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Albedo… And humans impact on it

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1 Albedo… And humans impact on it







8 I am about to show you a then and now picture taken in Orem Utah
I am about to show you a then and now picture taken in Orem Utah. The first picture is from approximately 100 years ago and the next picture was taken July 8, Complete each of the following: (write these instructions down) Analyze the 2 pictures. Make a note of major changes to albedo. Use Google Earth to look at the surrounding area from above. Make a note of major changes to albedo. The address these photos were taken from is approximately 1450 N 200 E in Orem Utah. (Write this down) Draw me a surface map of the area that shows how humans have changed the albedo of the land. Based on your information from the steps above, make a final determination of the change in overall albedo and its effect on local climate. Propose a solution that would restore the original albedo of the land while still allowing people to maintain the same lifestyle.

9 Timpanogas High School


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