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5.2 Why must we preserve the coast?

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Presentation on theme: "5.2 Why must we preserve the coast?"— Presentation transcript:

1 5.2 Why must we preserve the coast?

2 But first…a reminder of what we discussed last class

3 Coasts are a dynamic natural system.
The forces of nature are constantly at work, either creating new land or wearing it away. Nine out of 10 Australians live within 50 kilometres of the coast. As well as being a favoured place to live, the coast is the most popular destination for tourists and visitors.

4 All forms of human activities can have impacts on coastal landforms and the ecosystems of plant and animal life. Australia’s coasts need to be managed to achieve goals of sustainable living for all who share this common environment. In addition, there is a need to balance the diverse viewpoints of human-induced development with conservation principles. ecosystems - systems formed by the interactions between the living organisms (plants, animals, humans) and the physical elements of an environment hinterland - the land behind a coast or shoreline extending a few kilometres inland

5 What is the coastal zone?
The coastal zone may be defined as the zone where the land meets the sea (see figure 1). Generally speaking, it includes an area called coastal waters. This area includes the zone between high and low tide and an area of land called the hinterland .

6 The Australian coast, which is approximately   kilometres in length, consists of many different environments including: plains, rivers and lakes, rainforests, wetlands, mangrove areas, estuaries, beaches, coral reefs, seagrass beds, and all forms of sea life found on the adjoining continental shelf.

7 What types of human activities affect coasts?
construction of ports, boat marinas and sea walls; changes in land use (for example, from a natural environment to agricultural or urban environments); and

8 the disposal of waste from coastal and other settlements…

9 The 2015 World Ocean Review…
indicates that for oceans and coasts to be sustainably managed into the future new environmental policies must be implemented. The issues identified in the review that need to be addressed include (go to and give 2 examples of each): Marine pollution Growing demand for resources Overfishing Habitat destruction Bioinvasion Climate change

10 The greatest threat to coasts today is rising sea levels.
It is recognised that global warming is a result of enhanced greenhouse gas emissions, which is human-induced. This is leading to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers. m/watch?v=qBBOue_Ad cU enhanced greenhouse gas emissions - describes the observable trend of rising world temperatures over the past century, particularly during the last couple of decades, due to the burning of fossil fuels

11 Changes to coastal environments that will result due to global warming include:
• increases in intensity and frequency of storm surges and coastal flooding • increased salinity of rivers and groundwaters resulting from salt intrusion • increased coastal erosion • inundation of low-lying coastal communities and critical infrastructure • loss of important mangroves and other wetlands • impacts on marine ecosystems such as coral reefs.

12 In the past, decision-makers had limited knowledge about the fragile nature of many coastal ecosystems, Their aim was to develop coastal areas for short-term economic gains. This was based on the belief that nature’s resources were limitless. Building high-rise apartments and tourist resorts on sand dunes seemed a good idea — until they fell into the sea when storms eroded the shoreline. Over time, people have realised that coastal management requires an understanding of the  processes that affect coastal environments.

13 To manage the coast sustainably we need to understand:
• the coastal environment and the effect of physical processes • the effect of human activities within the coastal zone • the different perspectives of coastal users • how to achieve a balance between conservation and development • how decisions are made about the ways in which coasts will be used • how to evaluate the success of individuals, groups and the levels of governments in managing coastal issues.

14 Complete text questions
Complete qns 1-6 from PDF text in full sentences in your binder book. Source : Jacplus Y10 Geography text.

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