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Sigmund Freud Student Edition

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1 Sigmund Freud Student Edition
A presentation by Jeremiah Bush, Amanda Crum and Micah McMillan Edited by: Dr. Kay Picart and Brett Ader

2 Overview Biography Notable Works PSY2012 Key Terms
Class text and criticism Freud and Pop Culture References

3 Sigmund Freud -born in the Austro- Hungarian Empire in 1856
( ) -born in the Austro- Hungarian Empire in 1856 -Entered University of Vienna Medical School in 1873 -married Martha Bernays in 1886. -In 1937 the Nazis annexed Austria, and Freud, who was Jewish, was allowed to leave for England

4 Notable Publications -The Complete Psychological Works
of Sigmund Freud (24 volumes) -Psychoanalysis in Culture -Creative Writers and Daydreaming

5 PSY2012 General Psychology
childhood experiences help shape adult personality (psycho- sexual stages…) unconscious influences on behavior defense mechanisms used to control anxiety or stress causes and purposes of human behavior are not always obvious dreams, parapraxes, and humor reveal insight into subconscious

6 Key Terms neurosis - ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ id - ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ego - _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ superego - __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ psychosexual stages - _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oedipus/Electra complex - _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 Creative Writers and Daydreaming
-A child at play behaves like a creative writer. -Creates a world of fantasy -Never give up any pleasure, simply exchange for another. -Fantasy- motives for fantasies- to satisfy a wish-either ambitious or sexual.

8 Two Questions: Does a happy person ever fantasize?
What is the motivating force of fantasizing?

9 Discussion Freud says there are two basic drives-- sex and aggression,
which are the motives for all action: What do you think?

10 Reflection Question -At what age does a person entertain onanism?
-For those with phobias or strong fear of certain animals, does it seem likely that this fear can be attributed to fear of a parent?

11 Criticism -What problems do you see with Freud’s analysis of culture (from Psychoanalysis…) -Do you think Freud is too dismissive in his treatment of literature?

12 Freud and Pop Culture - Phallic imagery from Austin Powers
-parapraxims: Freudian Slip

13 Summary Biography Notable Works PSY2012 Key Terms
Class text and criticism Freud and Pop Culture References

14 References Freud’s works: -Creative Writers and Daydreaming
-Psychoanalysis in Culture Other Resources: Abnormal Psychology, 9th Ed., Gerald Davison, John M. Neale, Ann M. Kring. Hoboken, NJ, Von Hoffman Corporation, 2003. Copyright © by Doctor Leon. © 1998 WGBH

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