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Are countries all at the same levels of economic development?

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2 Are countries all at the same levels of economic development?
LG: Are countries all at the same levels of economic development? What stages are different countries at ? You need to bring a cake!!!!

3 How do we measure development?
Using your Atlas list by yourself or with a partner each doing such : List 10 Developed countries(MEDC) 10 Developing countries (LEDC) 5 Emerging (becoming developed) Developed Developing Emerging

4 Developed (MEDC) or Developing (LEDC) ?

5 How do we measure development?
Discuss with your partner your reasons for each country selection. Do they agree with most . Developed Developing Emerging

6 What is development? Development is any improvement in the standard of living of the people living in a country. How do we measure development? By using development indicators. Economic indicators measure the wealth and industrialisation of a country. An example of a common economic indicator is GNP/capita ($). Social indicators show how a country uses its wealth to try and improve the quality of life of its people. Social indicators can measure different things like health (doctors /100,000), diet (calories/person/day) and education (% adult literacy).

7 How is wealth distributed? What patterns are shown in the map?
Where are the richest countries? Where are the poorest countries? GDP – Gross Domestic Product = The amount of wealth a country earns per person in US$

8 Measures Of Development
Primary Employment; Birth Rate; Infant Mortality; Life Expectancy; GDP; Death Rate; Energy Per Person; Food Intake; GDP Per Capita; Literacy Rate; People Per Doctor Economic Social ______________________ The total of all money produced per year by a country’s workers Measures Of Development ______________________ The amount of energy which each person in the country uses per year ______________________ The average number of years a person can expect to live ______________________ The wealth shared out equally among all the people of a country ______________________Number of patients divided by number of doctors ______________________ The percentage of people in the country employed in primary occupations ______________________ The number of births per year per 1000 people ______________________ Number of adults who can read and write in every 100 people ______________________ The number of children per year out of every 1000 born alive that die before they reach the age of one ______________________ The number of deaths per year per 1000 people ______________________ Number of kilocalories (kcals) each person in the country takes each day

9 Pupil PDF

10 Developed Countries - Economic Developed Countries - Social
Developing Countries - Economic Developing Countries - Social Low infant mortality A lot of trade High infant mortality Little trade Rich countries Japan, USA & UK Africa, S America & SE Asia Low GDP per capita Low birth and death rates Poor Countries The north High GDP per capita Rapid population growth Low literacy rate High birth and death rates Brazil, Kenya & Egypt The south Slow population growth High literacy rate Good education and Health care Poor education and health care Europe, N America & Australasia

11 Pupil PDF

12 Compete the following sentences
A developing country has the following social indicators; ?, A developing country has the following economic indicators; ?.

13 Compete the following sentences
A developing country has the following social indicators; high birth rate, high death rate, poor education, poor health care, high infant mortality, rapid population growth. A developing country has the following economic indicators; low GDP per capita, little trade, many primary workers.

14 ‘best at showing how high or low the standard of living
Task 1 - Draw a diamond 9 diagram to illustrate which indicators you think are; ‘best at showing how high or low the standard of living is in a particular country’. Add diagram Task 2 - Write a paragraph that explains why your top 3 indicators are the best at showing how high or low the standard of living is in a particular country.

15 How can we measure development?
To help understand the ways of measuring development, we are going to play a game of top trumps. Firstly aim to keep wining cards by higher answers Can you order these developing to developed? A) GDP B) Social Indicators C) Best combination Developing Developed Get them into groups of 3-5. Depending on time this can take as long as you need, normally let them play for about 20 minutes. You can revisit this at the end if lesson finishes early (students can get lost in the game and miss the ‘Geography’. Get them thinking about the location of the country and if they think it would be a MEDC or LEDC and then which option would be best to play because of this.

16 How can we measure development?
GDP Social Quality of life (Combination) Top 3 3 Middle 3 Lower Get them into groups of 3-5. Depending on time this can take as long as you need, normally let them play for about 20 minutes. You can revisit this at the end if lesson finishes early (students can get lost in the game and miss the ‘Geography’. Get them thinking about the location of the country and if they think it would be a MEDC or LEDC and then which option would be best to play because of this.

17 Questions: In your groups, list the cards in order from most developed to least developed (Be prepared to explain your answers) Stretch and challenge: Can you rank them within continents Find and write out the definitions: GNI, GDP, Human development index. Using the top trumps, what do you think the best indicator for measuring development is? Why is this? Can you think of another developmental indicator? Why does this show the level of development? Does population show a countries level of development? Explain your answer? In your opinion, what do you think the most developed country is from the top trump game? Why do you think this? Discuss question 1 (stretch out questioning as you see fit). Try and get them to think of different groupings that would work together such as the human development index.

