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Wednesday Warm-Up Analyze this quote from Adolf Hitler and answer the following questions in your warm up section: What does Hitler’s quote mean? Do.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday Warm-Up Analyze this quote from Adolf Hitler and answer the following questions in your warm up section: What does Hitler’s quote mean? Do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday Warm-Up Analyze this quote from Adolf Hitler and answer the following questions in your warm up section: What does Hitler’s quote mean? Do you agree or disagree with his statement? How can we combat men who think this way?

2 Rise of Nazism Rise of Nazism in Germany
Modeled after Fascism in Italy Based on nationalism, militarism and racism Gained popularity for two reasons The Treaty of Versailles Economic Depression

3 Rise of Hitler The Nazi Party
Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party Told the Germans they were a superior race Mein Kampf(My Struggle) Book written by Hitler while in jail for failed revolt Outlined Hitler’s racist ideas and plans for world domination

4 Timeline February 28, 1933 March 11, 1933 March 22, 1933
April 26, 1933 May 6, 1933 August 2, 1934 August 19, 1934 Copy the following dates on the left side of page #78 1919 July 1932 November 1932 January 1933 February 1, 1933 February 27, 1933

5 1919 Constitution is adopted turning Germany into a Democracy.
Citizens were given rights, such as freedom of speech and religion Article 48 of the constitution allows the president to assume all power in times of crisis

6 July 1932 German party wins 37% of the votes; Nazi party is the largest and most powerful political party in Germany.

7 November 1932 The Nazi Party wins 33% of the votes; hold the majority in government

8 January 1933 German President Hindenburg appoints Hitler to the position of Chancellor(Head of the government)

9 February 1, 1933 Hitler addresses the nation by radio; promises to restore Germany back to its former glory

10 February 27,1933 The government building is set on fire; Hitler blames the Nazis’ rival political party, the Communists

11 February 28, 1933 Hitler convinced Hindenburg to put Article 48 into effect Hitler issues two laws 1. government is allowed to search and take personal property 2. allows for the arrest of Nazis political enemies, especially Communists

12 March 11, 1933 Hitler creates the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda Purpose was to spread Hitler’s ideas among the German public Portrays Hitler as a savior and targets the youth

13 Hitler as Savior

14 Hitler Youth Propaganda
“He alone who owns the youth, gains the future.”

15 March 22, 1933 Hitler opens his first concentration camps in Germany
These are jails meant for any political enemies, especially members of the Communist Party

16 March 23, 1933 Hitler announces the Enabling Acts
Gives Hitler dictatorial powers for four years Hitler can punish anyone who he feels is an enemy of the state Hitler can pass laws that go against the constitution

17 April 26, 1933 Hitler organizes a secret police called the Gestapo
Can arrest and imprison people without trial

18 May 6, 1933 Nazis begin holding public book burnings
Burned books offensive to Germany

19 August 2, 1934 President Hindenburg dies
Hitler proposes combining the role of president and chancellor New position called Fuhrer

20 August 19, 1934 With a strong presence of Hitler’s elite Storm Troopers(SS), 90% of voters approve Hitler’s law making himself Fuhrer This marks the beginning of what Hitler called the Third Reich

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