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Snowflake Bentley By: Mrs. Breeding.

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Presentation on theme: "Snowflake Bentley By: Mrs. Breeding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snowflake Bentley By: Mrs. Breeding

2 Genre Biography -A story about the life of a real person written by someone else.

3 Skill Summarize -To summarize a biography, you should identify the main ideas and restate them in your own words.

4 Strategy Evaluate -When evaluating a text, a reader makes judgments about the author’s purpose and the type of information provided about the subject.

5 Preview and Predict Always read the title, preview the illustrations, and note questions and predictions about the story.

6 blizzard (noun) a heavy snowstorm

7 magnify (verb) to make something bigger

8 evaporate (verb) to change from a liquid or a solid into a gas

9 inspire (verb) to stir the mind or feelings

10 negatives (noun) images on film from which prints can be made

11 microscope (noun) a device to look at things that are too small to see with your eyes

12 foolishness (adj) showing a lack of good sense or judgment

13 technique (verb) a way of bringing about a desired result

14 Selection Words masterpieces: objects created with great skill
intricate: having many complex parts molecules: particles of matter made up of atoms pneumonia: a disease of the lungs that can cause fever, chills, cough, and difficulty breathing grandeur: the state of quality of being magnificent or great

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