered if B2a = YES

17 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B2b : Job rotation, exchanges, secondments or study visits These include planned job rotations, exchanges, secondments or study visits for the scope of training or as a development program. Transfers of workers from one job to another, which are not part of a planned development programme, should not be included. Question B2b(i) must be answered if B2b = YES

18 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B2c : Conferences, workshops, trade fairs and lectures Attendance at these events is counted as training, only when they are planned in advance and the primary intention of a person employed attending them is training/learning. Question B2c(i) must be answered if B2c = YES

19 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B2d : Learning or Quality Circles Learning Circles are groups of persons employed who come together on a regular basis with the primary aim of learning more about the requirements of the work organisation, work procedures and work places. Quality Circles are working groups with the objective of solving production and work place problems through discussion. Question B2d(i) must be answered if B2d = YES

20 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B2e : Self-directed learning / e-learning Self directed learning occurs when an individual engages in a planned learning initiative where he manages the training time and place at which the learning takes place. This covers e-learning when it is self-directed. eg. An employee who plans his own time in order to engage in a planned learning activity Question B2e(i) must be answered if B2e = YES

21 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B5: Enterprise contributions and receipts to/from collective/mutual or other training funds, for the provision of CVT courses? B5a - CVT Contributions: The costs of contributions made by the enterprise to collective funding arrangements through government or intermediary organisations for CVT courses Eg. Subscriptions for CVT courses If B5a = YES, amount contributed must be provided

22 Section B : Characteristics of CVT courses
B5: Enterprise contributions and receipts to/from collective/mutual or other training funds, for the provision of CVT courses? B5b - CVT Receipts: The receipts from collective funding arrangements, subsidies and financial assistance from government and other sources for CVT courses. Eg. Subsidies from Government or EU sources Government rebates on expenditures Tax concessions Other payments the enterprise received for CVT courses provided If B5b = YES, amount contributed must be provided

23 Filter - Notes If B1a or B1b are YES, go to Section C
If B1a or B1b are NO, and at least one of B2a, B2b, B2c, B2d and B2e is YES go to Section D If B1a or B1b are NO, and B2a, B2b, B2c, B2d and B2e are all NO go to Section E

24 Section C : CVT Participants, Subjects, Providers and Costs
Fill in Section C only if B1a or B1b are YES

25 Section C : CVT Participants, Subjects, Providers and Costs
C1: Indicate breakdown of all persons who participated in one or more CVT courses. Each person should be counted ONLY ONCE, irrespective of the number of CVT courses the person had participated in. C3: TOTAL paid working hours spent on CVT courses. Figure should be split between internal and external CVT courses. C5: Tick a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 options.

26 Section C : CVT Participants, Subjects, Providers and Costs
C4: What percentage of training hours in CVT courses was spent on obligatory courses. Obligatory courses + Other courses = 100% C6: Tick a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 options.

27 Section C : CVT Participants, Subjects, Providers and Costs
C7: Costs incurred by the enterprise for the provision of CVT courses. Exclude VAT and any subsidies received to cover part of training courses. C7a – C7d: Mark YES or NO for each option. If YES, fill in the costs incurred. If breakdown is not available, fill in only C7s and indicate total costs incurred. GO TO SECTION D

28 Section D : Outcomes of Continuing Vocational Training (CVT)
Fill in Section D only if B1a or B1b are YES, or At least one of B2a, B2b, B2c, B2d and B2e is YES

29 Section D : Outcomes of Continuing Vocational Training (CVT)
D2b : answer only if Questions D2a(a) or D2a(b) are TICKED D3 : Tick YES or NO for each option GO TO SECTION F

30 Section E : Reason for the Non-Provision in CVT Activities in 2015
Fill in Section E only if B1a and B1b are NO, and B2a, B2b, B2c, B2d and B2e are NO

31 Section F : Initial Vocational Training (IVT)
Section F must ALWAYS be filled in Initial Vocational Training (IVT) – Apprenticeship Apprenticeship must be part of a formal education programme (MQF level 2 to 5). The completion of the apprenticeship is required to complete the educational programme. Apprentices receive some kind of remuneration.

32 Section F : Initial Vocational Training (IVT)
F2 : Fill in ONLY if F1 = YES

33 Contact Information Education and Information Society Statistics Unit Telephone: /620 Contact Persons Matthew Zerafa Luigi Porto Susan Farrugia


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