18 Number of adults who can read and write in every 10 people
Year 9 Development Homework Make the connections/ Research the HDI Index for data 1. Link the following terms to their definitions – these will be good indicators to focus on: Number of adults who can read and write in every 10 people GNP per capita The number of deaths per year per 1000 people Birth Rate Total money produced per year by a country divided equally among the population Death Rate The number of births per year per 1000 Infant Mortality The number of children per year out of every 1000 born alive that die before they reach the age of one Adult Literacy Complete the table below. Does the data support any patterns? Country GNP/Capita Natural Increase Life expectancy Years in Education Adult Literacy


20 Measures Of Development
Primary Employment; Birth Rate; Infant Mortality; Life Expectancy; GDP; Death Rate; Energy Per Person; Food Intake; GDP Per Capita; Literacy Rate; People Per Doctor Economic Social ______________________ The total of all money produced per year by a country’s workers Measures Of Development ______________________ The amount of energy which each person in the country uses per year ______________________ The average number of years a person can expect to live ______________________ The wealth shared out equally among all the people of a country ______________________Number of patients divided by number of doctors ______________________ The percentage of people in the country employed in primary occupations ______________________ The number of births per year per 1000 people ______________________ Number of adults who can read and write in every 100 people ______________________ The number of children per year out of every 1000 born alive that die before they reach the age of one ______________________ The number of deaths per year per 1000 people ______________________ Number of kilocalories (kcals) each person in the country takes each day

21 Measures Of Development
Primary Employment; Birth Rate; Infant Mortality; Life Expectancy; GDP; Death Rate; Energy Per Person; Food Intake; GDP Per Capita; Literacy Rate; People Per Doctor Economic Social ______________________ The total of all money produced per year by a country’s workers Measures Of Development ______________________ The amount of energy which each person in the country uses per year ______________________ The average number of years a person can expect to live ______________________ The wealth shared out equally among all the people of a country ______________________Number of patients divided by number of doctors ______________________ The percentage of people in the country employed in primary occupations ______________________ The number of births per year per 1000 people ______________________ Number of adults who can read and write in every 100 people ______________________ The number of children per year out of every 1000 born alive that die before they reach the age of one ______________________ The number of deaths per year per 1000 people ______________________ Number of kilocalories (kcals) each person in the country takes each day

22 Developed Countries - Economic Developed Countries - Social
Developing Countries - Economic Developing Countries - Social Low infant mortality A lot of trade High infant mortality Little trade Rich countries Japan, USA & UK Africa, S America & SE Asia Low GDP per capita Low birth and death rates Poor Countries The north High GDP per capita Rapid population growth Low literacy rate High birth and death rates Brazil, Kenya & Egypt The south Slow population growth High literacy rate Good education and Health care Poor education and health care Europe, N America & Australasia

23 Developed Countries - Economic Developed Countries - Social
Developing Countries - Economic Developing Countries - Social Low infant mortality A lot of trade High infant mortality Little trade Rich countries Japan, USA & UK Africa, S America & SE Asia Low GDP per capita Low birth and death rates Poor Countries The north High GDP per capita Rapid population growth Low literacy rate High birth and death rates Brazil, Kenya & Egypt The south Slow population growth High literacy rate Good education and Health care Poor education and health care Europe, N America & Australasia

24 Number of adults who can read and write in every 10 people
Year 9 Development Homework Make the connections/ Research the HDI Index for data 1. Link the following terms to their definitions – these will be good indicators to focus on: Number of adults who can read and write in every 10 people GNP per capita The number of deaths per year per 1000 people Birth Rate Total money produced per year by a country divided equally among the population Death Rate The number of births per year per 1000 Infant Mortality The number of children per year out of every 1000 born alive that die before they reach the age of one Adult Literacy Complete the table below. Does the data support any patterns? Country GNP/Capita Natural Increase Life expectancy Years in Education Adult Literacy

25 Number of adults who can read and write in every 10 people
Year 9 Development Homework Make the connections/ Research the HDI Index for data 1. Link the following terms to their definitions – these will be good indicators to focus on: Number of adults who can read and write in every 10 people GNP per capita The number of deaths per year per 1000 people Birth Rate Total money produced per year by a country divided equally among the population Death Rate The number of births per year per 1000 Infant Mortality The number of children per year out of every 1000 born alive that die before they reach the age of one Adult Literacy Complete the table below. Does the data support any patterns? Country GNP/Capita Natural Increase Life expectancy Years in Education Adult Literacy

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