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Financing Natura Cost estimate and benefits of Natura 2000

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1 Financing Natura 2000 - Cost estimate and benefits of Natura 2000
C. Kocman (EC) M. Kettunen (on behalf of the consortium) Coordination Group for Biodiversity & Nature 27 June 08 Borschette Centre, Brussels

2 Objective & tasks of the project
Support the Commission to ensure adequate financing for Natura 2000 network Increase awareness of the socio-economic benefits associated with N2K Parts / tasks 1. Updating and refining the costs estimate of the N2K financial needs 2. Providing good practise examples of using the “integrated Community co-financing model” for N2K sites Developing methodology to investigate socio-economic benefits of N2K Duration: Jan 08 – Jun 09 By: IEEP, WWF & RSPB

3 Part 1: N2000 cost estimate Lead: RSPB Objective
Update and refine the costs estimate of the N2K financial needs Tasks Design a questionnaire (with guidance) to collect MS data e.g. one off & reoccurring costs planning, investment, management, monitoring … Support to MS to complete the questionnaire Note: analysis & summary of the submitted data will be done by the Commission

4 Part 2: N2000 good practice examples
Lead: WWF Objective: Provide documented examples of N2K sites where EU co-financing has been used in a successful and innovative manner Tasks Identify N2K financing “good practise” examples in the EU 10 of identified examples will be selected for further documentation & analysis (e.g. lessons learned) if possible, a balanced representation of different MS Good practise: successful management through the use of several major EU funds not only LIFE+

5 Part 3: Socio-economic benefits of N2000
Lead: IEEP, case studies RSPB & WWF Objective Develop a standard approach / methodology (with guidance) to systematically identify & evaluate different socio-economic benefits provided by N2K site Target audience: ! practitioners ! Tasks literature review development of a methodological toolkit application of the toolkit to five case studies refining the toolkit based on lessons learned

6 Part 3: Socio-economic benefits of N2000
Underlying ideas & building blocks Benefits to be looked at: benefits arising from N2K ecosystem services (ES) benefits arising from the “existence” of the site (e.g. secondary /induced effects of visitor and employee spending that cannot be directly linked with ES) Providing “benefit by benefit” / “ES by ES” guidance on how to identify / quantify / monetise socio-economic benefits All possible ES / benefits provided by N2K sites to be considered (i.e. not only tourism!) Qualitative, quantitative & monetary aspects & evaluation methods included Guidance to combine / aggregate different benefits (e.g. monetary values) to come up with overall estimates for site’s benefits will be provided

7 Cooperation with Member States
Cooperation with MS seen as an important element of the project ! MS working group has been established to support the developments (Tasks 1 & 2 in particular) First meeting 18 July 08 (suggested) Main task: to discuss & agree on the Task 1 questionnaire

8 Where are we now & what next?
Task 1 – cost estimate Draft questionnaire has been developed & sent to MS working group for comments Aim: Q to be sent out by end of July 08 to all MS Aim: responses from MS during autumn Task 2 – good practise Request of info sent to MS working group & also several to WWF partners Collecting “long list” of potential examples close to finalisation Decision of 10 examples end of July 08 (interim report) Task 3 – N2K benefits Literature review ongoing – finalised by end of July 08 (interim report) Aim: methodological toolkit ready Oct 08 Aim: testing toolkit at case study sites Oct / Nov 08 – Mar 09

9 Andreas Baumueller & Alberto Arroyo Schnell
Thank you! Consortium: Marianne Kettunen Paul Morling Andreas Baumueller & Alberto Arroyo Schnell (c) BBC news (c) Guardian (c) S. Simis (c) SMILEY N. POOL/DMN

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