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Karin Edigkaufer & Dagmar Hetzke

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Presentation on theme: "Karin Edigkaufer & Dagmar Hetzke"— Presentation transcript:

1 Karin Edigkaufer & Dagmar Hetzke
Development of an Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Assessment Tool for SfS Teachers

2 Contents Introduction A Look at the O&M Assessment Tool Aims
Next Steps

3 Introduction What is Orientation and Mobility (O&M)?
O&M is part of the social skills curriculum for visually impaired students.

4 Introduction Orientation is the ability to determine ones position in space. Mobility refers to the ability of a visually impaired person to move safely, independently and efficiantly through his or her environment.

5 The SfS O&M Assessment Tool
Is designed to be used by every SfS educator Covers all age groups (0-3, 4-7, 8-10, 11-14, 15+)‏ Can be used for children with all kinds of disability (multiply handicapped, crippled, hard of hearing, blind and partially sighted)‏ Gives an immediate overview of the strenghts and weaknesses regarding all aspects of O&M

6 The SfS O&M Assessment Tool

7 Aims of the O&M Assessment Tool
Encourage regular O&M Evaluation of all SfS students Enhance quality of student IEPs regarding O&M Faciltate communication about O&M needs between SfS educator and parents Promote communication about O&M needs between SfS educator and SfS O&M specialists Introduce O&M standards for the SfS

8 Next Steps Complete the O&M assessment tool for all age groups
Present the tool in teachers conference Have SfS educators try out the tool Evaluate the O&M assessment tool

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