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Thriving in uncertainty: Promoting wellbeing in our bodymind

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Presentation on theme: "Thriving in uncertainty: Promoting wellbeing in our bodymind"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thriving in uncertainty: Promoting wellbeing in our bodymind
Professor Helen Payne University of Hertfordshire

2 2 Young graduate

3 3 Persistent bodily symptoms: 26-35% Primary care; 50% Hospital and 1 in 5 GP visits

4 4 Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS)

5 5 Stress 1

6 6 Stress 2

7 7 Stress 3 50% of mental health concerns established by 14 years, 75% by 24 years. Poor Mental Health peaks yrs 92% of students identify as experienced mental distress (Unite Students, 2016) 12% -20% report a mental health problem (NUS, 2013) More severe mental health concerns amongst university students than non-university peers (Auerbach et al., 2016)

8 8 Uncertainty

9 9 Thriving

10 10 The BodyMind Approach (TBMA)

11 11 Stress responses: Fight, Flight

12 12 Faint, Fold, Freeze

13 13 Happy Hormones

14 14, 15 Wellbeing in balance

15 16, 17, 18 The key to balance

16 19 Breathe

17 20 The Resilience to Thrive

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